<![CDATA[D2R Guides & Exploits Latest Topics]]> https://codedeception.net/index.php?/forum/114-d2r-guides-exploits/enUsing your Charsi Imbue reward wiselyhttps://codedeception.net/index.php?/topic/14820-using-your-charsi-imbue-reward-wisely/ There are many items people don't realize that may be worth imbuing with Charsi's horaldric malus quest, and if you use the right items you will get some exceptional items imbued from her.


This video goes over it, i thought i would share because if you have not used your charsi imbue item quest reward, you should have some ideas on what to imbue after watching


14820Tue, 09 Nov 2021 20:22:29 +0000