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About LukasCCB

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  1. @zeroabsolut Yes, files reuped.!PNZEmKha!lIhVjulPvj8fmdqzMhN7NxPwDCrYYIRmYIiISUzwutQ
  2. This? don't work, just close more no open or start start.bat in put code start C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe (Don't work)
  3. start.bat (don't work in php only click from windows) start C:\GameCPRemote\installs\csgo_ds\srcds -game csgo -console -usercon +game_type 0 -tickrate 128 +game_mode 1 +map de_dust2 +exec server.cfg -maxplayers_override 11 +sv_setsteamaccount 5BDC7298A70EDDD78835371D4F6C0BC8
  4. @dirker the closing process, everything is correct, what I want is to run. exec('start.bat');
  5. there is a program that runs other programs in the background, it has the function of being managed in php. but my knowledge of it is 0%. Name is: FireDaemon Pro Service Manager
  6. My function from close programs in .bat file (PHP Test from VPS apache WampServer) Close.bat @echo off taskkill /f /im "srcds.exe" taskkill /f /im "cmd.exe" ping -n 5 localhost>nul pause>nul command.php <?php // Fechar servidor if(isset($_POST['close'])) { exec('close.bat'); echo "<br>Server Closed! <br>"; } else { ?> (Please, Wait 5 sec!) <form action="" method="post"> <input type="submit" name="close" value="Close Server Now"> </form> <?php } ?> this makes something close more want something to open. my problem is. I have searched in many forums and no responses. Sorry my bad english.
  7. hi, I'm need system execute from html or PHP. execute files (start.bat) or (server.exe) from windows wampserver. I did one that just runs the file (close.bat) and runs a taskill more want one that makes the start.