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Dangerous Days for botting?

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I'm thinking about returning to WoW for Legion.
Since a few weeks, I'm constantly reading that it's really dangerous to Bot these days with HB or Soapbox.

I'm only using rotation bots so I just wanted to ask you guys if it's really that dangerouse to use HB at the moment for rotations?

SoapBox seems to be too risky, is it?

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If you inject it, you take the risk to get a ban. There are no high-risk days and safe days, unless it is really detected. SoapBox got a detecting just few days ago.

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Yes, it's risky. HB is getting detected almost every other month, soapbox has recieved ~3 banwaves total so far (I think) even though it's only a rotation bot and less known. Both inject into the game client and is pretty easy to detect.

If you're looking only for a rotationbot I'd suggest waiting for LegionBuddy considering it's external and does not inject into the game client. If you wanna bot do so on accounts you're willing to lose.

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17 hours ago, Bellringer said:


I'm thinking about returning to WoW for Legion.
it's dangerous to Bot these days

I'm using bots dangerouse to use HB

SoapBox seems to be risky

Fixed that for you..

Had the answers all along

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