[Cracked] VanillaBotter for 1.12.1

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WARNING ! This spoiler contains the original threads post. 

The version inside is not working anymore.

Please be patient . Im waiting for updated official binaries .



Hello, i want to show my first crack release here.

I cracked the VanillaBotter Sofware.


Steps to crack :


1. Download VanillaBotter  here : 

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2. Download my patch for VanillaBotter  here :

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3. Overwrite and replace the original Vanilla Botter.exe with the patched .exe !

4. Start the .exe and type and name and any password , you can login anyways!



UPDATE ! = The second link (the patch) now contains a cracked .exe that does NOT require a valid account , just type anything to login!





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Is that the best available bot for 1.12?

Have you looked into 

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Also I am getting the following error when i try to patch the file. I am using the version of the bot you shared.

---START PATCHING---[OFFSET PATCH]Loading File:C:\Users\***** \Downloads\Vanilla Botter.exeLoading File:C:\Users\ ******\Desktop\Ny mappe (2)\Vanilla Botter.exeFilesize Check : FailedNothing patched!ERROR---PATCHING DONE---

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Also I am getting the following error when i try to patch the file. I am using the version of the bot you shared.

---START PATCHING---[OFFSET PATCH]Loading File:C:\Users\***** \Downloads\Vanilla Botter.exeLoading File:C:\Users\ ******\Desktop\Ny mappe (2)\Vanilla Botter.exeFilesize Check : FailedNothing patched!ERROR---PATCHING DONE---


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pre cracked .exe

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what login and password first window request?

to hard to read?

4. You can now login with a real account that has no botting time left

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to hard to read?

4. You can now login with a real account that has no botting time left


I have an account on VB with no botting time.  Upon entering the login info in the VB bot, it simply pops up again asking for the info.  After trying 3 times, the bot closes and does nothing.  Anyone else have this working?

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id love to see this but i dont have no account :(

YOU can register account on the site vanillabotter. com

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hmm then im doing something wrong :( ... when i put in the login nothing happens after 3rd time client closes

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hmm then im doing something wrong sad.png ... when i put in the login nothing happens after 3rd time client closes

sounds like you havent read the step by step i wrote

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With the Crack Version i got a WoW Error on Looting. With the Live Version it works perfect.

Can y fix this ?

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With the Crack Version i got a WoW Error on Looting. With the Live Version it works perfect.

Can y fix this ?


Same issue. Confirmed that this is only affecting the cracked version. 

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It's not a one problem, then you have not noticed does not go  save settings bot. (Save Login Data)

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Same issue. Confirmed that this is only affecting the cracked version. 

Same here. Every time when the bot tries to loot the wow client crashes. When i disable the looting option it works.

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the errors are caused by the BOT not my crack as i just patched some functions.

Please do your own research or ask in the official forum.

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I talked about this Lys. He said the problem with you, in the Live non-cracked version works fine. And yet, the settings are not saved bot


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I talked about this Lys. He said the problem with you, in the Live non-cracked version works fine. And yet, the settings are not saved bot


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the error appears also in my not cracked version.

The bot in your video is fake / Virus. You can reverse it on your own , it is not the bot

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the error appears also in my not cracked version.

The bot in your video is fake / Virus. You can reverse it on your own , it is not the bot

I know that this is not a bot, I posted a video to show just how the loot. Even no idea how to make earn loot in this vanillabot now, and fishing is not going to work.

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I know that this is not a bot, I posted a video to show just how the loot. Even no idea how to make earn loot in this vanillabot now, and fishing is not going to work.



okay, i will now test this on my own .

Please tell me the steps to recreate the error so i can see why its happening.

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okay, i will now test this on my own .

Please tell me the steps to recreate the error so i can see why its happening.

Actually nothing complicated.

1. Start WoW, start the bot with the option looting.

2. When the mob killed the bot tries to loot mobs, and at the same time get an error #132

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