Profiles Latest Topics Latest TopicsenTranslated [PQR Profiles for 3.3.5a] I was looking around the net for a few 3.3.5 PQR profiles when i ran into the German profiles "PQMailer" Posted.

I've been writing a few of my own profiles and i decided to translate these out of curiosity. I will update the thread as i work on them.

Death Knight
PVE - 

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PVE - 

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PVP - Coming Soon™

PVE - 

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PVE - 

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PVP - Coming Soon™

PVE - 

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PVP - 

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PVE - Coming Soon™

Update Log


1/14/16 1857: Uploaded PVP Death Knight
1/14/16 1940: Uploaded PVE Mage
1/14/16 2124: Uploaded PVE Paladin
1/14/16 2251: Uploaded PVE Hunter
1/14/16 2255: Uploaded PVP Hunter


12074Thu, 14 Jan 2016 23:39:14 +0000
Quest Profiles (Alternative Kicks :P Cataclysm 4.3.4) From time to time I create quest profiles for Honorbuddy 4.3.4. I start with the Horde. But my goal is to have it exp in Eastern Kingdoms. And different from Kick if possible.


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Try the profiles and let me know if you have any mistakes.
I create them on repack emucoach. If you know a better repack tell me.

Thanks to RCorsair and the developers. And to Kick.

I will try to do x1 and x3 in the same profile. If you are on x3 it will change the profile automatically. But from level 24 onwards. In Cata too many important quest in Silverpine Forest.




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14729Wed, 21 Apr 2021 00:33:04 +0000
[Release] Pangaea lvl 1-85 (Grind) AFK100% I modify these profiles to pay tribute to Botanists.He left us 5 years ago.Botanist.jpg
He was a nice guy who was excellent at creating xml profiles.
Peace to his soul.

Now they are 4.3.4 compatible. All race(For Worgen you have to leave the departure area and go to Stormwin). All classes.
First I make Alliance. The horde will come later.

What It Does:
Pangaea is a leveling profile that detects your faction/ level and automatically changes to the appropriate profile for your character. It is essentially a fancy griding profile written on the "Questing" bot base to allow much more functionality than a "Grinding" bot base profile. It does complete some quest, approximately (15) but, only the quest reqired for it to navigate in wow by opening portal or gates such as those leading into Vale of Eternal Blossoms .

You need 4 bags 16+ and 250-400 gold.

1. The profile will require a total of 1005 gold for riding training. 
   ( Apprentice Riding [5g level 20] + Journeyman Riding [50g level 40] + Expert Riding [250g level 60] + 
   Flight Master's License [250g level 68] + Cold Weather Flying [500g level 68] ) 
   Make sure you character has the appropriate amount of gold before they reach each threshold. 
   All or the majority of riding cost will looted by your character.
2. Use the Autoeqip plugin for Honorbuddy to equip looted gear, DrinkPotions, Talented and Tidy Bags 3. The better your characters gear, the faster it will level. 
   If possible, periodically purchase level appropriate gear, but it is not a requirement.
3. DO NOT alter the profile structure.

1. Log into WoW.
2. Log into Honorbuddy.
3. Select Questing as the bot base.
4. Click the load profile tab on the honorbuddy window.
5. Browse to the \XXX\Pangaea\ folder.
6. Double click on [QO][Botanist][Pangaea-Auto-loader] .
7. Make sure you have downloaded a Routine for your character. The default Honorbuddy Routine, Singular comes pre-installed with Honorbuddy.
8, Make sure you are on the correct comtinent as instructed in the requirements above
9. Click start on the honorbuddy window.

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In the past I have lost all the private profiles of Botanist. If you have shared them with me please :)
This is the first time I've touched xml.
Test if you encounter any errors share them with me.

14698Sat, 03 Oct 2020 01:24:13 +0000
does anyone know how to get Kick's profile without an account ? anyone know how to get Kick's profile without an account ? 


I used to have a lifetime key but the guy i purchased the account from recoverd it... so i can't download stuff from the buddystore


anyone know how to get 

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9400Wed, 22 Apr 2015 00:34:25 +0000
[4.3.4] Questing 1-85 Profile? Hello,

Are there only grinding profiles? I'm looking for Questing 1-85 profile for 4.3.4 Cata.

The Questing profile that comes with the HB bot doesn't work.

Thank you very much in advance.

12591Sun, 13 Mar 2016 16:38:18 +0000
World of Warcraft hacks free I represent to your attention two hack for wow.

1) hack unlocker wow (Wotlk-Cata-MOP) with this unlocker we you can use scripts ( aldoron-pandawow-river rise...

2)GCD hack new version removes the general (global cd -0.5 sec) work ( aldoron-pandawow-river rise...

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14218Wed, 26 Sep 2018 17:51:06 +0000
Sell Wrobot profiles Alliance 68-78

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14141Mon, 02 Jul 2018 13:03:49 +0000
4.3.4 -- ore farming Molten profile i made to gather elementium ore in Twilight highlands. 


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5290Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:31:36 +0000
Mists of Pandaria 5.4.2 - 5.4.8 with vitalic and cokx profiles of Pandaria) released 5.4.2 - 5.4.8


PQR + offsets:

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PQInterface from here: 

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Vitalic profiles



official post :

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video :

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link profil :

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cokx profiles



official post :

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link profil :

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10272Thu, 09 Jul 2015 10:44:00 +0000
(Request) PQR english 3.3.5a Looking for a good Rogue (Combat) Druid ( restro ) mage ( Arc) Lock (Affi and destro) PVe Pqr if someone could help pretty please 3.3.5a

13765Tue, 31 Jan 2017 15:47:00 +0000
PQR Profiles for 3.3.5a rip

1698Sun, 09 Jun 2013 13:22:06 +0000
PQR Paladin and Druid leveling (Feral DPS/Tank and Retribution) Originally had posted this on the Nulled website under the alias DragonfireEX402 (Same goes for Ownedcore) after thinking that this website was permanently dead. These aren't much, but I am hoping they will help you level as much as they helped me. Abilities have been tweaked from profiles found on this website to work at any level and have made rotations for certain levels. Haven't done the same for Retribution, but will do so upon request for those having trouble editing rotations on the rotation builder. 

Profiles here: 

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Feedback is appreciated.

13924Sat, 12 Aug 2017 20:15:32 +0000
(Request) PQR 3.3.5 affli PVE Hellio,,

Can someone give me a pqr rotation pve affliction for 3.3.5 please ? 

Thank a lot

13786Thu, 23 Feb 2017 09:12:07 +0000
pqr 3.3.5 translated and fixed shadow preist i translated the shadow preist profile and made some fixes its functional tested on warmane icecrown


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13522Mon, 19 Sep 2016 09:56:19 +0000
{Pqr} Help with flame shock and Watershield 3.3.5a Hello,

Can someone help me with a pqr? Im looking to make flame shock and watershield for my restro shammy

i would like flame shock to put on target ever 20 secs auto 

watershield when its off.

I am using Bizuri's Totem of Shattered Ice for max haste and its annoying putting flameshock but i want it set for 20 secs instead of off cd so i can renew it for the buff

i want watershield every time it off so i can have to click it while healing.

Can someone make a pqr and upload it would be amazing and ill love u forever plz!

13777Tue, 14 Feb 2017 08:31:57 +0000
Need a Bot for Frostwolf (Warmane) I was using wRobot cracked on 5.4.2 but now its 5.4.8 and its nomore working..

Is there any other similar bot which works on Warmane Frostwofl mop 5.4.8 or updated cracked wrobot?


Much appreciated.

12948Thu, 28 Apr 2016 18:15:55 +0000
Need help with Translate Shammy 3.3.5 pve/pvp profiles! Hi every1 i find this working profiles at Endgame4687 topic , but need to traslate him from germany to english. 
Can some1 help with that problem?

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12651Mon, 21 Mar 2016 04:53:06 +0000
LF All kind of Profiles for WROBOT [5.4.2] MOLTEN/WARMANE this great working Bot for MoP 5.4.2

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BUUUT.. this bot have only quetsing profiles for Alliance 1-16
The Gather option is way better but also just a few Profiles..
SOOO first question.. can i use the HonorBuddy Profiles too?
Second question ANYBODY HAVE SOME PRO-Files ?

9713Thu, 14 May 2015 20:37:37 +0000
Netherwing rep and egg farming profile Does anyone have a working profile for Honorbuddy that i can use to farm netherwing rep and just the eggs? I would appreciate it greatly

12556Mon, 07 Mar 2016 02:18:07 +0000
honorbuddy v2.5.14639.806 LF honorbuddy v2.5.14639.806. He must go to the Wod 6.2.3 wowcircle

12286Sun, 07 Feb 2016 05:09:51 +0000
[4.3.4]Moltenwow Embersilk Cloth Farming Uldum. will grind around this region

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killing Eternal Protector and Furious Specter Drop rate of embersilk cloth are higher on this mobs.It has mailbox and vendor added when there is 4 bags space left it will fly to mailbox/vendor and mail/sell items.Will sell only gray and green items, if you want to sell only gray items edit the profile and replace "<SellGreen>True</SellGreen> with <SellGreen>False</SellGreen>"


How do I use this profile ?
Select Questing bot and load the profile and click start.
You need to be in Uldum when starting the bot.

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4773Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:40:33 +0000
Raid Profiles? Hellreach
Halls of Blood
Bastion of shadows 


etc etc, anyone have profiles for these?


11960Fri, 01 Jan 2016 20:13:15 +0000
Need 70-80 Questing Profile. / using Kicks 1-100 and the Giwin one

Im alliance sorry.

But they keep messing up and basically not doing anything. been level 73 forever.

11505Sun, 22 Nov 2015 02:21:32 +0000
PartyBot follow leader and attack. guys, I would really like to know how to configure my PartyBot on my second char, to follow my first toon and help him grinding. I've probably searched whole internet and couldn't find any answer. 

11441Tue, 17 Nov 2015 01:27:46 +0000
<![CDATA[[4.3.4] Skinning 1-525 + Farm [A&H]]]>
Download link:

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Default path:
File path: path://CMHonorbuddy434/Bots/Profiles/[PB] Skinning 1-525.xml
Folder path: path://CMHonorbuddy434/Bots/Profiles/Farm profiles/...
Use: Start the Skinning Profile from the ProfessionBuddy.(Automaticaly loads farming profiles when needed)

Farming Leather levels :


Explanation : The "Farm profiles" folder contains a profile for each specified leather kind.

In order to farm the leather You want, check the level of the leather on the table, and run a profile which has that skill level included.


Note: You might also need a plugin, to remove junk from Your bags.(Coming Soon)



1881Sat, 29 Jun 2013 13:53:47 +0000