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Pricelist Powerleveling:
Nostalrius - Elysium • x1 Vanilla servers
1-30 80$ 2-3 days
1-40 125$ 4-5 days
1-60 199$ 9-12 days
• x1 Burning crusade servers
1-60 99$ 6-7 days
60-70 70$ 3-4 days
LORDAERON WARMANE • x1 Wotlk servers
1-60 90$ 3-5 days
1-70 130$ 5-7 days
1-80 169$ 9-12 days
Poverleveling available any complexity, which will be offered at a fair price.
Additional services:
Driving character (personal player for any gaming services)
You can use the time driver at their discretion. For example: farm gold, walk in raids and dungeons, farm honor and reputations. Many and many other tasks.
Price: 20$ per one day = 14hours.
If you are interested or you need more information you can get write here or in my skype: polyukhin.pavel
E-mail: [email protected]
Here are a few of my other threads confirming my honesty: Please login or register to see this link. Please login or register to see this link.
I will be glad to your feedback.
Skype: SNiFFCHEAF1 Please login or register to see this link.
(NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE,ONLY ONE F AT THE END OF THE NAME,WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search.
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As the title says,selling Nostalrius/Elysium gold
Experienced and trusted gold seller.
Gold is farmed by hand (no bots or exploits are being used).
Powerleveling is also done by hand.
Accounts are secure.
Safest on the market !
Price always change according to demand and supply,add me on skype to get latest the price list.
Accepting PAYPAL and SKRILL (moneybookers)
Can also take credit/debit card payments on its own ( u dont need PP or skrill account for this)
Skype: SNiFFCHEAF1 Please login or register to see this link.
(NO DASH, NO DOT, NO UNDERSCORE,ONLY ONE F AT THE END OF THE NAME,WATCH FOR FAKE SKYPES!) Right click and "view profile" to check the real Skype ID.Adding me by using the green button is always right, but u can also copy-paste sniffcheaf1 to your skype search.
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send me email :
selling on all other private realms such as: Archangel/Warsong,VanillaGaming,Kronos-wow,Warmane Lordaeron/Icecrown and many more
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I am looking to buy characters on Nostalrius servers.
Are you bored with your char, or you have stopped playing and want to get rid of it? I can help you! Show me what you got and i am sure that we
will work out a fair deal for both of us! Payments will be done via paypal, instantly!
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I am looking to buy accounts on wow private server Nostalrius PVP, PVE and Elysium PVP.
If you are looking to sell me your account you need to meet this
You need to be able to give me email of the account - this is a must.
Level 40+ characters please.
PVP or PVE servers.
To contact me please add me on skype. My skype is Elkido. (with dot,koala picture, bg, monaco) Or you can click skype button below to add me safely.
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]]>I quit WoW and wts my HB account now.
Its store account is connected to KingWOW Mage and Priest and I have Vitalic as well - now Im selling it all as a bundle.
Its still on ebay so you may bid there, however when the offer ends at feb 18. you can pm me here aswell and make an offer (maybe Ill make another "real" post again then).
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]]>Also includes an account with Overwatch with 1 star and a a decent amount of legendary skins
and finally it has Hearthstone (free i know) but it comes with Naxx and some other shit idk
around $120 worth of stuff on there just got bored of blizz games FeelsBadMan
Looking for a cs go account with a decent amount of skins or a steam account with some games on it or a League account must be higher then G5
i looking for a Demonbuddy key, because i cant buy it in Germany..
The account currently is unranked,
in season s4 was platina 3 in soloq, in season 5 as well platina 3 in soloque, from season 4 it has CHALLENGER ICON from 3v3.
The accounts owns, 57 champions and 12 skins, 2 rune pages (AD/AP).
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Didn't think about a price yet but I'm open for any suggestion.
If you're interested please add me on my steam,
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We sell a boosting Service which is done by hand, but we can also do it with a bot as u wish. (Honorbuddy)
Selling this Service isn't new to me. I was doint it from 2012 - 2014 constantly and now im back with MUCH MORE EXPERIENCE.
To me, im playing WoW since TBC ,r1 gladi player and have many realmfirst.
You can ask me everything to my services that isnt clear enough.
- We use VPN which is located where u live (leveling & piloted boosting)
- Handmade or botmade leveling
- 24/7 available
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Die Nutzung meine Services kann dazu führen, dass der Betreiber (Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.) des Online-Spiels (World of Warcraft) den Account des Kunden sperrt oder ähnliche Maßnahmen vornimmt.
Feedback :
3 Chars in Auftrag gegeben. Super flott erledigt. Richtig chilliger und netter Typ. 1A Service. Einen weiteren Stammkunden hat er sicher. :)
Das Leveln ging wirklich sehr zügig. Kontakt ebenfalls sehr angenehm (wurde sogar auf Wünsche eingegangen wann der Account zum Leveln zur Verfügung steht).
Inventar war tip top aufgeräumt nach dem Leveln.
Es wurde per Hand gelevelt, so dass ich mir problemlos Feedback über den aktuellen Stand einholen konnte. Dies waren binnen weniger Minuten möglich.
Gerne wieder.
Bereits 2 Char leveln lassen.Wieder alles ohne Probleme und echt schnell! Top Typ
Auftrag wurde vorhin erledigt. Super schnell alles und echt reibungslos!Kann jedem,der einen guten Levelservice von Hand sucht,ihm nur empfehlen! Gerne wieder 10/10
Einige Schwierigkeiten mit seinem Kumpel aber seit er den Service alleine Betreut klappt alles sehr gut +1
super service geiler support und trusted weiter so
Very cool service they got me to 85 in 5 days.GJ
Super geklappt =D Mehr als zufrieden ;)
alles tiptop abgelaufen. 80-85 wie angegeben in kürzester zeit erledigt. top!
Extrem freundlicher Service! 100% trusted und Antwortet immer innerhalb von sekunden! Das lvln ging super fix hatte keine Probleme!
Super Service und 100% vertrauenswürdig. Ich hab mir 2x lvl 80 gekauft (unmerged account) und per PSC bezahlt, was eig. sehr schnell ging. Ansonsten kann ich Aprovis nur weiter empfehlen
berufe immer wieder gern
Great and fast service! ++++++
Alles bestens! Werde wieder buchen!
Alles schnell uns sauber abgelaufen!
Guter Service, Netter Kerl :D
berufe immer wieder gern :
Ich muss aprovis ein großes Lob aussprechen
Er hat mir ohne etwas zuverlangen geholfen meinen HB einzustellen.
Dafür danke ich ihm/dir vielmals
ps. ich hoffe das falls sich vor mir wieder abgründe der Unwissenheit auftun du wieder für mich da bist :D
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Selling Premium Unranked Accounts
These accounts has been Leveled very safely and slowly to LVL 30, 0% of the accounts has been banned. Also, we give a warranty of 30+ Days
- Website (INSTANT DELIVERY): Please login or register to see this link. Please login or register to see this link.
- Our Skype(Click in the image to add me):
- Our Discord: RengoSmurfs#5271
Thank you so much!!
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,Rare Pokemon and StarDust Farming anytime.Please login or register to see this link.
]]>Selling WoW Legion +100lvl Boost +30days Accounts USA, Price : 25$
You will receive a Email|Password|Secret Answer|Password
Accepting: Webmoney,Bitcoin,Skrill and WoW Gold
]]>i will provide ID pic and pic of me holding the id and answer to secret question so their will be no issues for.
The wow account has 139/150 for Mount achievement i have lot of rare mounts all with 1 or 2 your can't get any more and 282 Pets 41k gold and as of this post it has 22 days of play time left 13975 achievement points
100 death knight tank 729 with max ring
100 warlock 705 affliction
100 demon hunter 682 tank
90 priest 514 shadow
100 rogue 676 assassination
100 shaman 670 Enhancement
100 hunter 616 Beast Master
100 mage 670 Frost