Botting profiles Latest Topics profiles Latest TopicsenProfiles including last Versions - May 10 2014

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[ACT 1]

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- These below are Fast Links.


[2.0.3] Defiled Crypt Farm! [born's Key]



  • Clear Defiled Crypts in Cemetary of the Forsaken
  • Kill Uniques in the Defiled Crypts
  • Farms the Legendary Crafting Material

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    used in the Born's Command Legendary craftable set


  • Final Quest of A1 Unlocked
  • Trinity + QuestTools (comes with DB default)


  • Randomized Crypt Order
  • Failsafe
  • Smart Townrun


  • None known



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Wortham Merchant Rare Quest [120k Gold/ 18m Exp]

1. Features
a. 120k Gold
b. 18M Exp
c. Luck Dependent (",)

2. What do you need?
a. Trinity --> tested on latest version .14
b. QuestTools
c. Act 1 Quest 8.1 > Trailing the coven > Begin quest
d. Talk to Leah in Town
e. Take the waypoint to Wortham chapel cellar
f. Walk north until you get the checkpoint before the entrence of Caverns of Araneae
g. Leave the game and run the profile at Torment 6

3. Known Issues
a. None

4. Note
The bot will port back immediately if the quest is not available

5. Updates

v2.0 - Ports directly up and down the hill (Barb, Crusader, Monk and Wizard Only)

v1.2 - Updated the profile to avoid being stuck at the start of the run

v1.1 - Logs the status of the merchant


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[DEV Copy] (1-60 Questing)


These profiles are not AFK at all, -- Please, give credit to Kickazz006 if you use these profiles as a reference or copy / paste into a new profile!

If you run these - do note that they are currently ***Not supported*** . This is a developer's copy!

If you have syntax to replace old syntax (ie: an id is wrong, xyz is wrong, waittimers need to be added, etc...) put them in the release thread and i'll check them
I haven't started every quest as 'new quest', so the profile will be missing some stepId="-1" ... if you want to gief syntax, i'll copy / paste it in

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[ACT 2]

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[ACT 3]

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[ACT 4]

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[ACT 5]

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[Adventure Mode]


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4407Mon, 12 May 2014 17:43:54 +0000
Key Warden Farming? Guys,


Anyone have a working key farming profile and plugin? for demonbuddy


ive downloaded many many off DB site but i cant seem to find one that will farm key and go to next act and so fourth... it just sits at the end after 1 key guy and afks and gets stuck in a loop... ive even tried with a keyrun addon but they clash and again afking.


Any help would be great! 



5757Thu, 04 Sep 2014 01:58:20 +0000
Act 5 Infinite XP Share



Hey mates, Have been hand farming this for a few days while botting Hellrift 1-2 on other accounts, and finally someone put up the script on DB Forums, so i thought i would share here


Basically this is farming very easy mobs, for lots and lots of XP as they do not stop spawning if you set up correctly


Here is the original walkthru video



There are 3 demons that can spawn at the map fringe shrine (not the center shrine) - make sure it is EMIKDEVA not any other named demon. This elite can be rare to find. The infinitely spawning adds are called SOLDIER OF EMIKDEVA

***The faster you kill - the faster they spawn (up to a point) - the more XP/hr you can push.

Fast refresh AoE type abilities and AoE items/weapons shine here and really increase your kill rate.

***Turn off Trinity gold inactivity it doesn't help here.

***Eventually your armor will break (~3-4 hrs) and you will die and everything will stop working. Wear unbreakable armor shoulders to run this for more than ~3-4 hrs.

I suggest setting Trinity pickup rule to legendary and gems ONLY (and plans/crafting mats/etc) - your bags will fill up fast.

It's also possible to step off to the side on the stairs to get out of combat and port back to town, change abilities, etc.

I found it helpful to clear the stairs area so you will not get combat chain dragged up and out of this area. But probably not necessary.

This spot will also work for your friends who don't have DB but have macro keyboard, mouse, 3rd party program or duct tape. AFK auto attack without moving works. AFK while WD pets kill everything works too.



Most people in this thread are between 1.1-1.3B XP/hr T6 SOLO PLAY which does NOT outperform insta-leave Ghom script especially for the difficulty in setting this scenario up. But this method is new and sorta exciting (and potentially frustrating) to try and accomplish at least once.

1.5B+/hr is the video makers claim. I believe it is possible to get this high but you need a very custom specific aoe setup or perma-pet classes like WD and good unbreakable gear to get to 1.5B/hr and maintain it.

This might also be an amazing powerlevel spot as you can just park other characters off to the side forever without join/leave/danger/etc.

This is a nice change of pace from creating ~60 games/hr - this is very fast xp with only 1 game created. I'm not sure if that's a red flag or not to Blizzard but it's different than most other xp farms in that way.




How to make profile: Create a blank wordpad doc or copy another DB profile and open it in wordpad and delete everything in it and rename it and put in these few lines of code and save it as .xml.

<Profile><Name>Infinite Respawn Act 5 Siege Rune Emikdeva</Name><GameParams quest="273790" step="43" act="A5" difficulty="Torment6" resumeFromSave="False" isPrivate="True" numGames="-1"/><KillMonsters>True</KillMonsters><PickupLoot>True</PickupLoot><Order>    <MoveTo /></Order></Profile>

Credit to k1ndbudz of the official DB Forums for the basic script (Original DB Forums thread here ->

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Also Asmongold for the original walkthru video

and finally the 'Chinese guy' he observed doing it on stream


Like for the share, and if you have an account on DB forums, give this guy a like aswell, as his awesome

4277Thu, 24 Apr 2014 20:51:42 +0000