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About BoobaFat

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  1. Big ups, mate
  2. Thanx for this one, mate. Works from time to time, but works
  3. Please crack it, CD
  4. that's sad BTW :*(
  5. 7.7.2 betas didnt work for me, always stops with different errors testing mining with older 7.6.4 now, works! Thnx for this release update : doesn't work any news on updates?
  6. update : Everything works fine, thanks a lot!
  7. It somehow skips loading buddystore products and just loads default honorbuddy set. The other computer is muuuch slower.
  8. I've deactivated bout 70% already. But even with that much profiles it worked before, and working perfectly on another computer.
  9. Program: HB Version: IE: v2.5.13471.782 Issue: Starting HB with CDPatcher VIP, it just ignores all my profiles and plugins on CD store and starts using singular, the profile list on buddystore is empty. CD HB on the other computer works fine. Already tried this no result for me. Log: Combat Routine: - Botbase: - Plugins ENABLED: This can also cause issues. Location: Russia Screen Shot: Nothing pops up
  10. it works, thnx
  11. you go
  12. Not working on windows 8.0 64 bit While buttons in my CDpatcher flashes a bit when active, on the note nothing happens. Everything installed and hb hangs on "Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes."
  13. Not working on notebook with win 8.0 64 bit also. While buttons in my CDpatcher flashes a bit when active, on the note nothing happens. Everything installed and hb hangs on Please wait a few seconds while Honorbuddy initializes.
  14. Development Progress Status Update: Hunter BETA for WoD Core Logic: Completed Beast Mastery: Completed Marksmanship: Completed Survival: Completed Download: (Support Warlords of Draenor) Druid BETA for WoD Core Logic: Completed Restoration: Completed (and it AMAZING, I just triple heal the Gladiator Priest on Horde side) Feral: Partly Completed Guardian: Not Completed Balance: Not Completed Download: (Support Warlords of Draenor) (Only Restoration) Paladin BETA for WoD Core Logic: Completed Holy: Working on, please check back soon Protection: Not Completed Retribution: Not Completed Next Priority: Any Class with Heal spec - It's faster to remake Healing Rotation as it doesn't changed much, I'll leave the DPS spec later as they are so complicated and there still a lot of bug on Honorbuddy Developper Build so it's pointless to try to code for now. TLDR: Next Holy Paladin - Resto Shaman - MistWeaver Monk. There's no ETA on other class but i hope all will be completed BEFORE Oct 27 as scheduled.
  15. It doesn't even appear in Plugins when the bot is runnin