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About Sick

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  • Birthday March 2

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  1. the ID is in the link 13321
  2. it is in dungeon
  3. did you set it up correctly?
  4. Not sure if work with 4.3.4, but that is it
  5. Oh ok -48
  6. Also what happened to the incorrect # lockout? didnt it used to be 1 hour? Or was that scrapped?
  7. I just made a mess in my bathroom i pissed everywhere -2
  8. +49 Trollolololol, made you look!
  9. -1 I havent learnt my lesson yet
  10. He changed his attitude, kinda. At first he was a very douchey character (imo) once he got your money it basically stopped there, as he was one of the first 'premium' cr authors, he could do this, and people kept feeding him and his family From what i hear of millz and mirabis, they go to great lengths to get their product working as well as it can for you
  11. Isnt the author's name just Tuan, the HA = horde/alliance?
  12. problem comes from rrixx/other writers trying to make profiles too perfect/efficient, will never happen till every single map/level ect is discovered and mapped out to be just that, perfect, and considering the same map, lets use the cursed hold for an example (the prison area from act 1) has atleast 5 variations of the map it is a huge undertaking, and near impossible to implement, so they go the easy route and just use exploreall tags, which generally dont explore all
  13. this part confuses me? Is it referral system, or do they just give away their product for random to cash in on? Seems very odd