WoW Botting Profiles Latest Topics Botting Profiles Latest TopicsenWTS Wow Classic Hack/Exploit Tool (Works on Elysium / Lights Hope ect.) WTS Wow Classic Hack/Exploit Tool (Works on Elysium / Lights Hope ect.)


Features Include:

-Fully working Under map Gathering/Mining Bot with working Tele.

-Fully working Game integrated Teleportation (with 100s of preset Locations.)

-Everything can be Controlled with Ingame Commands. 

-Solo certain Bosses and Raid Bosses exploiting the Pathfinding system!


Im able to give Live screenshare demos own skype to interested buyers!


Add the following skype :  live:hacktool_6    (Vanilla)

14059Sun, 04 Mar 2018 14:30:11 +0000
WTS best accounts WTS best  accounts on,warmane(blakrock) old Arena Tournamnet,

1)  account FUN.  holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired.  Paladin have pvp taitle Furius gladiator, Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 2600, 3s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

-  two paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2350. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

- three paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

2) account FUN. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warrior have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator,Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 3130 3s 2200. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

3) account FUN. holy paladin  5 of 5 a8 full gired. Paladin have pvp taitle Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 2400 3s 2200.

4) account FUN. rpal -holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Paladin have pvp taitle Brutal gladiator. Exp 2s 2500 3s 2500.  Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.

- two paladin rpal 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2800 3s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.

5) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3084 3s 2550.

6) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Deadly gladiator,Gladiator,Rival,Challenger,Duelist. Exp 2s 3369. All Warlock what  i sell best on

-two rpal 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2300.

7) account wow.cirlce FUN. Death Knight 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2700 3s 2200.

-Elem Shaman 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2450 3s 2200.

-Frost Mage 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2100.

8) account FUN. Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Brutal gladiator. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2400.

-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3450 3s 2450.

-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Merciless gladiator. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2360.

-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Warlock have pvp taitle Furius gladiator. Exp 2s 2880 3s 2200.

-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2760.

-Warlock 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2700.

-Rogue 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2100

-And last Trash pve balance druid

9) account FUN. Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2500 3s 2200. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

-Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2200 3s 2430. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

-Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2545 3s 2150. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

-Holy paladin 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2300. Mount ( Magic Rooster)

-Restor Shaman 4 of 5 a8. Exp 2s 2200.Mount ( Magic Rooster)

10) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3200 3s 2370.

11) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 3000 3s 2400. Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.

12) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired.

13) account x10. Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 2s 2100 3s 2200.

14) account x10. Shaman full bis Elem, Restor, Enx. Shaman have all pvp and pve things. All weapon pvp,pve for elem, enx, restor. Exp 2s 2664 3s 2400. Mount ( Magic Rooster) and many other.

15) account x10. Paladin full bis Holy,Proto,Retribution. Paladin have all pvp and pve things. All weapon pvp,pve for holy,proto,retribution. Exp 2s 3000. 3s 2100. Mount 10 page. 70k kills. 9380 achievement points. 33 tiatle.

-Mage x10 gired only pve full bis 6557 GearScore

-Rogue x100  5 of 5 a8 full gired. Have full gired pve.

-Mage x100 gired only pve full bis 6464 GearScore

-Hunter x5 giref only pve full bis 6442 GearScore

16) account Warmane(Blackrock) Old Arena Tournamnet.Holy paladin. Gladiator. Exp 3s 2330.

-Arms warrior 3 of 5 a8 full  non set gired. Exp Soloq 2100.

17) account  Warmane(Blackrock) Old Arena Tournamnet.Arms Warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Gladiator. Exp  3s 2325. Soloq 2100.

-Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Exp 3s 2000. Soloq 2740. Taitle Battlemaster.

18) account Warmane(Blackrock) Old Arena Tournament. holy paladin 4 of 5 a8. full non set gired. Exp Soloq 2400.

19) account Warmane(Blackrock) Old Arena Tournament. Elem Shaman. Exp soloq 2400.

-Elem Shaman. Exp Soloq 2360.

-Elem Shmana. Exp Soloq  2400.

-Elem Shmana. Exp Soloq  2100.

20) account  Warmane(Blackrock) Old Arena Tournament. Holy paladin 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Gladiator. Exp 2s 2550 3s 2250 Soloq 2550

-Arms warrior 5 of 5 a8 full gired. Rival. Exp  2s 2600 Soloq 2200.

-Holy paladin full non set. Exp 2s 2200.

-Elem Shaman Exp 2s 2100.

Vip account for 10$

Of all accounts eat mail.

There are so many more accounts on all realms x1,x30,fun,x125 all full bis Gladiators.

My skype Tbag_1337.

13923Fri, 11 Aug 2017 20:04:28 +0000
WTS best pqr profiles and hack for World of Warcraft 3.3.5 If you are interested  scripts, add me skype Tbag_1337
I accept payment PayPal and Master card.
Here is my channel on YouTube. You can see the work of some scripts assemblies.

Please login or register to see this link.

Now I have a better scripts. Below is a description of my new scripts.
P/s sorry my bad Eanglish.
I will describe some scripts below.

W A R R I O R  -  A R M S :

- "Overpower" on every Cast/Channel.

- "Bash"/"Pummel" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

* Healing Spells;

* CC Spells;

* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

- Interrupt-Spells not Usable if: 

* "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

* Target is not Casting/Channeling.

- Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if "Overpower" is available.

- "Spell Reflection": If "Shield" is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range.

- "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"

- "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).

- Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:

* Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;

* "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;

* "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.

- "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.

- "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.

- "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:

* "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;

* "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target.

* "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

W A R R I O R  -  P R O T E C T I O N :

- "Shield Bash" Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

* Healing Spells;

* CC Spells;

* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

- Interrupt-Spells not Usable if: 

* "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

* Target is not Casting/Channeling.

- "Spell Reflection",  if "Shield Bash" is not in Range on:

* CC Spells;

* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

- "Heroic Throw" Silence if:

* "Spell Reflection" not Usable

* "Shield Bash" not Usable

- "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"

- "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).

- Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:

* Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;

* "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;

* "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.

- "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.

- "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.

- "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:

* "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;

* "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target.

* "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

D R U I D  -  F E R A L _ R O T A T I O N : 

- Stopcasting "Cyclone", if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Fearie Fire" it.

- "Instant Cyclone" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Spell Reflection"/etc. is up.

- FakeCast:

*  "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

* "Pummel".

- 'Remove Curse" being used to dispel "Hex" on Party1/2.

- AutoRotation:

* DMG-Rotation

* "Cyclone" being used to counter Heal- and CC-Spells

* "Maim" being used to counter Heal-Spells

* "Cat Form" being used on Slow-Effects.

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

M A G E:

- "Counterspell" Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph".

- "Counterspell" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.

- "Deep Freeze" not Usable if: "Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.

- Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Ice Lance" it.

- Stopcasting "Polymorph", if "Shadow Word: Death" is Casted on You or any friendly ArenaTarget.

- FakeCast:

*  "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

* "Pummel".

- "Ice Barrier": Being used if it's not up anymore and Arena1-3 can't Dispel it.

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

P R I E S T :

- "Shadow Word: Death" (Including StopCast) for: "Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Scatter Shot"/"Blind".

- "Inner Fire": Being used if PlayerHP is 80%+. Else PartyMessage: "Missing: Inner Fire".

- FakeCast:

*  "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

* "Pummel".

* "Vampiric Touch" on "Spell Reflection".

- Pet: 

* "Shadowcrawl": Being used on PetTarget as soon as it's off Cooldown;

* "Fear Ward": Being used on Pet if Arena1-3 Warrior exists.

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

W A R L O C K_U L T R A: 

- Stopcasting, if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up then "Curse of the Elements" it.

- If any Arena1-3 Rogue has "Shadow Dance" up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target:

* "Demonic Circle: Portal" (Avoiding "Cheap Shot" 99%).

- "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

* Healing Spells;

* CC Spells.

- "Spell Lock" not Usable if: "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up.

- Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then "Shadow Bolt" will be casted instead.

- Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then "Searing Pain" will be casted instead.

- Seduction-FakeCast: If Succubus getting SWD'd it will stop the "Seduction"-Cast.

- "Death Coil": Not Usable into:

* "Divine Shield"/"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Detterence"/"Bladestorm"/etc;

* In "Grounding Totem"/"Spell Reflection" it will use "Curse of the Elements" instead.

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

-  Mouseover "Tremor Totem" for PetAttack at it.

D E A T H K N I G H T :

- "Mind Freeze" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: 

* Healing Spells

* CC Spells

* Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

- "Mind Freeze" not Usable if:

* "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up;

* Target is not Casting/Channeling.

- "Horn of Winter": Being used if it's not up anymore.

- "Anti-Magic: Shell" on "Death Coil".

- "Lichborne": Being canceled if "Anti-Magic Shell" is not up and a Paladin is in range to "Turn Evil".

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

- Auto update "Bone Shield".

- Pet auto kill totems: tremor,graunding.

- Auto Leap party1-party2 when hunter gives scatter shot.

S H A M A N :

- "Grounding Totem" on "Hex".    

- "Tremor Totem": Being used if a ranged Party1-2 Member is under any "Fear"-Spell.

- Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Purge" it.

- "Cleanse Spirit": Being used to Dispel "Hex"/"Curse of Tongues" off a ranged Party1-2 Member.

- "Water Shield"/"Lightning Shield": Being used if it's not up anymore and (NoCast).

- "Wind Shear" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: 

* CC Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Fear"/"Cyclone"; 

* Healing Spells: Just if Arena1-3 is not a Warlock/Shaman/Druid or Mage.

- FakeCast:

*  "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

* "Pummel".

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

- Auto update totems.

P A L A D I N :

- "Turn Evil"/"Holy Wrath" on Arena1-3Pet's (Succubus) "Seduction"-Cast, if it's casted on You.

- "Hammer of Justice": Not Usable into /"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Bladestorm"/"Spell Reflection"/etc.

- "Turn Evil": Being used on any ranged Arena1-3 DK with "Lichborne" up.

- "Turn Evil": Not Usable into "Grounding Totem".

- "Divine Sacrifice" on "Scatter Shot" "Repentance" "Blind" "Gouge".

- FakeCast:

*  "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

* "Pummel".

- Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

- Auto "Divine Plea". (Protection)

- Unstealth "Vanish" with "Divine Storm". (Retribution)

- Auto dispel all cc.

- Auto Judgment in Vanish.

- Auto Judgment in totems "Tremor" "Grounding"

Still i have many pqr profiles and pvp, pve best rotation.


GCD HACK - Reducing most of the Spell's cooldowns by 0,4. Work all server 3.3.5

Range HACK - Allows you to gain 7 yards range more on all your spells and basic attacks. Work "Warmane","Sulvus","". On others server no testing.

Auto-Hotkey Script: this script reduces your GCD by approx 10%-15%, increasing your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "11111111111111111111111".

Gagarin (.exe) - Allows you to move in roots, being immune to knockbacks and more. Modified undetectable premium version.

13907Sun, 16 Jul 2017 17:00:18 +0000
[PQR] 5.4.8 dk frost profile Hello! Please, give me WORKING pvp(arena and 2c2) and pve profile dk frost 5.4.8 PLEASEEE:crying:

13895Sun, 18 Jun 2017 00:05:54 +0000
Request PQr (3.3.5a) English proffiles Pve i would like to Request PQr (3.3.5a) English proffiles Pve if anyone can help

13779Wed, 15 Feb 2017 02:41:10 +0000
PvPTools Profile Making Hello! 

Id like to begin with saying I'm not sure whether this is the right forum or not. Hopefully this is the right one. 

I've recently tried making my own profiles for PvPTools 3.3.5 but so far I have only managed to make one good profile. I can make a route where the character runs the route I made, but doesn't pick up any herbs or nodes. I can't figure out why, but so far I've noticed one thing 

- the profile that works, gathering and so on has a yellow star next to it. I don't know what this is, ideas? 

- profiles that doesn't work has some other weird mark, what is this? 


Help me out to make my own profiles and I'll love you, I'll even share them with you if you want to. Cheers 

13780Thu, 16 Feb 2017 22:00:54 +0000
Need free Cokx PQR profile I have seen old threads where people have posted leaks of his PQR profiles but all the links are broken , so i figured i would ask.
If anyone has a link to a Cokx PQR profile it would be greatly appreciated ! im sure lots of people are looking for it .
Thanks again in advance.


12726Sat, 02 Apr 2016 09:53:01 +0000
LF Draenor Pathfinder (Unlock Draenor Flying) Im looking for this profile its from the

Please login or register to see this link.

a paid profile.

latest Version is 

Version: 1.87 (6/15/2016 6:40:22 PM)

i hope anyone can upload this profile 

thank you


13421Tue, 09 Aug 2016 12:21:49 +0000
Guo-lai key profile?'t find any guo-lai key profile for honorbuddy, halp pls thx.

11491Fri, 20 Nov 2015 20:45:54 +0000
The Stonecore Timewalking hi all i waent to the stonecore timewalking dungeon but there is in an issue with first boss my toon walking around while boss is underground but add is taking out but not the red adds mobs it is just like bombs and ranged need to take them out soon as possible and my toon is not doin that and also with next boss is standing like executing behaviors it is something like my toon is standing still and doin nothing it think it is about cords where the boss is located :(


you need to fix this

12871Mon, 18 Apr 2016 03:37:04 +0000
help hi cann someone explain me how can i get the offset of  "ClntObjMgrGetActivePlayerObjAddress"

12736Sun, 03 Apr 2016 07:21:13 +0000
Deathcharger Reins bug Hi,

the profile for farming Deathcharger Reins in Stratholme gets stuck at the entrance just after killing all the mobs before killing Rivendare.

Is there a new updated version of this one? It was last updated december 2015. And if not, any way possible to access the xml script from the buddystore to modify it myself?



12588Sun, 13 Mar 2016 12:06:01 +0000
Firelands farm and enchanting How can i make my char disenchant green armor using this profile 

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12508Fri, 26 Feb 2016 17:02:42 +0000
Professionbuddy profile help I'm pretty newbie at programming, and spent the last few hours trying to get this LW flip automation to work.

I Don't know what I'm doing wrong. Basically I just want it to check the character for the minimum required items and craft

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until the inventory gets full. Then it sells all the crafted stuff and loops back to the beginning.

Here's my code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!--The profile should run as long as you have Leatherworking and enough Exotic Leather-->
  <While PulseSecondaryBot="True" Condition="Me.FreeBagSlots >=3 || InbagCount(72120) >10" IgnoreCanRun="False">
    <Custom Code="Log("LW Profession and Leather Detected. Crafting itens");" />
    <CastSpell RepeatType="Craftable" Repeat="1" Entry="124575" CastOnItem="False" ItemType="Chest" ItemId="0" />
  <While PulseSecondaryBot="True" Condition="Me.FreeBagSlots <=2" IgnoreCanRun="True">
    <Custom Code="Log("Selling all the Leggings!");" />
    <SellItem Sell="All" NpcEntry="79774" Location="5591.72, 4578.257, 136.4454" SellItemType="Specific" ItemID="85838, 90491" Count="0" />


12248Mon, 01 Feb 2016 23:53:41 +0000
90-100 Alliance profil?!


Does anyone have a good profile for 90-100 Alliance?


11538Wed, 25 Nov 2015 15:43:19 +0000
Cdstore not working correctly? guys :)

I have been used Codedeception for some time and im really happy for this free honorbuddy that is provided, am even thinking about becoming VIP!


Atm i have a weird issue with Cdstore.

It doesnt load all the stuff i have selected i want streamed to me.

Some of it i can load in Honorbuddy, but a lot of it doesnt...

What should i do? 

I have tried deselecting everything and tried only selecting one item without any luck.


Also if this is the wrong section i apologize.


Greets :)

9464Sun, 26 Apr 2015 20:14:56 +0000
<![CDATA[Update @< ProfitMaster: Profile Loader >]]> there,

is it possible to update 

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< ProfitMaster: Profile Loader > in the cdstore ?



< ProfitMaster: Profile Loader >

Please login or register to see this link.

Version: (11/22/2015 6:21:57 AM)

cdstore :


thanx a lot

11519Mon, 23 Nov 2015 22:28:51 +0000
Keep Buffs Active can i find keep buffs active plugin for free?.

11488Fri, 20 Nov 2015 15:54:20 +0000
Cava Plugin wondering if Cava plugin or profiles are allowed here? Im basically looking for only the Blacksmithing/Mining Profile. If this is a premium release im cool with that as well. Just looking for some information on to where i can find the release if possible.

5274Sun, 03 Aug 2014 13:09:01 +0000
Pets. Community!



Will be "[Pairidaeza] 1-25 Battle Pet Profile" available again in de CD Store?



Best regards,



11263Mon, 26 Oct 2015 17:51:18 +0000
Best gold potent. guys, iv been looking around for a better gold thing for me to bot for a long time now, part for my wod acc, and part for my 2 mop acc's cos atm im only doin around 20K per 4-5days on my mop acc's (10k eatch)


and for my wod im doin feelblights skining with herbalism, and i dont see it so profitable atm, anyone got something they mby culd share? Thx to all positive answer, and if you dont have anything tip to say, dont say anything at all.

11111Sun, 11 Oct 2015 23:39:40 +0000
engineering 1-max profile VIP there a working profile to level engineering/mining in vip section? inscription and leatherworking would also be interesting.

11048Tue, 06 Oct 2015 16:44:40 +0000
Garrison Daily Profile? Guys!


I have been searching for a while for some Profile which do Dailys in the Garrison. Like Mount training, etc....



BR Dave!

10716Thu, 03 Sep 2015 15:33:35 +0000
@ProfitMaster: Garrison Resource Farm + Felblight + More! [Realms Switch!] there,
you have also the profil: @ProfitMaster: Garrison Resource Farm + Felblight + More! [Realms Switch!]?


very nice

10485Wed, 05 Aug 2015 16:43:20 +0000