World of Warcraft Latest Topics of Warcraft Latest TopicsenMage Portal Bot 3.3.5a How would I go about making this? Is there something already premade?

13758Sun, 22 Jan 2017 00:17:47 +0000
Firestorm Legion (wow 7.0.3 22522) Hi guys,

I would like to start this topic in order to share usefull things with each others.

Dugi guide addon:

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Dynasty addons:

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If you have some usefull addons or bots pls share them with us.


13723Wed, 28 Dec 2016 15:22:15 +0000
PQR 3.3.5 Interrupt Spells LUA. Having some trouble. Last night, I was working on a modified LUA of an interrupt (Such as Maim) to only interrupt certain spells. Here's the LUA.

local Spell,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_ = UnitCastingInfo("target")
if Spell == ("Lesser Healing Wave") 
or Spell == ("Holy Light") 
or Spell == ("Flash of Light") 
or Spell == ("Nourish") 
or Spell == ("Healing Touch") 
or Spell == ("Regrowth") 
or Spell == ("Flash Heal")
or Spell == ("Greater Heal")
or Spell == ("Healing Wave")
or Spell == ("Chain Heal")
or Spell == ("Penance")
or Spell == ("Chaos Bolt")
or Spell == ("Improved Fear")
or Spell == ("Vampiric Touch")
or Spell == ("Lava Burst")
and GetComboPoints("player", "target") < 1
then StopSpellCasting()
return true end

It doesn't seem to be working. Any way to correct this?

13745Wed, 11 Jan 2017 18:12:02 +0000
working fishing bot warmane? So ,as the topic says, does it exist? please i really want one for wotlk (3.3.5) warmane server! 



13543Mon, 03 Oct 2016 13:19:20 +0000
PQR 3.3.5 Low Ranked Spells not working at all. Last night, I had added spells to the Druid PQR Profile to match lower levels. For reasons I cannot figure out, they will not work. If someone can give me some help, that would be appreciated. 

I will link the profiles with the lower ranked spells included. Also included is a basic Feral Tank Rotation that works at max level.

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13711Thu, 22 Dec 2016 22:02:47 +0000
Working bot for Firestorm 6.2.3? Hey guys. Is there a working bot version for 6.2.3 Firestorm? :) Thanks a lot!

13086Tue, 31 May 2016 18:29:07 +0000
Are there bots for private servers? Hi, i looking for bot 6.2.3 on private servers, i play on firestorm... thanks u!

13634Sun, 13 Nov 2016 14:17:19 +0000
zzukbot anyone here used this 1.12 bot?  It looks promising, but I'm iffy on spending any money on a 1.12 bot since vanilla botter was beyond terrible.

10773Sun, 06 Sep 2015 05:42:30 +0000
Botting on Atlantiss 4.3.4 Hey guys,


Is anyone here botting on Atlantiss private server? I was thinking, maybe we could group up and run our dungeon bot? Would it work?

And did any of you got the quest bot working?

13167Thu, 16 Jun 2016 15:47:20 +0000
Leveling bot for hunter Kronos vanilla (request) Hey out there,

I am a interested in buying a leveling bot for vanila wow server Kronos. I will need 2 things (coz im an idiot)

1. The actual program

2. Live support via skype or similar during setup

I dont care if its simple just need it to be undetectable by server anti-cheat programs.

Depending on the features etc. will of course determine the price. I am thinking somewhere in the range between 15-80 euro.

feel free to contact me by replying here or through a pm


13097Thu, 02 Jun 2016 14:44:16 +0000
<![CDATA[Offcial WRobot for Privat Servers (Cata & Mop)]]> Hey guys,

Just browse WRobot forum around, and actually found out that the Coder from WRobot released a Version Specially for Cataclysm (4.3.4) and MOP (5.4.8), pretty fresh release 19. November.
So i think if you need a Privat Server Bot for those Expansions you best bet is WRobot that Supports this Versions.

Full access to WRobot FOR WOW PRIVATE SERVER and all its products, unlimited WRobot session, Lifetime for just 15 Euro.

Their is a 15 Minutes Trial so you can test the Bot on your Server.

Please login or register to see this link.


Hope i helped for anyone who is searching for a Privat Server Bot, greets

11603Tue, 01 Dec 2015 00:25:25 +0000
What are you guys using for gold farming? Hey guys I've been wondering. What are you farming / gathering to get gold in WoW with HB ? I'm trying several stuff but I want to make more gold faster. I would be really pleased to know what are you methods :P Even if they are in PM. 

12986Sun, 08 May 2016 10:34:13 +0000
LF GATHERBUDDY FOR 3.3.5a title says everything, I'm looking for gatherbuddy which is for 3.3.5a.

Would be nice if someone would share it with me, if it needed I'll even pay for it. :)

4860Fri, 20 Jun 2014 16:56:08 +0000
3.3.5 PQR on Particular Server for a long while, guess I might as well ask...

Has anyone successfully used PQR on Dalaran-WoW?

I've tried to attach it multiple times and it seems to immediately crash my game.

I'll admit, I already sank a bit of money into it for an insta-70, I'd rather not get permabanned just because PQR hates me.

Any suggestions?

10812Wed, 09 Sep 2015 05:42:17 +0000
Zygor cracked, auction scan not working? I have read that the addon gets data from the zygor cloud.. Iam scanning now for 1h the auction house but it is not finishing. What could be the problem?

12577Fri, 11 Mar 2016 00:20:13 +0000
Wrobot for 3.3.5a Greetings guys,

I've found full meshes for  Wrobot 3.3.5a in case somebody of you have cracked version of Wrobot for 3.3.5a wow. As I said, I am talking about Cracked version not retail official one.
I would like to see someone have cracked version of this software, I'll copy paste links from official web sites:

First link is wrobot beta version that needs to be cracked somehow, 2nd link is full meshes for that wrobot version.

Please login or register to see this link.

Please login or register to see this link.

Hope to see this thread a live because Honorbuddy meshes for 3.3.5a are so crap to work in any BG.

Best Regards!

12283Sat, 06 Feb 2016 15:55:07 +0000
BattleTop100 - Advertise your server | Gaming Topsite is a Private Server Gaming Top 100 list with several of features to the server admins as well as the players to find the server they've been looking for. 

BattleTop100 offers:

- Fast registration
- A clean and easy navigation through the website
- More traffic / player interest
- Organized toplist that removes all the broken links on a daily basis. 
- 24/7 Online
- Easy voting for your players. 


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12212Fri, 29 Jan 2016 00:45:49 +0000
TOP WOW, Gaming Websites and Private Servers Top 100 List. Hello People of codedeception

Welcome to TopWow !

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All in one !
- Top gaming private servers, account futures, true voting system.
- Account creation, and control pannel which can simply help you to follow your favorite private servers and games.
- Cool web designed webiste, which allows you to search everything you want fast, and with just few simple clicks.
- Over 60 Categories of games ;
Join us today ! Save your time, and follow your gaming servers path in one site -

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12121Tue, 19 Jan 2016 22:42:22 +0000
Private Server 6.2.3 Hacks/Exploits (W.I.P) Hey all, been playing on a few private servers since the banwave caught me and decided to see if WPE Pro was still working for certain things.

I have a few hex offsets I've found, none that have any big use yet. I will keep this thread updated as I find new offsets, or find any exploits!

First thing is first a little how to on WPE Pro:


1 -- Get WPE Pro modified: There are copies across the internet, it's a simple google search away. I may upload a copy later on. It should include these files:

  • WpeSpy.dll
  • PermEdit

2 -- Launch WoW and WPE the version doesn't matter all that much.

3 -- Launch & Use Perm Edit on both your active WoW process and WPE process (You can close PermEdit after.)

4 -- In WPE you need to change an option to see the hex you want. Go to View > Options and uncheck Recv and RecvFrom apply and close options.

5 -- Hit the start button right before you preform the action you want info on from the game.

6 -- Preform action in game and hit the stop button on WPE

7 -- Determine which packet was your action by repeating the process and notating the HEX values it returns.

8 -- Determine the offsets that affect your chosen action. Offsets are just the groups of 2 in the hex you get (see example below)

Hex Value   :: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
Hex Offset  ::  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12

You have data now, so let's learn to manipulate it!

10 -- double click a filter give it a name and begin setting your offsets to the value you KNOW will happen in the top, and what you WANT to happen below.

  • Move unstacked item :: 80
    Bag 1 Hex :: FF
    Slot 1 :: 17
    Slot 5 :: 1B
    Slot 3 :: 19
    Slot 7 :: 1D

    Hex Search :: -- -- -- -- 80 FF 19 FF 1B
    Hex Set       :: -- -- -- --  --  --  1D  --  17

    So with this filter set when you move an item from Slot 3(19) to Slot 5(1B) this filter will change it
    so that it takes an item from Slot 7(1D) and move it to Slot 1(17).

11 -- Hit the on button once it's grayed out the filters area try the action in game you provided the search, watch it change


Current Known Offsets

--:: Inventory Manipulation ::-

Different inventory actions have a different number of offsets they will be divided by type, some of the offsets are jumbled and not directly used in 

the operation and can be ignored or their function is not yet known; these are marked with X

Move a Single Item -- 11 Offsets

  1. X
  2. X
  3. X
  4. X
  5. 80 This seems to define the action type of moving a single item -- Editing this can crash a server
  6. FF This is the bag you are moving the item to Known Bag Values [ FF ]
  7. 17 This is the slot you are moving an item to Known Slot Values [ 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D ]{Slots 1 to 7} Setting a Slot past the last in your bag causes glitches
  8. FF This seems to be the bag it's moving the item from
  9. 18 This is the bag slot you are moving the item from
  10. 17 Again the slot the item is moving to
  11. 18 Again the slot it is moving from

Split stacked items -- 13 Offsets

  1. X
  2. X
  3. X
  4. X
  5. 00 This seems to define the action type of cutting a stacked item -- Editing this can crash a server
  6. FF This is the bag it is moving from
  7. 18 slot it is moving from
  8. FF bag item is moving to
  9. 17 slot the item is moving to
  10. 01 This is the # of items that are being split
  11. Unknown Seems important
  12. Unknown Seems important
  13. Unknown Seems important

These are the only offsets I've found as of yet. I think I crashed the server I was playing on by changing the 5th offsets on each of these. That or by sheer luck the server shut down as soon as I moved an item that had the offsets. Please let me know if you find more post them so we can share the knowledge!


11908Sat, 26 Dec 2015 03:10:46 +0000
Can u crack Thenoobbot? It is awesome bot, 

Please login or register to see this link.

ONLY FOR PRIVATE SERVERS and always updated.

11836Sat, 19 Dec 2015 06:59:57 +0000
Know u for botleveling? and for pvp? I'm spanish and my english is very poor, there are some spanish is better hehehe thanks.

11825Fri, 18 Dec 2015 01:56:06 +0000
How to play Zulgurub in Nostalrius? Do you know Nostalrius? It’s a popular private server of world of warcraft. I want to share some tips of how to play Zulgurub Raid. Are you interested in this game?

ZulGurub is a 20-man raid dungeon in Nostalrius Begins for players who reach level 60. You mustn’t feel strange for this old raid dungeon if you have ever played world of warcraft. The old version for ZulGurub is a 20-man raid dungeon for Lvl.60 players, however the returned new version in wow is a 5-man heroic raid dungeon for Lvl.85. We all know that Nostalrius Begins, which is commonly called Nosralrius, is a private server for world of warcraft. Many newbies may wonder that “can I play nostalrius well if I have not played warcraft?” Certainly you don’t need to worry about that. When you are leveling on nostalrius you will have plenty of time to know about your class before you step into dungeons.
ZulGurub locates in the northeastern Stranglethorn Vale and counts as an outdoor zone, so riding a mount is possible. 

Ten bosses of ZulGurub:
1. High Priestess Jeklik
2. High Priest Venoxis
3. High Priestess Mar'li
4. High Priest Thekal
5. High Priestess Arlokk
6. Hakkar the Soulflayer
7. BloodlordMandokir
8. Jin'do the Hexxer
9. Gahz'ranka
10. Edge of Madness

Here is the most efficient route to pass through ZulGurub:
1. Enter the instance and continue straight across the first bridge, turn right and head up a hill and kill High Priestess Jeklik.
2. Go back down and across the second bridge to find the room on the left containing High Priest Venoxis.
3. Behind Venoxis's Room take the right path, and continue going up. Here you can take a slight left up a hill and kill BloodlordMandokir or take a right through the path with spider webs to High Priestess Mar'li.
4. Returning back down the hill past the large staircase on the right those who plan on doing the Edge of Madness should do it now.
5. Down the path to your right you'll find High Priest Thekal.
6. After High Priest Thekal off the path to the left you'll find the camp and shoreline used to spawn Gahz'ranka who is a water boss, kill him if desired.
7. Back up the hill and down the road you will find a pyramid, inside is High Priestess Arlokk.
8. Go back outside and continue up the path and kill Jin'do the Hexxer if you want to, and have time.
9. Reverse back down the ramp, and over the bridge on your right to the temple of Hakkar, and you've cleared all of Zul'Gurub!

11666Fri, 04 Dec 2015 06:07:43 +0000
HB for 5.4.8? i use google and cant find anything, do you have something for me pls)

9805Mon, 25 May 2015 18:20:44 +0000
WTB NOSTALRIUS ACCOUNT nostalrius account

lvl 30+ 




9503Tue, 28 Apr 2015 19:28:24 +0000
error with HB i press the start on HB it says me Starting the bot!

Tilemap is null!
any idea how i can fix that
10498Fri, 07 Aug 2015 09:27:32 +0000