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[July 22] Auth Server back up and the Public server

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On July 22, Blizzard pushed a change to WoW's version of their anti cheat system, Warden. This is the first change that concerns us in over 3 years. The risks associated with botting have risen and it will be at least 30 days before we can report on the changes.


If this increased risk makes you uncomfortable, now would be the time to stop botting. We are re-opening our auth servers right now.

The public auth server is still down but for all NON-VIP members, you are able to login HB / DB by using the VIP Server on the CD Patcher and then login in with your normal key from the Auth Page.



Happy botting and lets pray nothing shows up from the new warden changes!

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10 min online with HB no ban - tyrael with tuanha CR :D

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This warden update *should* only affect WoW, however we will not know until later what the result of these changes will do.

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i know, I will test HB with lazyraider and tyrael. we ll see :)

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i know, I will test HB with lazyraider and tyrael. we ll see :)

Oh, pardon me. I connected Tyrael with Diablo III. ^^,

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10 min online with HB no ban - tyrael with tuanha CR :D

they are not stupied to insta bann ppl , as i remeber from PQR banwave they store the data from the users over some months than hit the red button banwave

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Hm, so there is no official verdict as of yet? Interesting...looks like WoD might be CR free :o

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@nina what should they store? playing on an acc i have botted with tryral & cr for 7 months. let them store 5 months and WoD will be released^^

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Maybe can someone help me?


"The public auth server is still down but for all NON-VIP members, you are able to login HB / DB by using the VIP Server on the CD Patcher and then login in with your normal key from the Auth Page" he wrote, but when I tryed to login to HB by unsing the VIP Server I only get an error:

"Logging in...

You aren't VIP!

Authentification failed."

Any solutions on this? Always worked with that public servers :(

Edit: Wrong section, sorry. Don't find the button to delete this x.x

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Blizzard wont push out bans as people are detected botting, theyll gather up as many detections as possible and push out 1 or multiple banwaves,

seeing how if people instantly get banned from botting, word spreads, and people will stop botting untill a fix is found


seeing how bosslands unsure if this warden update is aimed at botters, there is no way to tell if using the bot will be detected by warden, we'll only know after several days or weeks even when they push out massive banwaves,


i personally wont be botting for a while since the accounts i occasionally bot on are not disposable to me, for everyone else, its pretty much all your own risk, but this is usually how blizzard works, and i do think a banwave is going to come soon

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as i agree with not botting tho i still will. eve if you bot once for 10sec and dont do it for 5years they can still go back and banned you for botting so fuck it i say rock on just be more mindful 

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I guess I've got a lot of stuff on my main account from botting and I've done really well on it...perhaps it is time to give my bots a break and maybe even go legit from here - too much to lose at this stage

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maybe a good moment to buy a new 5€ classic key and transfer 95% of my gold to it :D

i am done with the current content, a banwave doesnt gimme any sleepless nights as long as i havent spent some time gearing my level 100 char in WoD

but losing all the gold on my main account, thats something i dont want to happen :-)

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Tony a supermod at hb says bot is not detected by warden as of today when he posted. 

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While you would expect a mod to know more than the average user on the HB forums Id still hold off. They haven't added anything to the official warning post by Hawker other than translations of the original post and a four word post like that makes me a little unsure. Hawker said 30 days. Can they fully analyse the update before then, maybe, but honestly I have no clue. With that said I would hold off, at least for a bit to see if they update the post with an initial investigation or some shit of the like.

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Hawker (Buddy Bots Developer) posted this in the official Honorbuddy Forums.


Today July 27 2014 at 0345 UTC, a Warden module was seen that caused some concern. The changes appear to be innocuous so we are re-opening auth. As I said earlier this week, it will be late August before we can report to you, our users, what we think is going on. For now all we can say is that Warden is being worked on.



Fuck this, grinding 6h with singular CC, still online :)

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