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New auth system has been enabled!

44 posts in this topic

I am not receiving the email with my password. I have tried this multiple times and made different usernames but im still not getting the email with my password for the new auth

Please PM me, and ill respond with your password

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Really appreciate the more secure auth system to keep leechers away as best as possible.

Thanks Suspense!

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DB says: invalid product key! nick:pass doesnt work for me :/

nvm 'reinstall' helped

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I had downloaded the new hb, and requested an auth, this was successful and to my knowledge I could technically log in, but every time I get the message 'You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!

Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16685
You are currently on build #0'
I am running WoW in 32bit and in directx9.

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I had downloaded the new hb, and requested an auth, this was successful and to my knowledge I could technically log in, but every time I get the message 'You have not selected a valid instance of WoW to attach to!

Please restart Honorbuddy and choose a valid instance of WoW to use Honorbuddy with!
This version of Honorbuddy only supports WoW Build #16685
You are currently on build #0'
I am running WoW in 32bit and in directx9.

That has nothing to do with it. Look at the build on your wow client... lower left on loading screen... Now look at that error message. See a problem? That is because it's been down due to a ninja patch, this post is useless because everyone already knows that it's down. You can see that on the official HB forums. You don't need to post it. (It now says "5.2.0 (16738).

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Hi, i cant log in. Key requested. all went fine. but it says invalid Key. please help.

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Hi, i cant log in. Key requested. all went fine. but it says invalid Key. please help.

Hello Leecher, Follow the steps bellow( If it doesn't work, its Your problem not ours):

  1. Visit 

    Please login or register to see this link.

     for the authentication password
  2. Use Your Login info as shown on this picture

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i just have one bar to enter my datas. which one is that?

Well, just enter the data in the one bar that you have. Mr Deathburn took that picture from an older version of HonorBuddy.

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thats the way i always tried.


PM me when a screenshot of what you're typing in the Login Window. Do not hide anything else I wont be able to assist you.

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HI, i followed the link to request a key and the page gets stuck loading over and over. it's blinking and there's no key :( :( :( 

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PM me when a screenshot of what you're typing in the Login Window. Do not hide anything else I wont be able to assist you.

Thanks for the support. its all good now.

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If only people would actually read these posts and then everyone would know how to log in to HB rather than always asking in SB or making threads how to do it... 

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Hey guys, I cant access the honorbuddy download webpage, it just keeps saying "page not available" on a searcg page as if its been wiped clean. Anyone else having this problem?

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Hey shadowfange


Is this the one you're talking about? 


Please login or register to see this link.

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Lol i contributed to this, shoutserv asked me a script to copy all accounts from old db to new one :D
The page you enter your email, and it transfer and give you a key,
And if account is already in new db it just give you the key.
Now it have been updated from some body else, since shoutserv just asked be the basic of it
That was for the key generation

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Lol i contributed to this, shoutserv asked me a script to copy all accounts from old db to new one :D

The page you enter your email, and it transfer and give you a key,

And if account is already in new db it just give you the key.

Now it have been updated from some body else, since shoutserv just asked be the basic of it

That was for the key generation


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Haha yea looks like, me they asked something with no design, i think they only wanted to see how script was working for this, well they tryed to make one with pdo wich was very complex ( 50 lines ) and was not working while i done it very simple in 5-10 lines

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