RTS Latest Topics http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/forum/42-rts/RTS Latest TopicsenAnyone playing Smite?http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/3791-anyone-playing-smite/Hello people of Codedeception!

I'm just wondering if anyone of you guys are or have been playing Smite? It would be cool to play with some of you if you're playing the game or have been thinking of trying it out. (I recommend trying it atleast once!)

Feel free to add me ingame if you wanna play some time. IGN = Trollelicious

The game is currently in beta I believe but will be launched March 25 according to their latest post.


For you lazy people that may be interested in trying out the game the link is here ---> 

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And if you feel like "Oh I would really like to click a referal link from this guy!" here you go! ---> 

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Oh and idk where to post this so if this is the wrong section of the forum please move! :)

3791Sun, 02 Feb 2014 22:26:28 +0000
are loleloboosting.com legit?http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/6283-are-loleloboostingcom-legit/so i got added by loleloboosting.com on skype and they are asking if i want to be a booster for them.


anything i can ask to verify their legitimacy (aka will they pay me)

6283Tue, 14 Oct 2014 20:15:14 +0000
RTS - The Changing and the Future of a Genrehttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/5876-rts-the-changing-and-the-future-of-a-genre/Hello, I am Neobanana. (No shit since that's my ID)

I am here opening this thread, to talk and discuss my favorite genre, RTS or strategy games in general. It was the first genre I played, the game being Total Annihilation, and i loved it. Being able to command vast armies and built bases and cities to defeat your opponents. I will be the first to say i am not the greatest RTS player, for one i like making sure my bases look like....well bases. Not random buildings placed in random places. Order. Control. Strategy. However over the last couple of years, the RTS genre has slowly started to disappear, in light of the MOBA or DoTA genre. Fine. It seems to me that RTS has split, in a couple of sub genres.

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, Turn-Based, other ones such as the new fable game. 

I maybe wrong about all that. But I feel like my Favorite genre will be no more, well what i mean is only big games like Sid Meier's Civ, Blizzard's Starcraft and well.. nothing else comes to mind. Maybe Command & Conquer whenever that decides to get released. 

I have a large collection of RTS games in my background. But nothing has hit my fancy, so to speak. Command & Conquer Generals. Probably still my top. I have played Banished from new indie developer, although a good game, no combat. Not for me, sadly. But I tiip my hat to him, as he made the game by himself, minus the sound design.  

Now I offer anyone else to join, and share their opinion, even if you argue with me about everything i just said. But like i said, I maybe wrong. 


A Banana with the Power to Save the World

5876Thu, 11 Sep 2014 13:54:57 +0000
Paradox East vs West Leakhttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/4836-paradox-east-vs-west-leak/The cancelled Paradox Interactive title, East vs West, has been leaked to the public.

Although it is bug ridden it is enjoyable if you are experienced with previous paradox titles.

If you're interested in the game here is a link to the leak.


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Please login or register to see this link.

 - Direct Download

4836Tue, 17 Jun 2014 17:52:29 +0000
Strife Closed Beta Keyhttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/4572-strife-closed-beta-key/How cost a Strife Closed Beta Key please ?

4572Wed, 21 May 2014 23:29:21 +0000
DotA 2 Key giveaway!http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/1564-dota-2-key-giveaway/Hello everyone! I currently have 16DotA 2 keys ( invitations ) and I will give them away, all you have to do is like this post and I will send you a key in PM!

1564Fri, 31 May 2013 13:35:57 +0000
Dota 2 keys giveaway!http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/557-dota-2-keys-giveaway/Since everyone else is doing one of these I might aswell just give it a go. Post/PM e-mails/username and I'll send you an invite asap. Got a shit ton left.

557Fri, 15 Mar 2013 22:57:01 +0000
Dota 2 Keyshttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/1404-dota-2-keys/i have 15 dota 2 gifts left inbox me your steam id and ill send u it

1404Fri, 17 May 2013 06:55:00 +0000
Rome IIhttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/1502-rome-ii/Anyone else REALLY REALLY excited about Rome II's release???


So amped right now days are taking forever to end :(

1502Tue, 28 May 2013 09:58:35 +0000
Age Of Empires 2 HD editionhttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/968-age-of-empires-2-hd-edition/Anyone buy the new HD edition of Age Of Empires 2? Add neostarwcc to your steam so we can play. I'm downloading it now so I'll have to tell you guys how awesome it is.


The revamped HD graphics look amazing though and I like how they have their own multiplayer server.

968Fri, 12 Apr 2013 14:43:36 +0000
Empire Earth 2http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/905-empire-earth-2/Hey does anyone know where I can get Empire Earth 2 for free?

905Tue, 09 Apr 2013 17:49:44 +0000
SimCity5http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/848-simcity5/Is any one playing simcity 5?


What are you thinking about the game at the min?


Is any one intrested in started a region with other CM players and having our own zone to grow and see what we can manage to create?


If you want to start one then send me a PM or just post your username so can be added to friends list so that we can all get a private CM one up and going.


Add me its Jamie306_321

848Wed, 03 Apr 2013 17:52:36 +0000
15 keys of Dota 2 giveaway!http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/534-15-keys-of-dota-2-giveaway/Again, hello :P, as the topic says, i have alot of dota 2 keys to give, so if you want to get one simply send me a PM with a mail adress from your steam account, or post it here :)



Status: 12 keys left

534Fri, 15 Mar 2013 13:03:35 +0000
Dota 2 Key'shttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/488-dota-2-keys/Thought i'd be a nice guy and give away some dota 2 keys so mail me on here with your steam ID and ill gladly gift you dota 2!



488Wed, 13 Mar 2013 02:14:32 +0000
Sim City 5http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/452-sim-city-5/Hey guys, I was wondering if anybody knew where I could get Sim City 5 for free? I would buy it myself but the servers are overloaded and people are complaining it's hard to play so I'm not paying £45 for a broken game ;p Cheers!

452Sun, 10 Mar 2013 12:19:25 +0000
DotA 2 Key Giveaway!http://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/164-dota-2-key-giveaway/remove plz

164Mon, 25 Feb 2013 05:30:33 +0000
dota 2 key bothttp://codedeception.net/ipb/index.php?/topic/234-dota-2-key-bot/

Please login or register to see this link.

For the ones who want a key/wants to give away keys.

234Thu, 28 Feb 2013 06:51:35 +0000