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About pukugg371

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  1. This won`t be cracked, but for now you can buy really cheap keys here - http://www.plati.com/itm/exilebuddy-key-for-the-bot-path-of-exile-1-session/2041680?ai=652397 i just use creditcard
  2. This won`t be cracked, but for now you can buy really cheap keys here - http://www.plati.com/itm/exilebuddy-key-for-the-bot-path-of-exile-1-session/2041680?ai=652397
  3. Won`t happen tho, better to buy that key you can get them as low as 8$
  4. Considering frequency at which EB is up on CD unlikely, maybe super casual botters would wait for it
  5. EB is somewhat abandoned, no point in asking for updates, they come whenever they do
  6. I use GGG client havn`t tried steam, but is should work as its same bot client for ever POE version
  7. For the time being i cracked exiled-bot, until i figure out how to emulate buddy auth server, so i`m trying to figure it out.
  8. That came out wrong, people who arn`t interested in keeping their cracks updated.
  9. Actually reading up on some ways how to crack, doing some crackme`s. Have cracked some easy stuff before
  10. Much rather would have some pointers on how to crack EB or emulate buddy auth and do it my self. But since i have no clue where to start, have to rely on lazy people with know how to.. It is what it is
  11. Is EB abandoned? Every other bot has been updated atleast 2x but EB hasnt. guess there are no plans on updating it any time soon
  12. Version 0.1.3826.1215 released, we can`t use latest version on auth page because it`s incompatible with POE game client, could we please get an update?
  13. There will be another EB update today
  14. POE

  15. POE

    You should report version 0.1.3816.1208 here https://www.codedeception.com/cdauth/versions