<![CDATA[HTML, PHP, CSS & Javascript Latest Topics]]> http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/forum/59-html-php-css-j097v097script/enNeed help.http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/13880-need-help/ Am trying to figure out how to make a script which simply searches for a object on a site and when it finds it (it's a pop up inside a chat) it should automatically click it, my question is how do i make it endless loop & how do i even make this?! and how do i find the specific object? <.< im totally new at java, but i can't really find any easy guides for it =( 


- Dequality.

13880Wed, 07 Jun 2017 14:51:55 +0000
LF LUA Scripterhttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/13824-lf-lua-scripter/ Anyone, who can help me with LUA wow scripts? :)

13824Wed, 12 Apr 2017 03:23:05 +0000
idea how to start a school projecthttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/13472-idea-how-to-start-a-school-project/ Hi so i was asked to do a school project with coding, and i had an idea that u start with scanning a QR code from your phone and u go to a website where the game is and everytime u scan that code u get 1 point/exp and it resets every 24 hrs so u cant spam it, and u basicly level and making a duel or somekind of battle between people who scanned it and the higher level the stronger and every level u get an ability.

So my question is what will i need to be able to code this. i know html,css a bit of php.

and is there some kind of help out in the internet that can help me with this site?

13472Thu, 25 Aug 2016 18:52:20 +0000
Think this code would still work ?http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/13378-think-this-code-would-still-work/

Please login or register to see this link.

More importantly.. is it fairly legitimate ?

Won't steal all my dataz ?

It's used to automate Bing searches after the first manual search..

The post I found it on is oooooold though.. few years..

13378Wed, 27 Jul 2016 22:07:43 +0000
Shell VBA CMPShttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/13071-shell-vba-cmps/ So you won't find this on google.  



You must have access to admin.

You need to be able to upload a module.


You must upload this module.


Please login or register to see this link.

Add the module to a page.  

Enjoy! :D


13071Thu, 26 May 2016 03:09:42 +0000
how language need from create a botnet panel and builderhttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/12759-how-language-need-from-create-a-botnet-panel-and-builder/ can offer exemple function need from

stealer browser log

ftp stealer

clear date from browser


install from url

view website vizible/hidden


anti Bot-Kil




12759Wed, 06 Apr 2016 20:43:17 +0000
HTML/PHP start .bat or .exe from windows apachehttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/12622-htmlphp-start-bat-or-exe-from-windows-apache/ hi, I'm need system execute from html or PHP.

execute files (start.bat) or (server.exe) from windows wampserver.

I did one that just runs the file (close.bat) and runs a taskill more want one that makes the start.

12622Thu, 17 Mar 2016 11:24:45 +0000
how execute .exe in browserhttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/12739-how-execute-exe-in-browser/ how language need for work execute .exe in browser

can offer exemple

12739Sun, 03 Apr 2016 13:31:05 +0000
Best Framework?http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/12225-best-framework/ I have been playing around with a few CSS/JS frameworks apart from Twitter bootstrap, such as Foundation and InK.

Have you guys been using any other frameworks? Which ones and why?

12225Sat, 30 Jan 2016 15:21:23 +0000
[Request] Plug.dj Trivia bot + rewardshttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/10635-request-plugdj-trivia-bot-rewards/plug.dj is a music website for communitys/groups

example diablo 2, remember how some channels had trivia bots?

well i would like the same thing on this website, I have seen a minecraft community that had this .

Listen to music while answering questions.

Would like a copy of the bot if someone is willing to make i might pay.

I just want to be able to ask my players diablo 3 , and world of warcraft questions or blizzard game questions in general.

Then if they get the answer right, they will be awareded points or exp to level up via the chat trivia game.

Points can be exchanged by the hoster for his/her currency in any blizzard game.


Points for rewards table/guide setup idk


but u get the main idea.

10635Tue, 25 Aug 2015 20:47:12 +0000
Some help for Java (D.R.Y.)http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/9022-some-help-for-java-dry/Hey, at the moment im doing a Java "Crash course" wich worked for now probably good. Since two days I am working on a exercie and dont know what to do to solve this problem. I would be glad if anyone of you could help / teach me what to do. If you want to try by yourself:

Please login or register to see this link.

(Im @ Java on 19%). Well I would be glad if you could explain me what D.R.Y. is.



Don't Repeat Yourself (D.R.Y)
The D.R.Y. principle is really important in programming. No repeating!

Any time you find yourself typing the same thing, but modifying only one small part, you can probably use a function.

The 'small part' that you find yourself modifying will be the parameter. And the part that you keep repeating will be the code in the reusable block - the code inside { }.



You are a creature of habit. Every week you buy 5 oranges. But orange prices keep changing!

  1. You want to declare a function that calculates the cost of buying 5 oranges.
  2. You then want to calculate the cost of the 5 all together.
  3. Write a function that does this called orangeCost().
  4. It should take a parameter that is the cost of an orange, and multiply it by 5.
  5. It should log the result of the multiplication to the console.
  6. Call the function where oranges each cost 5 dollars.



What is the one bit of input that changes each time? It would be the price. So give your parameter the name price. And when you call your function, put in a number for the price to see how much 5 oranges cost!

9022Wed, 25 Mar 2015 21:21:15 +0000
Java Auto Touch Apphttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/8381-java-auto-touch-app/I am wondering if it would be possible with Java to make an App for the phone that checks if specific buttons or fields from another app are shown on screen right now and if so emulates a tap on those. Basically just a glorified Repetitouch or Auto Touch.


I tried Auto Touch and HiroMacro and such but they are either not able to do what i want or are to buggy to do it like Auto Touch constantly crashing on getImage and Miromacro not being able to get pixel color even though the function is offered.



8381Mon, 02 Feb 2015 22:48:38 +0000
Help starting to create hacks n so!http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/6735-help-starting-to-create-hacks-n-so/Hey! I Don't even know if this is the right section to post this in but anyways. I decided to start creating hacks for black ops 2 and other call of duty games. But I'm kinda new to it.

All I'm really good at is just HTML and CSS but I really have no clue where to start learning to code Hacks for games, Aimbot wallhack etc. If someone of you guys just could help me out with this just leave a link below I would really appricate it! 


Please help me get a good start! :]

6735Wed, 05 Nov 2014 18:56:08 +0000
Simple script, but why doesn't it work?http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/5795-simple-script-but-why-doesnt-it-work/<?php session_start();require 'config.php'; // Dołącz plik konfiguracyjny i połączenie z bazarequire_once 'user.class.php'; if ($_POST['register'] == 1) {    // Zabezpiecz dane z formularza przed kodem HTML i ewentualnymi atakami SQL Injection    $login = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['login']));    $pass = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['pass']));    $pass_v = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['pass_v']));    $email = mysql_real_escape_string(htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']));    $login = mb_strtolower($login);     $existsLogin = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE login='$login' LIMIT 1"));    $existsEmail = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE email='$email' LIMIT 1"));    $errors = '';       if (!$login || !$email || !$pass || !$pass_v ) $errors .= '- Musisz wypelnić wszystkie pola<br />';    if ($existsLogin[0] >= 1) $errors .= '- Ten login jest zajety<br />';    if ($existsEmail[0] >= 1) $errors .= '- Ten e-mail jest juz uzywany<br />';    if ($pass != $pass_v)  $errors .= '- Hasla sie nie zgadzaja<br />';    if ($errors != '') {        echo '<p class="error">Rejestracja nie powiodla sie, popraw nastepujace bledy:<br />'.$errors.'</p>';    }     else {          mysql_query("INSERT INTO accounts (login, password, email, status, reason) VaLUES('$login','$pass','$email','OK', '---')") or die ('mysql error');         echo '<p class="success">'.$login.', zostales zarejestrowany.        <br />Teraz mozesz sie zalogowac.';    }} if (!user::isLogged()) { echo' <div class="col-md-12"><div class="itemshop"><form method="post" action=""> <div class="form-group"><center><label>Login</label></center><input name="login" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Login"> </div>  <div class="form-group"><center><label>Password</label></center><input name="pass" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Password"> </div>  <div class="form-group"><center><label>Re-Password</label></center><input name="pass_v" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Re-Password"> </div>  <div class="form-group"><center><label>E-Mail</label></center><input name="email" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="E-Mail"> </div> <center><button name="register" type="submit" class="btn btn-xs btn-primary">Register</button></center></form></div></div>';};  ?> ]]>5795Sat, 06 Sep 2014 19:32:25 +0000Creating a batch file for running a java project - Helphttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/4367-creating-a-batch-file-for-running-a-java-project-help/Hello there, I could use some help for creating a batch file for my java project, and I would really appreciate any help. 3 classes exists and two of them are linked to my main file called Hangagubbe, the other two are called "Flagga" and "Gubben", those two do not have a "public void main...". I use eclipse when I code, if that have anything to do with it.


I have tried making a .bat file.

1. Open notepad

2. write "java myclass" without the "

3. save as a .bat file

4. click it


result: fail




This is what cmd says, I have no idea on how to fix this. I have tried adding the complete pathway to java.exe but with no luck.


As I said, any help is appreciated!


//This was probably the wrong sub forum to post it in but I couldn't see any java section. Maybe I'm blind, if I am; could a mod please move it?

4367Wed, 07 May 2014 22:37:27 +0000
script helphttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/4073-script-help/Just looking to see if someone can make a easy php script to pull emails from PayPal IPN on checkout and insert it into a SQL table for a mailing list automatically. Anyone wanna help :P

4073Sat, 29 Mar 2014 16:38:04 +0000
www bothttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/2351-www-bot/Hello forum! I find myself again in need of your help :)

I guess you`ve already heard about sites that are doing daily raffles/giveaways of game keys or certain items... I`m looking to create a web bot that scans and joins new raffles automatically! I`ve tried creating one using imacros but that would only record the giveaways that I have entered and I could`t find a way to make it scan for new ones...

From what I understand it should be a easy script however I lack heavy knowledge of web development :(

I`ve watched a tutorial on youtube about basic web botting and so far I`ve made it to login on steam but that is as far as I can go...here is the code (I hope I don`t upset anyone for posting the website):


set webbrowser = createobject("internetexplorer.application")webbrowser.statusbar = falsewebbrowser.menubar = falsewebbrowser.toolbar = falsewebbrowser.visible = truewebbrowser.navigate("http://tf2r.com/news.html")wscript.sleep(5000)webbrowser.navigate("http://tf2r.com/login")wscript.sleep(10000)webbrowser.document.all.item("steamAccountName").value = "evil4you"webbrowser.document.all.item("steamPassword").value = "would`t you like to know :P"wscript.sleep(100)webbrowser.document.all.item("imageLogin").click
Ok...the routine should be something like this:

- scan for new raffles

- +condition: more than 1 new raffle > open each in new tabs > join > return to main page and scan again...

- +condition: no new raffle > wait 5 minutes > reload page and scan again...

- +condition: only 1 new raffle > open > join > return to main page and scan again...

If someone who knows these things could help me create a small vbs script (or any other type of script that you might know better and that could follow this routine) it would be really great and appreciated!

2351Mon, 19 Aug 2013 09:50:44 +0000
Need Help With Garrys Mod Basewarshttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/1835-need-help-with-garrys-mod-basewars/Hey i need help with our Garrys Mod Basewars server.

I am looking for a Mysql and Lua coder they can help us with the server!

Discuss anything further we personally!

thanks: nCo1337.

1835Sun, 23 Jun 2013 13:43:32 +0000