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Vote for this rounds Moderators!

1 post in this topic

The time has come people, its been a little while since we opened for moderator applications, and we are now satisfied with the amount of applications for our first round of promotions. 


It's now time for the Community(Yes, you guys) to put your voice to use, head over to the Moderator Applications forum

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 and vote for the applicant(s) that you would like to see as a Moderator, please use the "Like" button to voice your vote, if you have any additional comments to a users application, you are more then welcome to reply to the topic and voice your comments. You are allowed to vote for more then one Moderator.


Please note that the staff will pick some Moderators based on who we feel deserves it, on top of who the Community picks. Recieving the most votes by the community does NOT mean said person will become a Moderator, it simply shows us who our Community feels deserves it. We value the voice of the community a lot, so trust me when i say, your votes will shape our picks.




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