World of Warcraft Latest Topics of Warcraft Latest TopicsenElysium PvP - Who is in? Hello,


I am going for the new realm, is anyone out there who wants to play in a guild? Maybe I will bot a little bit too. If someone want to share information about the realm or anything just post.

13737Sat, 07 Jan 2017 22:46:46 +0000
Banwave Seems Blizzard caught the buddy team with their panths down again.

Did you loose any accounts? If you did how much? :)

I am first to announce that i got 4 of my accounts banned

13626Thu, 10 Nov 2016 06:42:50 +0000
WTS Honobuddy lifetime account Hello everyone.
I want to sell my honorbuddy account because I have left wow for some time now and I do not use it.
It is a lifetime account and has the Kingwow Priest payout routine.
I accept payments by paypal the price is 15 euros.
Send me a private one that interests you.

13627Thu, 10 Nov 2016 10:30:12 +0000
Why HonorBuddy? I'm not all too good with a computer, but if building a patcher for HonorBuddy is so hard then doesn't it seem easier to build it for a diferent WoW bot?

Like I said, I'm not great with computers by any stretch of the word so there could, very well be a reason I'm totally overlooking.

Could anyone please clarify this?

13605Tue, 01 Nov 2016 05:38:58 +0000
Cheap EU Gametime

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I'm not even an EU player.. lookin' for US as well buuut .com doesn't have it for a good price :-(

11876Wed, 23 Dec 2015 02:49:53 +0000
Soapbox Crack is updated on Nulled and free for everyone(14/10/16) I'd like just to give this advice to you guys

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Soapbox crack was updated by finndev today and is free for everyone(at least for now 14/10/16), have fun :) 

13566Fri, 14 Oct 2016 08:49:27 +0000
best in slot items what site do you guys use to find oth whats the best in slot items to use and where to get them?

i use to use mr robot but now its all paid subscription.


13530Sun, 25 Sep 2016 15:25:45 +0000
[Poll] What's your Main class with Legion?  What's your Main class with Legion?

12945Thu, 28 Apr 2016 07:02:34 +0000
WTB Mythic HFC Runs Hey guys, 

Im looking to buy Mythic HFC 13/13 runs, price is $300-$450 depending on loot

If you also know a guild who offers this or the service id appreciate them in the comments.

Nothing over $450 as legion is upon us.

13297Mon, 11 Jul 2016 08:19:33 +0000
Safe-ish fishing bot? Anyone know what the safest fishing bot is at the moment?

I used to use honorbuddy to garrison fish, a lot. Luckily i quit around december last year so i never got ban-waved or anything.

13236Wed, 29 Jun 2016 04:37:38 +0000
Is WoD's level 90 boost gone? So, I just bought two accounts and theres no more 90s boost? Both upgraded to WoD but I can't find the damn buttom...


I guess it's over or I'm bugged in here somehow...


Edit: Found this...

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Gonna try get in contact, since I've bought WoD separated...

13041Thu, 19 May 2016 16:35:37 +0000
cheep battlechest? anyone have any cheep battlechest links? i been looking around alot since mine stopt working, and none of threads i found with links did not work for me, so im asking in my own thread anyone know?

And at same time anyone know if there is anyway to get dreanor cheep? Thx for all answars as allways! :)

If posted in wrong, pleas send it to the right place (still new in the forums ^^ )

11317Mon, 02 Nov 2015 04:01:12 +0000
Is marksman that bad for grinding? I bought a 90 lvl character. Not from another player but from blizzard. You know, they have that "boost-to-lvl-90" option. Then I've reached the level 100 with it grinding and questing. Now I'm trying to grind for gold and the results make me very sad because my marksman can kill only 300 mobs per hour while almost every other class is better. My gear is a bunch of 91 crafted epics (only 3) with a bunch of random rares and ucommons which give me critical strike and multistrike.

So my gear is pretty average, I think. But I don't understand why does my marksman kill so slowly? Is this class just not supposed to be a grinder? Or is my ilvl (584) is just not enough?

9475Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:48:51 +0000
Gladiator-Scripts 3.3.5a PQR, hacks and arena bots. Today the Gladiator-Script's Team brings you the best opportunity you will ever get. We are a group of 3 people that knows everything about scripts, hacks and arena bots for world of warcraft. Yesterday we finished the website, and now we're ready to show you guys everything we got.

Firstly we will start with 3.3.5a (Wotlk) WoW scripts, hacks and arena bots. If this goes well, we will release same scripts, hacks and arena bots or more for other expansions (TBC, Cataclysm, MOP...)

So please, take a look at our website and if you're interested on anything, just talk to us on skype! You can find all the information in the website:


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12884Tue, 19 Apr 2016 19:13:57 +0000
LFM Gladiator Suite Mates Deathknight Alliance/Horde is looking for Arena Members with Rota to rush 2,2k+

I´ve got 2,2k exp several times with no Rota, but now i want to push all my DKs fast to the rating ! wsp me if you want to be a part of my Games !



Mfg theultimativeDK

12865Sun, 17 Apr 2016 08:25:54 +0000
Guild :) Brand new guild ' Boundless Journey' is looking for more members! fun and honest people who enjoy a laid back guild. the idea is to raid as soon as we have enough people (Leaders are mythic experienced) but main priority is to have FUN, and be social and prepare for LEGION! Located on horde Draenor EU :)

11855Mon, 21 Dec 2015 18:54:12 +0000
Potential Captcha Coming No confirmation where it will be used.. the guess is to attempt to stop totally afk bots from entering BGs & LFR..

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ENTER_CAPTCHA_INFO (New) - Please enter the text seen below to prove that you are not a rogue Gnomish creation.


12574Thu, 10 Mar 2016 16:56:49 +0000
LF Gladiator Suite PvP Partner's or any OTHER CR ussers to push 2.7k+ Be min 2k CR and min 2.2k EXP Hi! My name is... (what?) My name is... (who?)
My name is... PartisSloveniaWoW. Add me (on skype) if you wana push with me 2.5k+ this sesson.

Have almost all chars fully geared on OUTLAND Alliance (Priest,Rouge,Hunter, 3 Ferals, EnhaShaman,Mage and more)

We can play any Comp be atlest min 2k+ CR. Add me on skype and have time to push maybe even to glad. Add PartisSloveniaWoW on skype for more info.


12804Wed, 13 Apr 2016 12:32:11 +0000
What the fuck is this tooltip ? So I've disabled everything I could find in Auctioneer.. & Disenchantrix..

Obviously I'm missing something..

What the fuck is this from ?


12787Sun, 10 Apr 2016 22:21:52 +0000
Gladiator Suite PvP Partner's Hunter currently seeking Resto Druids / Rogue's / Other viable comps that also run Gladiator Suite to PvP with and get GLAD! I'm 1990xp RBG's with no combat routine. Message me on here to swap battle tags!

8302Thu, 29 Jan 2015 09:31:01 +0000
Small autoitv3 script for annoying errors when using "theTramper" plugin for HB Hello, I've stumbled across a plugin in the CDStore named "theTramper Gather" which is a great plugin when gatherbotting using Honorbuddy, but there are annoying errors due to auth I believe. I found that this plugin can still be used even if the errors are being spammed so I made a little AutoItV3 Script to automatically close the errors. You will need AutoItV3 to compile it yourself.


Source link

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12489Wed, 24 Feb 2016 19:15:14 +0000
[Suggestions] PVP/PVE Paladin [Suggestions] As some of the older members here know, I've returned. Don't remember me. That is a-ok but anywho!

I'm searching for suggestions on which route I should go, to set up a PVP ret/PVE prot paladin. I don't think I'll mess with arenas (never have)

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 I need your PVP junkie self ideas! :D

Let the suggestions fly!


Level: 100

Class: Paladin

Race: Blood elf


12287Sun, 07 Feb 2016 09:36:24 +0000
Raf Hello!

If you got hit by the wave and wanna start over i can help you raf some chars if you are on the EU Servers, Just give me a pm!



11817Thu, 17 Dec 2015 12:07:15 +0000
Battlechest and a huge WoD price drop!

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11366Sun, 08 Nov 2015 03:56:18 +0000
Help with Gladiator suite resto/feral settings, I recently started playing my druid in arena after gearing it, but I'm having trouble with feral damage and resto healing, can someone help me out with settings for Gladiator suite druid as resto/feral? Maybr upload a file a can use


Thank you

11516Mon, 23 Nov 2015 07:53:14 +0000