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About gotrandom

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  1. Thanks this worked great!
  2. BTW Higher quality does affect sound.
  3. I'd love to see this become available especially with the expansion releasing soon.
  4. +1 (I don't feel it's as good as HB yet, but, seems like it could replace it if it gets a strong enough following)
  5. I don't know if anyone can tell you with 100% certainty, but, personally I would lay low for a while and keep afk botting to a min.
  6. There is not an option to download something from the CDStore separately.
  7. bgfarmer with millz insanity no plugins no addons. Dx9 all video settings low, windowed. Isn't game breaking or anything for me though, its very subtle.
  8. I actually get the same thing, no idea what causes it