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About ajc

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  1. only one is TuanHA Shaman which don't work in arena in guest mode
  2. the main thing is understanding what the cr is doing for you ! because your playing a warr you an option to prep burst what this means is simple it will get you max rage so all you have to do is press ur burst hotkey the dmg should befine with the gladiator suite one. if your arms play with (mastery, crit, vers, haste, multistrike) that kinda ur stat order for you char also bullrush interrup and mortal strike glyphs you can swap the interrup for shatter glyph ve mages and paladins play wls comp or turbo for 3s wls will get you glad if your team is any good
  3. had this happen to me a few times uninstalled and deleted all everthing to do with it fixed my problem, it would sometimes hang on loading and would not kick in or it would disconnect it's self randomly
  4. is there any good resto shaman routines out there for pvp?
  5. got this today myself, guess i need to lay low for a bit
  6. Anyone know what's the best way to set this up So far I've got most of setup really well bar the crowd control options which are all ticked not sure that's a good thing atm?I've been running this in combat mode in honorbuddy is this the best one to use ?Or is enyo better for this is there anything I would need to adjust to optimise this? If enyo was better.
  7. as the title says new hb is there a CDpatcher update ?
  8. reinstall delete all hb and run ccleaner register clearner should fix it download the exe file from hb web site and all should be well