
[Release] ReBot - WoD (latest version)

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  On 12/20/2014 at 2:38 PM, nawasgeht said:

So, is there an easy way to bypass the 30 Minutes Trial Phase?

I already tried it with creating a macro that will click "Start" for every 31 Minutes.

But it seems that not only one Macro can click into their window.

Any Solutions?

tried it. took me 2 min to do this

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As Far as I know it's still broken, Finn will get to it eventually I'm sure, but as he has said he is busy, so give him some time, he's a professional so I doubt he would let his own work go unattended for long

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  On 12/22/2014 at 8:32 PM, evelboy said:

tried it. took me 2 min to do this

with which program? i tried so many. it doesn't recognize the cursor in the window. -.-

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  On 12/23/2014 at 4:28 PM, nawasgeht said:

with which program? i tried so many. it doesn't recognize the cursor in the window. -.-

should be working with any software that allows clicks/movement in minimised windows (ahk/autoit/vb/c#.....)

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  On 12/23/2014 at 4:35 PM, evelboy said:

should be working with any software that allows clicks/movement in minimised windows (ahk/autoit/vb/c#.....)


IF you could share a guide on exactly how to do this and which program you prefer, I'm sure many of us would be very greatful

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Fin please!!! Its awesome bot. need update.ty

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Hello friends,


sorry for not updating this for so long. The reason for this is that I do not see enough interest in this and that other projects have a higher priority.

I updated the bot once again - it is fully working, if it stops after 30 minutes, let me know and I will fix that aswell (it shouldn't happen, but I didn't run it for 30+ minutes).


If you want that I update this bot more frequently, then show me, that there is interest in this bot, otherwise this one will be handled with a lower priority. (Yes, I have automated tools that do most of the work for me - but they break on Obfuscator updates and [big] ReBot updates)


Download in first post.


Bot version: 1.0.5475.42468 latest @ 02.01.2015 

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  On 1/2/2015 at 6:07 AM, finndev said:

then show me, that there is interest in this bot


1st of all - this bot Running very smooth, its MUCH more optimized. for example im running 2 wow accs on VMware. 

so here 1st screen with 2 honorbuddy's: 

Please login or register to see this link.

take a look on CPU load and also on FPS..

and here 2nd screen with 2 rebots running: 

Please login or register to see this link.

take a look on same CPU and FPS..


running on i7 4770k


I can donate you man=) please make it work smooth=)


PS: atm testing your cracked version. 15 min running, will report back after 30

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[14:13:37] Bot stopped - Error: Bot is running in demo mode. The timelimit has been reached. If you like ReBot please consider buying it.

[14:13:38] Stopping "Quest"



PS: Also Relogger.exe not working. crit error.

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  On 1/2/2015 at 4:51 PM, Max8181 said:

Link don't work for me

you need to check his blog. and there is link to download bot. but its still only 30mins as non-cracked..

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I spoke with Pichu about it, what kind of "spy stuff" do you say is in there  :giggle:  ?


He told me that if he wanted to do something about the cracks, he could easily implement certain safety features (like with Tramper). 


But i'm just the middleman :)





He doesn't actually mind it, he's more dissapointed that people would actually lie about his code.

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