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Quick Bot Questions

9 posts in this topic

You are using classic Tibia controls for sure? And btw care to tell where did you found cracked ibot 2.0.2 (and sure it wont have keyloggers or smt else stupid within...?)


Ouh and it might be problem with backpacks. The normal backpack might not be okay with every script out there (the brown i mean) and you need to have quite many different backpacks in your use (ie, Yellow, Red, Blue, Grey, Green etc... to get script working properly)

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I didn't have tibia classic control on, I didn't know it was supposed to be ahha, testing it now :)

here is where I got it:

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Atleast generic troijan in there... Others could be false positives, im checking few other things...

Whole package:

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ah well I hope not, either way I have been using it the past couple hours and it is going well for me hehe

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ah well I hope not, either way I have been using it the past couple hours and it is going well for me hehe

It also sends some crap to and and

So id say there is smt wierd going on... I hope that Ocrion  or Suspense could also check that crack. Since here are quite many that would like to get cracked ibot. 

Also running it as admin is not enough it says that you must disable antivitus too, lol :D (atleast in windows8)

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Run the bot as admin(always) and tibia as admin(always).


Classic controls must be on.


Have all console messages on also because depending on what you're doing it needs them.


When it comes to backpacks in the script do not have any dups of backpacks.

example of what NOT to do;


MainBP Green Backpack

LootBP Orange Backpack

GoldBP Orange Backpack

MainDPBP Green Backpack

nonstackableDPBP Grey Backpack

StackableDPBP golden backpack

When it comes to using brown backpacks if you put in Brown Backpack it will not work, use Backpack and it will work just fine. Very few scripts care about what backpack you use but some will reject certain ones(hardly ever) and it's not just brown, it's gemed and such too.

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So, anyone can tell us yet if that crack is safe? I don't want to sound annoying like all those posts wanting to have Ibot crack, but if thats kinda infected cleaning it wouldnt be so hard and give us the bot... Anyhow is your very own decision.

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As for me personally, i will not use that. Like i said, it sends info (unknown to me) to third party sites time to time. If it was cracked only id say it would not require to send anything. But im not even an amateur in this kind of debugging. 

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