Guides and Exploits Latest Topics and Exploits Latest TopicsenZygor Guides 6.1.15994

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(World of Warcraft)  6.1.15994

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13452Thu, 18 Aug 2016 02:13:03 +0000
<![CDATA[ESO (1.3.15955) & WoW (6.1.15888) ZygorGuides w/ Regular Gold Data Updates]]> Hi,

I'm doing regular releases of ZygorGuides that include gold data for the top 25 realms for the US and EU regions.

In order to continue doing this I need access to at least one (preferably two) active ZygorGuides accounts. If you're willing to volunteer your account, please PM me. I can optionally include you in the credits for each release (on this thread, in the Zygor version string in-game and in the AddOn description in-game). I have anonymized my releases by generating unique (valid) Licence.lua files (after reverse engineering Zygor's Licencing system), which is the way I believe others have been caught, so you should be safe in volunteering your account. If I have two accounts going at once, I will use them both to ensure no identifying information is released by comparing the two's data before each release (if anything differs between the two, that's suspect identifying information and will be stripped).

Thanks to Foxez for providing the working account for the latest releases!

Some people are re-releasing my links as their own on similar forums. I don't mind so much, but Foxez here has given me the account I'm using, so I feel like I should make at least a small effort to keep traffic here. So I've added a password to the uploaded archives to give the other releasers one more hoop to jump through. Apologies if this inconveniences you!

Trouble with the archive? I recommend extracting using 7-zip:

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Today's Releases (2017-05-23): 1.6 MiB

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13586Sun, 23 Oct 2016 17:03:33 +0000
<![CDATA[GetFirehawk: Zygor guides, Dugi & Dynasty suite. [Legion]]]>

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Every guide, you'll ever need, in 1 button.

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Contain guides for:
Achievements. Daily quests. Loremaster. Leveling. Talents. Dungeons. Professions.
Very user friendly addon with a clean interface, very efficiency!
Get it now free of charge with Firehawk!

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Contain guides for:
Leveling & Loremaster Dailies & Events Dungeon & Gear Professions & Achievements Gold & Auctions Pets & Mounts Titles, Reputations & Macros
Get it now, with Firehawk!

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Addons are:
Tycoon, Economy and Wealth. Impulse, Talent and spec. Booster, Leveling. Edge, All-star guide PvP+PvE.
(Requires The Undermine Journal or Trade Skill Master to support Tycoon!)
Get it now, with Firehawk!


Thats fine and all, but..
What is this Faja-haak you talk about?
Well, are you tired of installing and updating any one of these addons manually?
End it NOW with Firehawk and get playing right away!
Click the icons to download Firehawk directly, the program is simple, easy to use, install and update.
Firehawk is a small software much like curse client that provide several Premium addon-bundles, which normally costs $45 or even more, FREE of charge & with NO required registration!


(Free users doesn't have access to Zygor AH-data and a 48-hour wait period for latest updates, follow release schedule: 

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 PC     &      

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All this is powered by:

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          Person of interest                   Manaview sharing <3  

among others from,


Take a look at 

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 also. Along with these guide addons, it is a very powerful and simple auction tool.

3621Tue, 07 Jan 2014 02:48:22 +0000
<![CDATA[[Updated 13 oct. 2016] Zygor, Dugi & Tycoon]]> Hey guys ! :)


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I hope you enjoy it :D

13526Thu, 22 Sep 2016 11:38:32 +0000
Zygor Gold Data  



What is this?

To run Zygor Gold Guide, you need to have an up to date data file for your realm, containing data of the auction house. These files can only be obtained through the Zygor client, and that's why you will never find a free version of the Zygor Guides allowing you to use the Gold Guide module. This website allows you to download manually these files to be able to use the Zygor Gold Guide, even with a non-paid version of it.

Simply follow the instructions on the website.


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13710Thu, 22 Dec 2016 07:35:04 +0000
Goblineer's WoW Gold Guide r34 (TSM)  


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13106Sat, 04 Jun 2016 02:37:06 +0000
<![CDATA[[Selling] WoW Scripts & Damage Hacks 3.3.5a]]> Skype: mrscripterx    YOU CAN SEE ALL THE FEEDBACKS HERE: 

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f0ntyr.pngWarrior Scripts:< 30 EURO >
Auto Global Gameplay, Auto Disarm, Auto Rogue Spot, Anti Rogue Vanish, Buff Assistant, Auto Berserker Rage, Scatter Reflect, Scatter Intervene, Auto Overpower, Auto Reflect, Tremor Mouseover Destroy, Auto Interrupt, Anti-Succubus, Auto Kick (with human logic to be undetectable).

Paladin scripts: < 20 EURO >
Auto Dispell, Auto Succubus Fear before Seduce and in Seduce, Auto Sacrifice, LUA Heal Macro.

Priest scripts: < 20 EURO >
Auto Dispell, Auto SWD, Auto Rebuff Inner Fire, Tremor Mouseover Destroy, SWD on trap also without scatter. LUA Heal Macro, Lua Dispell Macro, Lua Assist Macro (Holy Fire + Smite), Lua Dots (Both dots in one macro).

Mage scripts:< 20 EURO
Counterspell, Safe Counterspell, Safe Deep Freeze, Fake Reflect/Grounding Totem, Anti-SWD, Auto Ice Barrier, Anti-Rogue Combat.

Shamman scripts: < 30 EURO >
Wind Shear, Cleanse, Anti-Rogue Combat, Re-Totems, Auto Weapon Enchant, Auto Grounding Totem, Anti Grounding Totem, Tremor Mouseover Destroy, Feral Instant Cast Remover (also works VS drood and shamman NS), Purge, Anti-Reflect, Seduce Tremor, Water Shield Renew.

Warlock Scripts: < 20 EURO >
Anti Reflect, Anti SWD Succubus, Auto Port in Bladestorm, Shadow Dance...

Deathknight Scripts:< 30 EURO >
Auto rotation with auto CDs and auto burst. Best rotation script in the market.

Druid Scripts:< 30 EURO EACH >

- Feral: Best DMG Rotation, Auto swap Cat Form to remove slow, roots, novas..., Instant Cyclone when enemy casting important CC or Healing spells, Anti Reflect, Anti Grounding, Auto Remove Curse, Auto stun to stop important healing or CC, Safe Cyclone (not usable if enemy has bubble, ice block, grounding...) Anti-Rogue Combat.

- Restoration: Auto swap Travel Form to remove roots, novas... or to stop Polymorphs. Anti Reflect, Anti Grounding. Auto Healing Rotation.

Rogue Scripts: < 20 EURO >

3.3.5a Lich King: Auto Shadowstep Kick on important spells, Auto Blind on enemy trinket if he has no dots, Auto Bladestorm Disarm.

4.3.4 Cataclysm (All 3 rogue specs): best rogue pvp routine that does everything automatically to control all the arena. You only need to move your character. It has also a burst mode key and custom macros. SUPPORTS ALL 3 ROGUE SPECS.

5.4.8 Mist of Pandaria (All 3 rogue specs): best rogue pvp routine that does everything automatically to control all the arena. You only need to move your character. It has also a burst mode key. SUPPORTS ALL 3 ROGUE SPECS.


Hunter Scripts: < 30 euro >

- MM spec: auto PvP Damage rotation with the best damage, auto drain mana shot in focus healer, Auto Scatter + Trap on target (100% chance to trap success)

Deep Wounds Hack: < 40 EURO >
Makes your Deep Wounds more stackable to do more damage. Also sometimes hits extra deep wounds procs invisible to the combat log.

Warrior GCD Reducer: < 30 EURO >
Will reduce your warrior's GCD by 0,4 seconds.

Bleedings Hack: < 30 EURO >
Feral Bleedings invisible extra bleed damage.

Dodge/Parry Hack: < 30 EURO >
Increases your dodge and parry chance by +6%

Invisible DMG Hack: < 40 EURO >
Each 30 seconds - 1 minute - 2 minutes will unleash an extra attack invisible to the combat log of 3k-4k-5k, depending on the damage you're doing. (For example, I was hitting a guy in arena and his HP went from 15k to 10k without doing anything).

GCD Hack: < 30 EURO >
This patch reduces your GCD by 0,2 seconds. Best CD Reducer in the market for all classes.

Shield Wall / Recklessness / Retaliation CD Hack:  < 20 EURO >
Reduces the CD of this three spells and makes it to be 12 seconds always (You can't cast the same spell twice. For example: you can't Shield Wall > Shield Wall > Shield Wall, but you can cast Shield Wall > Retaliation > Shield Wall) (Not working in big servers like Warmane or WoW Circle).

Fixed Range Hack: < 20 EURO >
Instead of increasing the range by 9 yards like the old fixed one, it increases your range by 4 yards. Working in all servers.

Auto-Hotkey Script: < 20 EURO >
This script increases your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "111111".


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13535Tue, 27 Sep 2016 14:45:54 +0000


13513Fri, 16 Sep 2016 06:14:47 +0000
Zygor 6.0.14546 Donwload: 

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Virus Total: 

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Version: 6.0.14546
* Fixed "Light's Charge" quest turnin step to point to the correct location.
* Fixed "Light's Charge" quest turnin step to point to the correct location.

Original Uploader: memeking - Cheers dude

13506Tue, 13 Sep 2016 10:26:05 +0000
Zygor World of Warcraft August 17 v5.0.14332 I will try to keep this topic as updated as possible.!RtFjjCZB!xquDtTmDoGTCC7EQAs_OZ898bzgo-VDfwRTJcHFdU5c


Have fun!

13337Fri, 22 Jul 2016 07:49:37 +0000
Zygor Guide, Dugi Guide


Aim to release as soon as an update is released for them, but only when I am active on CD.


Instant download links.



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Looking for X-ELERATED? Head over to

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Special thanks to

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for keeping this updated while I deal with IRL stuff.

Credit to

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6832Wed, 12 Nov 2014 18:54:21 +0000
Zygor Guides Addon (Pre-Legion Patch) Didn't see anyone upload the newest so here ya go :P  If i missed it and someone already uploaded feel free to delete my post or yell at me xD



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 -  This is the older one (right before the 5.0.14120 update)

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- 5.0.14135 [LATEST]

13335Wed, 20 Jul 2016 18:01:13 +0000
Zygor Guides 5 0 13872 June 2016 Version: 5.0.13872
Release date: Friday 3rd of June 2016 11:39:02 PM
► Download link : 

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13231Sun, 26 Jun 2016 20:00:18 +0000
How to actually get a free rename (without GM intervention) 1: Delete character you want to rename.
2: Make a new character with your deleted character's name.
3: Restore old character
4: Free Rename.


Works ONLY if you create the same-name-char on an account on the same - otherwise it's locked to that account for 90days.

A starter account should do the job.


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Exclusive forum for Donators, Contributors, Elites, Legendaries and Staff only.

11972Sat, 02 Jan 2016 18:59:02 +0000
zygor guides Well, now firehawks need premium membership to download zygor.


anyone know a link where i can get zygor for free?

12464Sat, 20 Feb 2016 19:19:32 +0000
How to get all PQR Scripts and Hacks for WoW 3.3.5a Today the Gladiator-Script's Team brings you the best opportunity you will ever get. We are a group of 3 people that knows everything about scripts, hacks and arena bots for world of warcraft. Yesterday we finished the website, and now we're ready to show you guys everything we got.

Firstly we will start with 3.3.5a (Wotlk) WoW scripts, hacks and arena bots. If this goes well, we will release same scripts, hacks and arena bots or more for other expansions (TBC, Cataclysm, MOP...)

So please, take a look at our website and if you're interested on anything, just talk to us on skype! You can find all the information in the website:


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12881Tue, 19 Apr 2016 19:07:21 +0000
[Video Guide]GladiatorSuite Combat Routine Guide ALL CLASSES guys i made a vid to help out some users with there CR settings

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If you cant Click the spotlight at the beginning here are the timestamps for the Guides
Druid : 05:36
Shaman: 26:24
Hunter: 10:50
Rogue :36:18
Warlock 29:38
Warrior 31:18
DeathKnight 0:45
Mage 15:44
Priest 21:56
Paladin: 20:16
8750Wed, 04 Mar 2015 01:38:26 +0000
Fast Lovely Charms Grind 2016  

Head to the location on the map.



Once there you want to stand somewhere around this pointn97ulbnp.jpg


Set up your botbase Grind+ from the cdstore.

Recomended settings :

us8bi36p.jpg(Don't have to have Skin/Loot Mobs Checked)

Start the bot and watch the charms fly into your bag. For fast grinding join/start a party

12422Mon, 15 Feb 2016 23:21:37 +0000
WoW 1.12.1 Multi Hack Start as administrator to get it working (only Vista and higher)!
Download is at the bottom of the page if you don't want to read all this shit. But please read the thread first before you're asking about any errors or other questions.

When I played Vanilla (yes, I don't play anymore, I hope that explains my lack of motivation to keep working on this tool :<) I was looking for hacks like WoWEmuhacker, but I could just find one and that one sucked in my opinion.
So then I decided to create my own one, with more features and better handling (you couldn't even set the movement speed of your speedhack in the other one and so on).
After days of research I found most of the things I needed and I decided to give it a go. The result is this little toolie now and I think I can say it's the best hacking-tool you will find in public for 1.12.1 tongue.gif (not that there is much competition biggrin.png)

Well, features are the following:

    Airswim (kind of flyhack)
    Movement modifications (slowfall, waterwalk, levitation)
    Unrooting (Unstunning)
    Hunter Tracking
    Resource Tracking
    Stuck-In-Air ;-)
    List of favorite teleport-coordinates (finally biggrin.png)
    Infinite Jumps
    No falldamage
    Stun immunity (only movement)


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// virustotal: 

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// a user has still reported the file as a virus, use at your own risk

.Net Framework 2.0 or above is required

10264Wed, 08 Jul 2015 22:14:16 +0000
How to load CDStore profiles on HBRelog thread is merely to clarify this situation so people don't need to dig deep and get confused in the way.


Thanks to castleHF I finally found out you can load profiles on HBRelog from CDStore just like you would from BuddyStore.


So, just download HBRelog and read through all the settings which are pretty self explanatory and fill them.

When it comes to that part where you have to search for the profile that will be loaded, open Honorbuddy and do it like you would do to load a profile from the CDStore but instead of loading it, right click the profile and "Copy Path". This will copy the path of the profile you want to load to your clipboard.

After that all you need to do is go back to HBRelog and paste the command "-loadprofile" followed by a space and the path you just coppied on the camp where it asks for your profile path.

Click start and have fun.



7092Fri, 28 Nov 2014 15:55:19 +0000
Titan and maybe Draconic language So after mercenary mode came out, I've been getting on and off the language Titan, how ever I haven't been able to replicate it on another character but I can replicated when ever I do it on my main that it first appeared on. This might be Alliance and Night Elf only but I'm not sure as Horde almost never have merc up.

1) Speak to the Battleground Recruiter and get the Mercenary mode buff.
2) Queue up for a random BG.
3) Leave the BG (don't know if you get it if you finish it)
4) ????
5) Language should be learned now.

As I mentioned above, I don't know why I can't replicate it on other characters then this. Would love to hear if anyone else can replicate it.
The language does disappear after you relog though, however one of my friends has gotten Draconic from this and she has had it ever since.





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Exclusive forum for Donators, Contributors, Elites, Legendaries and Staff only.

11971Sat, 02 Jan 2016 18:54:13 +0000
Hold your place in Queues and how to get faster Queues. Everybody has had those moments that you are doing something else while waiting on the group to be ready for LFR or BG.


Hold your place In Q. (lvl 100 only)

1. Join the queues you'd like to join.

2. If you have to leave your computer, hearth to your garrison and join the "Proving Grounds" scenario.

3. Keep your toon inside the proving grounds scenario until you return and are able to continue. Once you want to rejoin your queue, just leave the Proving Grounds instance group!
4. You will not be put at the back of the line when entering queue again.


Faster queues. (Only works if you are going to do multiple LFR or BG'S.

1. Queue up for LFR/BGs of your choice. 

2. Wait for queue pop up.

3. Complete instance and leave the group. When you return you will have instant queue to the next ones.
(Above is commonly know already, just posting this for people who are unaware of this)



11866Tue, 22 Dec 2015 10:00:46 +0000
Rebot Exploit - Temporarily Change PC Time for infinite demo.'s 30 minute demo functions by taking the time from when you started the demo then waits till that time + 30 mins and stops. If you set your Date/Time to 1 day ahead then start bot then wait a few seconds till it says like "0 minutes running" then set your time back and wait a few seconds the "0 minutes running" will dissapear and you will have the demo run infinitiely (or at least for 1 day and 30 mins or whatever time ahead you set your date).

This means you can use all the paid featuers forever :D

9831Wed, 27 May 2015 11:38:28 +0000
How to farm gold whith bot?!) I have some questions about botting!
How to farm gold whith bot? i mean which one profile i need to choose,to farm gold by my warrior)

11404Tue, 10 Nov 2015 22:50:54 +0000
6.2.2 White Murloc Pet it has been posted everywhere.. maybe even here but I haven't seen it.. granted I haven't looked that hard..


Free Pet: 

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11190Mon, 19 Oct 2015 07:21:48 +0000