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[Release] WarCrawler

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I'm not talkin' shit I'm just curious.. what about the mesh downloader trips up the crack ?


I've gone so far as to use the mesh downloader.. zip it up nuke everything & try inserting the meshes  into a new cracked extraction.. no dice..


The mesh downloader from the "complete archive" here 

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I do realize the updater updates the bot & also gives you the option to update meshes as well & that = problems dur hurr hurr..


The mesh downloader is a standalone app & doesn't touch the program files though.. does it ?

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I was using Warcrawler before i got into HB. The issue with mesh errors/character not moving can be resolved by opening the folder after the program is installed, starting updatelauncher.exe, uncheck all boxes except download mesh. It will take a while to download all mesh files, but after that it should be alot easier. If anyone needs any help with Custom Classes, let me know. AFAIK, there are no paid CCs for WC, but i managed to create some pretty decent T800 combat scripts.



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