33 posts in this topic

Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 1

Rule Statement
Don't trade.
Directly Restricted
Trade of any currency, including cryptocurrency.
Trade of products.
Asking to trade a product.
Product includes:
  • Currency and Cryptocurrency
  • Physical Material
  • Electronic Material
Trade includes:
  • WTB: Want to Buy (Looking to buy)
  • WTS: Want to Sell (Looking to sell)
  • WTT: Want to Trade (Looking to trade)
Tentatively Allowed
Asking for where to find a product/currency.
Referring to a seller/buyer for a product.
Fully Allowed
Providing link to this rule.
Providing direct link to the seller/buyer, when queried by another user or staff.
Providing link to information about the product/currency, including it's page of sale when queried by a user.
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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 2

Rule Statement
Don't Advertise.
Directly Restricted
Advertisement of
  • Product
  • Currency
  • Website
  • Organization
  • Stream
  • Thread
  • Download
Tentatively Allowed
Advertisement of stream by respected user, in a non-spammy fashion. This is at a staff member's discretion.
Offhand, non-linking advertisement of product via conversation.
Direct advertisement in a conversational setting, not being the focus of conversation.
Advertisement at the query of a user by direct link.
Fully Allowed
Casual conversation of product and features in a conversational setting, assuming it is not meant in a manner to boost sales.
Discussion of a game, stream, or currency.

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 3

Rule Statement
Use the Queen's English. 
Directly Restricted
Speaking in any language other than English.
Tentatively Allowed
Speaking British.
Fully Allowed
English of the following variants:
  • EN-US
  • EN-UK
  • EN-AU
  • EN-CA
and other EN-XX linguistical variants.

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 4

Rule Statement
Don't talk politics, religion, or drugs.
Directly Restricted
Direct discussion, debate, or chat of politics of any country, religion, or any recreational drug (including it's street/causal/abbreviational names)
Tentatively Allowed
Offhand reference of a subject, not to become a point of debate. Religion is exempt from this allowance, as it can easily spark debate.
Discussion of occurrences caused by these topics, assuming they do not become debates.
Fully Allowed
Discussion of topics of countries, such as elections and scandals, as long as they do not evolve into debate.
Discussion of pharmaceuticals, prescribed.
Discussion of viva la revolución in countries where it presently occurs.

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 5

Rule Statement
Do not link to NSFW content.
Directly Restricted
Linking to anything considered NSFW, including
  • Pornography
  • Gore
  • Shocksites 
  • Animal Abuse
  • Nudity (including partial)
  • Anything you would not show your mum or boss
Tentatively Allowed
Anything at a staff member's discretion, as allowed. May be overridden by other staff members.
Fully Allowed

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 6

Rule Statement
Don't ask for support relating to the CDPatcher or affected products. Use the relevant support forum!
Directly Restricted
Asking for help on a topic as supported by CodeDeception:
  • HB (World of Warcraft)
  • DB (Diablo III)
  • EB (Path of Exile)
  • HB (HearthStone)
  • The Auth Page and CD Store
  • The CD Patcher
Tentatively Allowed
Asking for help on a complicated situation, this is preferred to go into the Other section.
Fully Allowed

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 7

Rule Statement
No BB-Code! This is reserved for staff.
Directly Restricted
Use of BB-Code, including:
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Underlined text
  • Striketrhough
  • IMG
  • quote
  • code
  • style
  • color
  • list
  • table
Tentatively Allowed
Fully Allowed
Image linking via hyperlink. If a link dosen't hyperlink, you can reach this by BB-Code.

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 8

Rule Statement
Don't intentionally troll. This means you, Grammar Nazis.
Directly Restricted
Inciting other members.
Acting in a manner meant to incite debate or war.
Declaring war on another user (it has happened).
Acting in a manner meant to glean a reaction in a non-humorous fashion, or targeted at demeaning another member.
Correcting another user's grammar or spelling.
Tentatively Allowed
Satirical or Sarcastic trolling, in a manner that everyone understands is meant to be a joke.
Trolling a troll. This follows under the rule of due restraint; don't kill the joke.
Lightly making a sarcastic remark, alongside your solution gleaned from your own translation(not posted).
Fully Allowed
Correcting a completely ineligible statement in a nonsatirical manner.
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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 9

Rule Statement
No spam.
Directly Restricted
Repetitive posting in a short timeframe. Spam protection is set on the shoutbox to help limit this.
Tentatively Allowed
Fully Allowed
Posting all on your lonesome in a non-spammy fashion, as /u/Mithras tends to do.

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 10

Rule Statement
Expanding on rule 2, do not beg for likes.
Directly Restricted
Asking for likes.
Begging for likes.
Offering to like-trade.
Tentatively Allowed
In signature, asking if a post helped for the reader to like the post. This should not be done in an invasive manner, or include eyebleed BB-Code.
Asking in-post for a like, if you feel it is an exceptionally well done share/post/guide. This is allowed at a staff member's discretion.
Fully Allowed

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Shoutbox Rule Information: Rule 11

Rule Statement
As applicable, all Forum and Code of Conduct rules apply.
What does this mean?
Other forum rules and all Code of Conduct rules apply at staff's discretion.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 1

Rule Statement
No external advertisement, unless in the trade forums or as approved by staff.
Directly Restricted
Linking in an advertisement fashion to an external product, outside of the trade forum.
Tentatively Allowed
Fully Allowed
External linking to a product as a reference.
Linking to original website for cracked content.
Approved links by staff.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 2

Rule Statement
Use the Queen's English. 
Directly Restricted
Speaking in any language other than English.
Tentatively Allowed
Speaking British.
Fully Allowed
English of the following variants:
  • EN-US
  • EN-UK
  • EN-AU
  • EN-CA
and other EN-XX linguistical variants.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 3

Rule Statement
Don't talk politics, religion, or drugs.
Directly Restricted
Direct discussion, debate, or chat of politics of any country, religion, or any recreational drug (including it's street/causal/abbreviational names)
Tentatively Allowed
Offhand reference of a subject, not to become a point of debate. Religion is exempt from this allowance, as it can easily spark debate.
Discussion of occurrences caused by these topics, assuming they do not become debates.
Fully Allowed
Discussion of topics of countries, such as elections and scandals, as long as they do not evolve into debate.
Discussion of pharmaceuticals, prescribed.
Discussion of viva la revolución in countries where it presently occurs.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 4

Rule Statement
Do not link to NSFW content.
Directly Restricted
Linking to anything considered NSFW, including
  • Pornography
  • Gore
  • Shocksites 
  • Animal Abuse
  • Nudity (including partial)
  • Anything you would not show your mum or boss
Tentatively Allowed
Anything at a staff member's discretion, as allowed. May be overridden by other staff members.
Fully Allowed
Posting, linking, hotlinking, or embedding NSFW content in the Adult Forum.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 5

Rule Statement
Don't make 100% useless posts. "IT DUN WeRK" is a perfect example of this.
Directly Restricted
Literally posting 'it dun werk' or any therein derivative.
Posting a support request without a log for programs applicable.
Posting something useless/irrelevant in a support thread.
Tentatively Allowed
Fully Allowed

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 6

Rule Statement
Don't intentionally troll. This means you, Grammar Nazis.
Directly Restricted
Inciting other members.
Acting in a manner meant to incite debate or war.
Declaring war on another user (it has happened).
Acting in a manner meant to glean a reaction in a non-humorous fashion, or targeted at demeaning another member.
Correcting another user's grammar or spelling.
Tentatively Allowed
Satirical or Sarcastic trolling, in a manner that everyone understands is meant to be a joke.
Trolling a troll. This follows under the rule of due restraint; don't kill the joke.
Lightly making a sarcastic remark, alongside your solution gleaned from your own translation(not posted).
Fully Allowed
Correcting a completely ineligible statement in a nonsatirical manner.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 7


Rule Statement
Don't have multiple accounts or share your account.

This rule applies to the VIP exclusive Plex invitation too.
Directly Restricted
Having multiple accounts.
Sharing your account with anyone.
Tentatively Allowed
Fully Allowed

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 8

Rule Statement
Don't ask about VIP Forum content if you are not a VIP.
Directly Restricted
Asking about VIP Forum content while not being in the VIP usergroup.
Providing information from the VIP Forum, as a VIP or ex-VIP, to a non-VIP or other ex-VIP.
Tentatively Allowed
Providing general information about things contained in the VIP forum to a non VIP, such as that it contains some X, or information on Y.
Fully Allowed
Talking about the perks of being a VIP, in a non informational leaking way.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 9

Rule Statement
Expanding upon rule 8, do not share VIP Perks / Content with non-VIP users.
Directly Restricted
Sharing your VIP auth key with non-VIP users.
Leaking VIP content.
Sharing your access to the CD Plex.
Sharing your access to the Rajah CS:GO ESP.
Tentatively Allowed
Fully Allowed

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 10

Rule Statement
Include a viral scan (preferably from virustotal) for any download links not including the source.
Directly Restricted
Having a download link without any virus-scan link. Your post will be edited and locked until you resolve the issue with a staff member.
Tentatively Allowed
Using other web file scan links other than Virus Total, such as MetaScan.
Fully Allowed
Using a Virus Total link in your download post.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 11

Rule Statement
Do not link to a download that has a survey, or use referral links.
Directly Restricted
Linking to a download site with a survey required to download.
Tentatively Allowed
Using ad-fly or similar revenue generating link shorteners.
Using any link shortener.
Using a link to a download that has a captcha.
Linking to a download that doesn't have a download confirmation page, or without providing information the link is a direct download.
Fully Allowed
Linking to a direct download with notification that the link is direct download.
Linking to GitHub, GitLab, or similar sites.
Linking to a download site that has a simple and easy to see download button.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 12

Rule Statement
Do not use eyesore/eyebleed inducing BB-Code or html.
Directly Restricted
Using only large, bright lettering in a short post.
Using graphically poor or conflicting themes.
Tentatively Allowed
Satirically using ugly BB-Code
Fully Allowed
Using BB-Code or HTML to format your post to make it cleaner.

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Forum Rule Information: Rule 13

Rule Statement
Do not use a temporary/disposable email.
Directly Restricted
Using any temporary/disposable email service for your CD account email.
Tentatively Allowed
Fully Allowed
Free and permanent email solutions, like hotmail/yahoo/gmail.

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