Naraka: Bladepoint ESP Hacks and Aim Bot
NARAKA: BLADEPOINT is a 60-player action Battle Royale that provides players with amazing mobility via parkour and grappling hook, a large array of melee and ranged weaponry, and a selection of formidable characters.
Some features of this hack for the ESP:
-Display enemy Bones
-Box around enemy, green is bot & red is player
-Display enemy info such as Name, HP, Armor, Weapon & Distance
-Item display info
-Line draw from top screen to enemy if visible
Along with an aimbot to auto aim at enemies, also including auto parry which includes 3 parry types C + parry, Space + Parry, AI (auto detect) along with Parry fov (field of view) only parry when enemy is visible on screen or parry everywhere, parry distance can be set to only parry when in distance.
Another great feature of this Naraka Bladepoint hack is auto cancel attack to dodge and counterstrikes enemy for auto interrupting skills.