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So, is CD dead?

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Greetings everyone. Whoever is left of you.

So after I quit botting (technically second time). The thought of coming back started haunting me and I had to do some research on what's going on these days. To be honest. I'm really confused right now. It looks like CD is not supporting HB, I think?

So are they planning for a come back? Or already dead and I should move on? Or maybe even working and I'm just a confused fool.

Please don't jump at my throat for my question. I can't believe I'm saying this but If my question somehow "angers or offends" you. Just move along and don't respond.

Thanks =) (I miss suspense btw!)

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Nothing is really happening. Admins are silent. Mods doesnt know anything just trying to calm people. Sooooo instead of giving a 50 line long reasoning i say yeah CD is pretty much dead and only a few contributor keeping it alive.

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Last time I heard something from an official head was that we are primary a gaming community. Well.


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i have it an in source that knows what happen to last site CD did not pay for it so bossland a guy they pissed off took it. Funny how they blame him when it's their fault.

this site is dead they just want people to donate to them to line their pockets and keep a dying site open good job. if i get ban for this its fine just proves im right.

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It really is sad to hear this. Even if there was an alternative to CD (There is non), I was still fond of this community. All I can do is hope for a miracle because it's not too late.

Admins please do something!

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4 minutes ago, Cylae said:



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