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New auth system has been enabled!

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Hello Dear CodeMplosion minions, and miniladies, or whatever, midgets who cares.


We have now enabled a full fledged auth system to all official releases, what does this mean? This means that in order to login to our releases, you must fulfill a few requirements, these are:


  1. Be logged in on CodeMplosion
  2. Request a password for auth on the auth site

    Please login or register to see this link.


After recieving the password, login to any of the releases uses a seperater, meaning in the 1 login box you write your username seperated by a : and then the password; example


And then you hit login. 


Why did we do this?


The main reason we did this, is because it had come to our attention that several websites were leeching our releases and selling them to people in china, europe and united states, through several sites. We felt this was not fair to us, or you guys who support us. We also did this so we had an affective way to keep VIP auth VIP exclusive, so no one could come and leech on it, and so far it has been very successful.


We hope you guys will welcome the new auth system, it was a little bumpy getting it going, but it should be much more smooth from here on out. 




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Maybe I'm just tired or a full-blown tard but do we have to request a new password for EVERY update of e.g DemonBuddy?

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Maybe I'm just tired or a full-blown tard but do we have to request a new password for EVERY update of e.g DemonBuddy?

No, your current password will work for every single release(HB/DB/Buddywing)

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Great Suspense!! :) Maybe make it so that they need have 10 post or so before they can use it. Or this sale sites will just make mass codemplosion accounts! 

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I suppose this means no more local releases?

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I suppose this means no more local releases?


Why would you want that?

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I suppose this means no more local releases?

Yeah, no reason for those anymore.

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Why would you want that?

I'm just asking the question that dozens will ask if the auth goes down. Now we have an answer. :)

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i pressed the link, got passw sent in my email, used it with my username and : but it says its wrong ...

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Account not found ?!? hmm :huh:

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Not sure if it might take some time to see that you are a user of the forum but i just tried too and got the same for you i would PM one of the Admin if they are on about it mate sorry i cant help you more

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Not sure if it might take some time to see that you are a user of the forum but i just tried too and got the same for you i would PM one of the Admin if they are on about it mate sorry i cant help you more

hmm ok i´ll wait ty my friend ;)^_^

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sry for my englich
Unfortunately for me the key is not how exactly do I do that?

mfg Blacky58

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For some reason im not getting the email. tried multiple times checked spam folder also and nothing! any help please?

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Already receive the email with password and when I whrite "Bagulho password"  say....Authentication failed

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you need : in between them

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When i try to get my auth password it says : Account not found

What should i do?


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When i try to get my auth password it says : Account not found

What should i do?

Its because of the weird "i" that you have in your name. Can i change it to a normal i? 

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Yes, it´s okey

Its because of the weird "i" that you have in your name. Can i change it to a normal i? 

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Yes, it´s okey

Go ahead and request a password now. Remember your forum login and HB login is now with a normal "i"

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mine says upgrade to vip but i can access all vip forums and everything problem on my end?

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Anyone having issues with HBRelog starting Honorbuddy after this was enabled? I'm able to get it to work when I open Honorbuddy manually. When I try to start things with HBRelog, I get invalid product key.


EDIT: Figured it out, I had the wrong Honorbuddy version selected. Herpderp.

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Im not being funny but where is the newest release of HB ive tried searching cant find shit :/

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Im not being funny but where is the newest release of HB ive tried searching cant find shit :/


Please login or register to see this link.

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I am not receiving the email with my password. I have tried this multiple times and made different usernames but im still not getting the email with my password for the new auth

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