
New domain What happened?!

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Dear Users of CodeMplosion (Now CodeDeception)


Many of you that have found your way to our new home may wonder what the hell just happened, And I personally am very sorry that I was not able to warn users ahead of time of this situation.


However, this announcement will serve the purpose of explaining what happened here, and what the reasons for this is.


The past year, Tmot(TheMasterofTruth) and CM;


Shortly after the departure of High6 and Backbone, we were approached by a group of individuals who would like to take over CodeMplosion in a manner where they would own the website and be at the front of the table regarding decision making. This group of individuals acted very professionally, they were very careful and clearly very skilled when it came to everything from reverse engineering, to networking and a range of other subjects. I myself wondered what sort of interest these people would have in a website like this, I naturally assumed there was a catch. They expressed that they wanted an addition to their lineup that could be used for R.E projects, but also gaming related projects. It didn't really convince any of us at first, we were obviously very protective of the content especially when we didn't know these people. After discussing this internally, we agreed to hand the sticks over to these people and see where it took us. We came to the conclusion that this was the best possible solution for us, not only would we no longer be responsible for the operation of the community, but the people who now were, had incredibly high skill levels. Over the course of the summer, mistakes were made on our end that resulted in very unfortunate events during the first few months after summer. We portrayed the wrong image of our roles in the community by appearing as Admins, while we do maintain the community we only do so on a moderator level, in the sense that most of the information relayed to the community is passed on through channels from the Administration. The Administration allowed us for a period, to host the community on servers which members of our community owned, this resulted in the unfortunate incidents during the month of september, where we were hacked during the 2nd week of the month. This was our first major mistake as already explained, and it did not go over well with the Administration. Security was upped since then, but the damage had already been done. Due to outstanding legal actions against TmoT based on misunderstandings from several sources, TmoT was forced in secrecy to take serious action, herein seize operation of the domain and delete all files related to the site. This happened on November the 26th . Up until this date, Tmot was the only person with access to the webserver hosting CodeMplosion, or so he thought. The Administration had backdoor access to the server and contacted us today about what was going on, and it was explained to them the way TmoT had explained it to the rest of us. The Administration had access to the server and kept regular backups of mostly everything, allowing us to come back as what we are now, CodeDeception.


These events means that some things around here are gonna change. First of all, all "public" staff of CM has been publicly demoted. None of the users that appear as Admins beforehand, were ever intended to act as such, nor fill such position in the public manner of which you would think they would. As such, Ocrion, Suspense, Nex, and other high ranking users are "demoted" to Moderator and Super Moderator ranks, acting as such. The administraiton see's it fit to keep it this way, as the Administration does not directly interact with the users of the website and therefor believe the appearance of Admins would cause confusion between the members and the message conveyed by these people.


We are very sorry for the confusion that this unfortunate event may have caused, we hope that everyone will share the word of our new home to anyone they might know that was a part of the previous community. We will attempt to contact all of our users through possible means, such as emailing and twitter, in the hopes that we will get as many people over here as possible.




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Welcome (back..?) everyone to CodeDeception! :)

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Did you sell the old website to Bossland? Seems like their downloads redirect to the legit site. I can't really get my head around why you had to change the domain.

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Suspense can u Describe the wall of text in less words thats apes can understand ? would be nice ! :English skill - 11 ;) who are the bad guys? did tmot somethings wrong?

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Suspense can u Describe the wall of text in less words thats apes can understand ? would be nice ! :English skill - 11 ;) who are the bad guys? did tmot somethings wrong?

Neostar is the bad guy.

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Did you sell the old website to Bossland? Seems like their downloads redirect to the legit site. I can't really get my head around why you had to change the domain.

Tmot(Old admin) sold the domain in his settlement. Bossland is just trying to gain traffic from the old domain, by linking to his own sales page.

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Thanks, but I still can't see why you had to change domain.

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Thanks, but I still can't see why you had to change domain.

Because Bossland now owns the old domain. How do you expect us to use it, you think he would allow us?;)

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wait so what is the full story behind Tmot, i thought he was still here tbh

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wait so what is the full story behind Tmot, i thought he was still here tbh

Tmot is not with us anymore. He was forced to leave due to contract terms

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So did TmoT get sued by Bossland and lose hence having to turn over the site as part of settlement? or did he sell the site to Bossland? just curious ..makes no real difference to me I'm just a lowly User .. but perhaps others are just as curious :)

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So did TmoT get sued by Bossland and lose hence having to turn over the site as part of settlement? or did he sell the site to Bossland? just curious ..makes no real difference to me I'm just a lowly User .. but perhaps others are just as curious :)

Tmot sold the domain to PREVENT being sued.

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I haven't been here for too long but when will the Auth keys come back? :)

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Welcome back but i'd like to know what bossland wanted to do with that its just bullshit what they did , one day later CM is as CD back . Again welcome Back guys !

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What matters is that you're back! :) I've been a member of this community since 2010 and I don't want to see it end.

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Great to have it back, nice that you guys keep working on it, and great you gave out so much information

 I myself wondered what sort of interest these people would have in a website like this, I naturally assumed there was a catch.

sounds so suspenseful, that makes it sound as if there would be something more to that. 

but these guys are still the administrators, right?

thanks to them too for their work.

another question,  the administration is involved in all projects, like renderer disabler and Elysium?


by the way, you googled codedeception?  full of davinci code.



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Glad to see you're up and running again. Curious though, if you're all just moderators now (whereas I thought you ran the site before) then who is the "Administration?" A couple of people? Some unnamed company? If I were to donate, where would my money end up?

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I haven't been here for too long but when will the Auth keys come back? :)

#1 greedy? :P

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I have to admit, I don't understand completely whats going on either. But good to see you back guys!

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Who is the administartion? 1st gen admins (warcraftcheating), 2nd (codemplosion), 3rd (codedeception)?

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