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About absurdlol

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  • Birthday 05/30/81

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  1. there was a patch,.. so stop QQ and wait until suspense fixed it.
  2. good idea :-) and now gieve xD
  3. and now the auth is down ?
  4. Do a clean install, delete ur setting Folder and run HB as Admin, maybe it helps
  5. omg, read the posts above you,.. dont spam: "mimimi, hb doesen`t work" bla bla..
  6. hmm, used bgbuddy,.. after 2-3 battlegrounds, the bot dont que for a new battleground now,...
  7. read the posts 1-2 pages before,... actually is there an problem. but its normal because of the patch,.. so dont cry and gather in this time without hb..
  8. dont cry about the bot,.. wait few hours and it will be fixed,..