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About drdre

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    Advanced Member

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178 profile views
  1. Hey, any thoughts on new mashes pack? Working? Better?
  2. Oh my poor sorry ass have to win this HB <3
  3. It's cracked already, testing phase now. Just wait for it.
  4. I have problem with Confused by attribute Since I can't post it here for some reason (error 500) here is pastebin Any idea how to get rid of it and not to ruin whole app? Also what would be best way to get around server side authentication? I have tried sniffing packets but it uses https on auth web page so packets are not readable. It is sending not so complicated POST request to server, getting session cookie and checking for user (membership key), licence, patch.. Please help
  5. QA here, let me know if I can help.
  6. Thanks for lifting it finally.. :* (no homo)
  7. What about my ban? Its not yet lifted and its over 3 months now. Best is, nobody knows why I got it at first place.
  8. Calling all who knows anything about building CC to help with guides/work/RE to help me re/build advanced PVP routines for most classes. I am interested in creating/patching routines like Tuanha to work with 4.3.4 If you do have original routines that we could work on please upload them and post it here. Regards, DrDre
  9. Can anyone put direct link instead of SVN? I can't download it for some reason.
  10. Here it is [Fly][N - Quest] Uldum 83-85 DrDre Molten Beta http://s000.tinyupload.com/index.php?file_id=76163927933345271221 This is Kick's profile revised by me. It may have some bugs, needs testing. I did test with my character and done all quests I think. Let me know.. ps. If U find some bug, please post log file so I may try to fix.
  11. I am working on Uldum profile, will upload when complete.
  12. Had same issue, do switch wow to dx9 and you are good to go.
  13. Make new fresh clean up to date installation of HB and try again. Hope this gonna help you.