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About finalreview

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  1. i dont understand the why you posted that link, it says in his error 0.1.3485.1087 which is listed in the link you posted as being approved? also where are you guys downloading these older versions of exilebuddy? ive searched the forum and google cant find them.
  2. I don't know of anyone from the vanilla botter community who 1-60 afk without a ban. They have a very long ban thread of players getting banned 15min after turning on the bot to weeks in at lvl 59. It honestly isn't worth the trouble.
  3. vanillabotter is not wroth it for leveling. the amount of time involved in grinding 1-60 first is a problem, second is active admin / community report system. Pretty much have to find out of the way (of quests) secluded area to have any chance of not being banned. Only reason I could see to use this bot would be for farming end game stuff, but even then most areas you would want to farm at would be to populated and would result in a ban.
  4. i know that the offical version of exilebuddy is down right now because of the recent expansion release for PoE. My cdpatcher isnt working for me because i just found out it doesnt work on steam. before i reinstall the game without steam just wanted to check if exilebuddy is even working with the cdpatcher?