33 posts in this topic

Code of Conduct Information: Code 1

Code Statement
Don't be unnecessarily rough or rude. As a rule of thumb, staff tend to appreciate cultured sarcasm.
What this means
Don't be mean!
However, staff members appreciate a well made satirical or sarcastic remark; or, in some case, a very brutally honest statement.
What you should do
Not be rude/cruel to your fellow users or staff.
Consider your post before you make it.
Make sure you are not being 100% demeaning in your statement.
Measure your satire in a cultured and leveled manner.
What you should not do
Directly insult someone.
Damage one's reputation (unless in reporting fraud/rule breaking)

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Code of Conduct Information: Code 2

Code Statement
Expanding on code 1, don't quote someone who has already given their sarcastic statement to a user.
What this means
Do not add to or create a train of remarks that negatively impact the environment. We aim to keep a casual and helpful, but fun, place to post.
Adding to a flame war/assault only results in reparations for all involved.
What you should do
Make sure your statement has not already been made.
Make sure the post you are quoting isn't in and of itself satirical or sarcastic, unless your post is a legitimate reply.
What you should not do
Engage in a flame war.
Create or add to a train of comments criticizing a post.

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Code of Conduct Information: Code 3

Code Statement
Use English, this cannot be stressed enough. All of the staff speak English fluently, as do most users.
What this means
Use English. Its only been said two other times.
What you should do
Use English and its varieties.
What you should not do
Not use English. This isn't a difficult concept.

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Code of Conduct Information: Code 4

Code Statement
Respect your Elders, and especially the Staff. We provide a free service, after all.
What this means
Respect your Staff! We work hard and long to make this site a pleasurable experience.
In addition, respect those of higher rank than you. (This dosen't mean be rude to those inferior of your position.)
What you should do
Be kind when talking to staff or other members.
What you should not do
Insult staff.
Create accounts that have inflammatory names towards staff, or change your username to such.
Call Suspense Suspenis. (Okay maybe, if he likes you)
Call Ocrion Ocricunt.
Call Imogen a furfag or Imowhore.
Setavai has never been insulted, so maybe one occurrence of this is okay.
(The above is meant in jest, please be nice to us. We love you guys.)

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Code of Conduct Information: Code 5

Code Statement
Do not (knowingly) post fraudulent or incorrect information.
What this means
Don't attempt to defraud a user or staff member.
Don't intend to post fraudulent or inaccurate information.
We will waive your claim to innocence if we deem it needed.
What you should do
Post something accurate and right.
What you should not do
Attempt to gain free VIP via fraud to CD.
Defraud a user or staff member.
Post something misleading.

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Code of Conduct Information: Code 6

Code Statement
Like a post! People find a like as direct support of their post, which betters the community as a whole. You lose nothing by doing this.
What this means
Like something you find helpful, that you enjoyed, that you found funny, or that provided you information.
What you should do
Like a post if:
  • You downloaded from a link on that post.
  • You gained information from the post.
  • You smiled, snorted, mentally grinned, or laughed at/with the post.
  • You enjoyed said post.
  • The post led you to a new resource.
  • The post solved your issue.
What you should not do
Leech. Even if you never post, like away. It's free to everyone.

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Code of Conduct Information: Code 7

Code Statement
Follow sub-forum specific rules! You can normally find them as a sticky at the top of the forum.
What this means
Follow subforum rules in addition to the global rules.
What you should do
Listen to the lay of the land.
What you should not do
Ignore all to gain... Whatever you would by ignoring rules. Which is likely a ban.

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Code of Conduct Information: Code 8

Code Statement
For those who have the ability, do not abuse your name-change powers; You will find them quickly revoked if you do.
What this means
Don't abuse your name change powers.
What you should do
Change your name as you please.
What you should not do
Impersonate staff or another member.
Use your name as a jest at another user or staff member.
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