Custom Behavior Latest Topics Behavior Latest Topicsen[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Paladin v1.0 Everyone,
After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Paladins. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.

This plugin is fully functional but still needs a bit of tweaking.


Plugin Preview:
1. Download the Plugin from here : 

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : 

Please login or register to see this link.

  <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed


The interface is simple. If any explanation needed, post under.

Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Paladin
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. 



2020Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:44:20 +0000
<![CDATA[WTS/WTT WoW DMG Hacks & Best Scripts ALL EXPANSIONS]]> If you are interested in trading something with me, add me in SKYPE: mrscripterx


We can proove every hack and every script and they work in all servers.

Hello guys, I would like to trade or sell the best hacks and scripts for 3.3.5 (Wotlk), 4.3.4 (Cataclysm), 5.4.8 (Mop) and 6.2.4 (WoD, working also in retail servers)

- HACKS 3.3.5a -

1. Bladestorm range hack: +7-9 yards damage ticks.

2. Deep Wounds Hack: every 3-4 spells that crits you gains extra deep wounds procs that are invisible.

3. Dodge/Parry Hack: increases your dodge and parry chance by 5%-10%.

4. Invisible DMG Hack: each 3-4 crits you will unleash an invisible damage proc to your target of an amount of approx 50% of all the crits you made. Invisible to combat log. (For example, I was hitting a guy in arena and his HP went from 15k to 10k without doing anything)

5. GCD Hack: this patch reduces your GCD hack by 0,3-0,6 seconds.

6. DumpGCD: a program that reduces your GCD Hack by a second. Best program to GCD. (Doesn't work in rogue and feral)

7. FPSDropper Program: everytime you jump with your character, all people in a 40 yards range will lag and have screen freeze, sometimes they will even disconnect from the server.

7. Shield Wall / Recklessness / Retaliation CD Hack: reduces the CD of this three spells and makes it to be 12 seconds always (You can't cast the same spell twice. For example: you can't Shield Wall > Shield Wall > Shield Wall, but you can cast Shield Wall > Retaliation > Shield Wall)

8. Fixed Range Hack: instead of increasing the range by 9 yards like the old fixed one, it increases your range by 7 yards and it works.

9. Auto-Hotkey Script: this script reduces your GCD by approx 10%-15%, increasing your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "11111111111111111111111".


We have the best PvP and PvE Rotations for every class and every spec, used by gladiators and rank 1 players all the time. Here areOME EXAMPLES.

1. Best Warrior PvP Auto PQR Rotation Bot + LUA Macros: increasing your speed a lot and doing everything for you. (Two versions: with the dmg rotation and scripts or just with reflect, overpower, bash, auto-disarm, intervene, auto stealth shout, shout renew, auto intervene + reflect in trap scatter, blind...)

2. Best Paladin PvP Auto PQR Rotation Bot + LUA Macros: all-in-one paladin script with every possible script for paladin (auto-fear on succubus before casting seduce, auto hoj, auto dispell, auto sacrifice...)

3. Best Priest PvP Auto PQR Rotation Bot + LUA Macros: all-in-one priest script with every possible script for priest (SWD, dispell, auto-fearward, auto inner fire renew...)

4. Best Feral PvP Auto PQR Rotation Bot: best damage in the world, auto reflect fake, auto instant cyclone on cc or big damage spell, auto rogue spot, auto fake cast...



We have the best PvP and PvE Rotations for every class and every spec, used by gladiators and rank 1 players all the time.



We have the best PvP and PvE Rotations for every class and every spec, used by gladiators and rank 1 players all the time.



We have the best PvP and PvE Rotations for every class and every spec, used by gladiators and rank 1 players all the time.


If you are interested in trading something with me, add me in SKYPE: mrscripterx


13138Sun, 12 Jun 2016 12:50:49 +0000
[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Druid v1.0[Beta] Everyone,
After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Druids. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.
This plugin is in beta stage. Bear from not added yet.

Plugin Preview:

1. Download the Plugin from here :

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image :

Please login or register to see this link.

  <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed

Quick spec setup: At the bottom of the UI form there is a drop down field that will quickly change the settings based on the option you select from the drop down; Frost spec, Blood spec and Unholy spec. These are not perfect and are meant to be used as a base only. To clarify, your settings are not saved per spec. This will only populate the settings suitable for the chosen spec. 

Advanced Settings & Options 

Multiple Options: Some (if not, most) options in the UI will have an option called [Multiple Options]. When you select this option another box will appear, this box will have a checklist of all available options for the selected setting. In the below screenshot, Tiger's Fury has been selected to use multiple options for casting the spell. 
This Multi-option setting is very powerful and only for those not afraid to break things. 
The dropdown on the top of the form has two options: OR and AND
'OR' means ANY of the conditions can be true and the spell will cast.
'AND' means ALL of the conditions must be TRUE for the spell will cast.
Priority Based Targeting:  It is a simple piece of code that ensure you are attacking the most appropriate target. The checking takes into account a number of variables such as target's level, health, class etc. I also weight some target's based on my own internal database, this is a list of mobs that should be targeted and killed ASAP before they are able to perform a undesirable function or cast a spell. 
Note: When are you in an instance or using the 'LazyRaider' feature of this CC I strongly suggest you to turn off this setting as it will cause havoc when used with InstanceBuddy. You can turn off this feature by going to the Advanced tab on the UI, selecting 'Priority Targeting' and setting it to NEVER.
Travel Form: This setting (located on the Common tab) has 3 options: Automatic (default), always and never. When set to Automatic it will use Travel form only if you are not using a mount in HB. When set to 'always', this will always use Travel Form, it will override the use of a mount. When HB needs to mount it will cast Travel Form. And the last option, never, well that goes without saying. 
Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  DeleteCMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Druid
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. 

2015Mon, 15 Jul 2013 20:58:05 +0000
Swiny PvPRogue sublety routine v 4.0 find PvP CC for rogue and use it with BGBuddy, so i can see it is pretty good(at least better than analogues), and it even uses sap on enemys this is funny 


Thats why i decided to share with you this ССemoticon-0100-smile.gif


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11260Mon, 26 Oct 2015 16:41:18 +0000
Advanced PVP routines for 4.3.4 Calling all who knows anything about building CC to help with guides/work/RE to help me re/build advanced PVP routines for most classes.

I am interested in creating/patching routines like Tuanha to work with 4.3.4

If you do have original routines that we could work on please upload them and post it here.



11873Tue, 22 Dec 2015 15:13:20 +0000
Improved Singular CC i am surf internet and accidentally find this improved by some people Singular(work on HB v2.0.0.5883). That has been written in txt file in folder:

Apoc - Lead
raphus - Bunch o shit
Nuok - Numerous patches & fixes
strix - Rogue Combat spec rotation.
markeloff - Death Knight rotations.
Jon310 - Fury Warrior rotation improvements.
CptJesus - Shadow Priest rotation.
Mortal - Warrior improvements.
moachi - PvP Ret Paladin
Bobby53 - Shamans

CodenameG - Mages


So i think these is better then original Singular which include HB by default (but not sure how stable it work at private servers)emoticon-0116-evilgrin.gif


Donwload link:

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11191Mon, 19 Oct 2015 11:44:49 +0000
4.3.4 - PVP-warlock - PVP-warlock 


Link -- 

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6294Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:40:40 +0000
[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Warlock v1.0[Beta] Everyone,
After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Warlock. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.

This plugin is in beta stage so some errors are expected.

Plugin Preview:
1. Download the Plugin from here : 

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : 

Please login or register to see this link.

  <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed


Still in beta stage. Update coming soon.


Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Warlock
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. 

2018Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:24:25 +0000
[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Rogue v1.0 Everyone,
After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Rogues. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.

This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking.

Plugin Preview:
1. Download the Plugin from here : 

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : 

Please login or register to see this link.

  <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed


Uses all 3 specs.
  • Full use of poisons; user definable for main and off hands.
  • Pick Pocket.
  • PVE crowd control; Blind, Sap.
  • If there are suitable mobs within range of our pull target it will sap it. If the sap target walks out of range (25 yards) it won't try to sap it.
  • Blind when you have adds of cause.
  • When choosing an add to retarget, it will leave Blind and Sapped targets until last. No point attacking a Sap/Blind target when other adds are a better option.
  • Vanish when health is low; there is nothing wrong with running away scared 
  • Distract during pull; makes for great openers with Ambush.
  • Option to pull with Ranged or Stealth.
  • Stealth pulling (behing the target) options are: Ambush or Garotte
  • Fantastic against casters, make perfect use of Kick, Kidney Shot and Gouge.
Known issues: HB does not "see" sapped target as being in combat (rightly so as they are not). Sometimes it will go off and pull another target. Deal with it.

Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Rogue
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. 

2022Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:57:26 +0000
Ultimate Pala Healer Behavior Tree Paladin Healer Custom Class,
now implemented in BehaviourTree!

Here I am, proud to present you my new daughter, UPaHCCBT!
UPaHCCBT is a Custom Class that do more or less just 1 thing, she will heal smile.png

Main Features: 

  • Support for a lot of different situation (Solo, Dungeon, Raid, BG, Arena, WorldPVP)
  • Special code for special fight in Raid and for Arena2v2
  • No coniguration required
  • Still, everything is configurable using an XML file inside the CustomClass/Config folder
  • Will work from Level 15 up to Firelands Heroic
  • Auto mount, auto ress, auto OhShitButton, auto everything biggrin.png

What can do: 

  • All botbase supported, from BGbot to Archeology (will fight if alone)
  • Better used with LazyRaider BotBase

How to install: 

  • Copy the directory in you CustomClass directory

How to use and configure: 

  • Start HB.
  • When prompted for a CC select UPaHCCBT verx.x rev x.x
  • if you are using LazyRaider go in the bot config and select your Tank as Tank
  • if you want to configure anything, after the first time the CC is called a folder called Config will be created in your CustomClass folder, inside this folder there will be a XML file, edit the XML file

Will work with any talent build 


if you need help with spec glyph whatever try elitejerks: 

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download :  

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6445Wed, 22 Oct 2014 05:51:55 +0000
Great CC junkyard is an archive with a lot files of CC's  

I am so lazy to sort it, so if somebody want to donwload it an find some useful CC for yourself click the link:

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6370Sat, 18 Oct 2014 21:22:47 +0000
Ez-Frost far as my testing goes this isn't the best, but I test in BG. 



4.3.4 DK




Info: Mainly PVP but should handle PVE mobs, not for raiding

You need the howling blast glyph.
Supports either DW or 2H
Place in your CustomClasses folder

Ezfrost now has an advanced macro:


/script Toggle= not Toggle;

Will allow you to toggle the combat functions of the bot on and off without having to stop the bot.

Good Plugins:

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 Escape Trinket and Racial usage, Updated by znuffie 

Good Specs:


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From (

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Link -- 

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6312Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:54:42 +0000
EZ - Ret like I said here is one more EZ profile. More coming soon.






  • Will use Hammer of Justice any time its off cooldown in melee range
  • Will use Guardian of Ancient Kings
  • Will always moveto target while attacking to ensuring to chase runners
  • Will use divine protection
  • Will cast holy wrath
  • Will use Divine Purpose procs
  • Ability to use Inquisition (Disabled by default)

v3 Config:
EzRet now uses a settings menu to change how the bot works. Huzzah.

Ezret now has an advanced macro:


/script Toggle= not Toggle;

Will allow you to toggle the combat functions of the bot on and off without having to stop the bot.

Good Plugins:

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 Escape Trinket and Racial usage, Updated by znuffie 

Extract EzRet to the CustomClasses folder so it looks like HB\CustomClasses\EzRet
Make sure you have "Pursit of Justice" and "Long arm of the Law" talents.

Current Plans:
Add PVE mode so CC can be used with mixed mode/Farming - Done
Look into using behavior trees to improve performance.





Ok after 45min of testing it seems this is better then Singular. And thats hard to do with 4.3.4. Im rated #1 in BG. Looks good. If you have a problem post it here.



Link -- 

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6311Fri, 17 Oct 2014 00:30:58 +0000
4.3.4 - FPS Ware - Druid - FPS Ware - Druid


Link -

6297Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:45:14 +0000
4.3.4 - Amplify-mage - Amplify-mage


Link - 

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6296Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:44:07 +0000
4.3.4 - HazzDruid - HazzDruid


Link - 

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6295Wed, 15 Oct 2014 23:42:58 +0000
4.3.4 Custom Class pack for molten wow etc is my current Custom Classes folder got a good amount of stuff in it  tested and working on molten wow cata private server Enjoy

Put this into your hb folder and merge or replace your old custom classes up to u :D

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5449Wed, 20 Aug 2014 11:15:44 +0000
4.3.4 EZ-Death Knight

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5920Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:45:04 +0000
4.3.4 EZ-Death Knight

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5919Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:44:59 +0000
[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Priest v1.0 Everyone,
After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Priests. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.

This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking.

Plugin Preview:
1. Download the Plugin from here : 

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : 

Please login or register to see this link.

  <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed


The interface is simple. If any explanation needed, post under.

Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Priest
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. 



2021Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:50:18 +0000
4.3.4 -- hunter kite is the only hunter profile i use, u will need a spider to make the most of it but even without its the only one i found that kites some what,






A Jump ?n? Shot Marksmanship CustomClass

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WoW Version supported : 4.3
Latest ZeHunter Version : 0.4

ZeHunter is a PvP CustomClass for marksmanship hunters already 85 capped who want to roxx in battlegrounds. This CC implements a wide kiting movements based on the jump and shot technique. It also implements pet skills, racial abilities, trinkets and engineering enchantments.

You can watch this CustomClass in action here: 

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This CustomClass is based on the marksmanship spec.
I recommend the following spec and glyphs for hunters (4.3.3):

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Link of this spec : 

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To use full features included in this CustomClass, you must use the spider pet. Here is the build for the pet spec :

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Link of this spec : 

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You can use the SVN link (with Tortoise) to be sure you get the latest version or use the HTTP link to download the plugin directly.
When downloaded, you just have to extract the archive in the /CustomClasses folder.

SVN : 

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An embedded update system is also implemented in the CC.

You can report bugs in this topic. Keep in mind this is a beta version, in spite of it should support BGbuddy.

I spent a plenty of time to develop and test this CC.
So it motivates me a lot if you click on the star at the bottom of this post to give +rep to this project.

You also can donate to support my work with the donate button in my signature.

Thanks to Kupidon for his beta-tests.

Hope you will enjoy it. smile.png


(Copy and pasted from --

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5287Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:14:13 +0000
[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Mage v1.0 Everyone,
After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Mages. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.

This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking.

Plugin Preview:
1. Download the Plugin from here : 

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image : 

Please login or register to see this link.

  <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed


The interface is simple. If any explanation needed, post under.

Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Mage
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. 


2019Tue, 16 Jul 2013 14:33:32 +0000
[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Death Knight v1.0 Everyone,

After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Death Knights. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.

This Plugin has been only tested in PVE. 

Plugin Preview:


1. Download the Plugin from here :

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image :

Please login or register to see this link.



Quick spec setup: At the bottom of the UI form there is a drop down field that will quickly change the settings based on the option you select from the drop down; Frost spec, Blood spec and Unholy spec. These are not perfect and are meant to be used as a base only. To clarify, your settings are not saved per spec. This will only populate the settings suitable for the chosen spec. 

Advanced setup: Play with the options and find the one that suits You.
Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  DeleteCMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Death Knight
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread. 




2014Mon, 15 Jul 2013 20:42:09 +0000
[4.3.4]Codemplosion - Hunter v1.0 Everyone,
After receiving some of the requests regards the "Custom Class" profiles, I decided to make one dedicated to the Codemplosion community.
As the title says, this release is a Combat routine for Hunters. It is a replacement for the implemented Singular in Honorbuddy.

This plugin is fully working except it needs a bit tweaking.

Plugin Preview:
1. Download the Plugin from here :

Please login or register to see this link.

2. Extract the Rar Archive so it looks like the one in the image :

Please login or register to see this link.

 <<- This is just an example how the plugin should be placed


Focus Shot: This is the focus level at which you will start using Steady Shot or Cobra Shot. 

Pet Slot: Rather obvious, but this is the pet slot you will use. Make sure you actually have a valid pet in the slot.

Pet Attack Delay: If enabled the hunter will wait until the Pet and target are in combat before opening fire. 
Focus Fire: Use Focus Fire when you have X stacks of Frenzy Effect on your pet. NB: There is also a setting on the Advanced tab; Consume Frenzy Effect (on by default) that will use Focus Fire if the Pet's Frenzy Effect is about to expire. Best to keep this up as frequently as possible.
Widow Venom: Really only useful in BGs.
Disengage: If not in a BG will attempt to cast Wing Clip before using Disengage, if you don't have enough focus it will just use Disengage. If you are in a BG it will not use Disengage if you can't cast Wing Clip.
Trap in Combat: Will only lay down the chosen trap if they target is within interact range.
Trap on Adds: Will lay down the chosen trap as soon as you have adds regardless of range.
Trap Launcher: Will cast the trap as soon as possible when you enter combat.
Continuous Pulling: Located on the Advanced Tab,(off by default) this will send your pet to attack the closest most suitable target (and cast Hunter's Mark is your options allow) while you are moving to loot your last mob. The conditions of this are: you & your pet don't need healing, the mob is within your pull range and you have mobs to loot. The following issues will happen if this is turned on; you will occasionally skip looting a mob, you will constantly be in combat. It is strongly recommended this setting only be used if you are GRINDING, if you are questing this will cause problems. NB: This feature is NOT multi-mob pulling!
The default settings make some assumptions:
1. You have Glyph of Mend Pet. If you do not them simply change the Pet Happiness setting on the Advanced tab, select ignore from the list. 
2. The settings are optimized for the Beast Mastery spec. If you are using any other spec you WILL need to tweak the settings to be more efficient with your spec. 


Note: In case You are encountering problems with something like multiple profiles found....  Delete : CMHonorbuddy434/CustomClasses/Singular/ClassSpecific/Hunter
For Any consulting or feedback, please reply to this thread.

2016Mon, 15 Jul 2013 21:11:12 +0000