
[Release] AnthraxBot v5656.33459 - Updated June 30 2015

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Anthrax is free for the summer, and this crack is therefore defunct for the time being!


enjoy it while it lasts!

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Thank you for the release, I haven't tested it yet but if it's working then props to you.  I personally can't stand anthrax and it's probably the buggiest bot I've ever used.  Never the less though, nice release! 

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Doesnt Allow me to load any combat profiles. Has this been updated for the new build of anthrax?

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Doesnt Allow me to load any combat profiles. Has this been updated for the new build of anthrax?


I quickly went over it and updated it for the latest version. 



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Version : 5418.31195
Date : 2014-11-01 17:35


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Version : 5418.31949
Date : 2014-11-01 17:46
They are pushing new versions quiet often.
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Updated, thanks for the heads up.


Updates should be released quicker from now on - I'm keeping an eye on them as of now.

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hey guys its not working for me. i still need to give a username and password..

i dont know what i do wrong, would anyone be so kind to help me

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hey guys its not working for me. i still need to give a username and password..

i dont know what i do wrong, would anyone be so kind to help me

Have you tried to enter any information and login?

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hey guys its not working for me. i still need to give a username and password..

i dont know what i do wrong, would anyone be so kind to help me


You are running the right exe file, right? Don't run the original one.


Have you tried to enter any information and login?

 +1, some people seem to find that you need to enter something - although personally it works for me with empty boxes.


Good luck.

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Whens anthrax getting questing?


o.O Don't ask me! XD


Sooner rather than later I hope, but who knows.

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Its been out for almost a year (few months publicly) and doesnt even really do jack shit. Rebots been out the same time and can compete with HB.

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Its been out for almost a year (few months publicly) and doesnt even really do jack shit. Rebots been out the same time and can compete with HB.


Ain't that the truth, Rebot is actually exceedingly decent. Interface is not overly intuitive though.


I've only known of Anthrax since the public release but I had really high hopes for it - unfortunately so far it's not really developed any further.. and I think that's reflected in the size of it's userbase (~1250 people).

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My last release unless more people are interested in it.


Quick auto patcher (JD plugin):

{ AnthraxAuth typeof(Enum) 0x144 }0 ldc.i4.01 ret

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Version : 5451.1870
Date : 2014-12-04 01:10
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been wanting to give this a go myself.  I understand it not being updated if people arent putting it to use - but add me to the list if you should get around to updating >.>

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been wanting to give this a go myself.  I understand it not being updated if people arent putting it to use - but add me to the list if you should get around to updating >.>


I'll create a short video on how to do it tomorrow, so newbies can crack it aswell and learn from it.

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Here is the video and a short explanation.



  • JustDecompile or any other reflector
  • Reflexil addon
  • De4dot
  • Basic C#/ILDASM skills (if you want to understand it)



  1. Open the AnthraxWoW Bot, press login. You will now see something such as "Invalid username". Remember this string.
  2. Drag and drop AnthraxWoW .exe into de4dot.
  3. Open AnthraxWoW-Cleaned.exe with JustDecompile
  4. Click on search / CTRL + F. Click on 'Full text' on the left side. Now, we'll make use of the string we remember from step 1. Type it inside the search box.
  5. You'll now be at the function, that gets called when you click the Attach button, aka AttachButton. Inside this function, we are looking for a function that handles the auth. Use your brain to find it, all you need is basic C# skills to understand the code.
  6. As soon as you find the function that handles the authentication (or look at the video), we're going to open Reflexil from Sebastien.
  7. Remove ALL instructions in the bottom window - this will clear the function completely. After doing this, the function does exactly nothing. 
  8. We want that the authentication is always successful, again you need basic C# skills to understand the code. Since this function returns an Enum, we just have to find the correct enum value. If you're unsure, go back to the AttachButton and see on which value he attaches to the WoW process. In this case it is Enum_0 - the first value of the enum. Enum 1 - 5 is being used for other errors, such as IP banned etc.
  9. Since we want to return the first value of the enum, we're going to add new instructions. To return 0, we need the following two OpCodes:

    ldc.i4.*  - pushes a value on the evaluation stack
    ret        - returns the value from the callers evaluation stack (0 in this case)

    Use ldc.i4.0 to return the first value of the value, ldc.i4.1 to return the second value, and so on.
  10. Done



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Is this helping? :)

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