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So whats Folk Running now days

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as the title says whats peeps running now days with fresh bot accounts for a decent gold income  without going full suicide mode :P 

ps Talking about wow ;) 

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can you even bot wow lool the 5month  ban hammer to stronk

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There are not many ways to get a "decent" income. Every "decent" income will get you banned.

Highest way of income is a 5-bot-team running dungeons or one bot running low dungeons. But ban rate is pretty high on this, cause blizzard is watching dungeons like a broody hen her eggs. (You make maybe 750k-900k in a month, but bots will be banned for sure and you have to get every time a new vpn, new hardware id, etc -> cause the next bots u ran after your bann will get banned in no time)

grind mobs or stick with a profession if you want to stay under the radar (just a few hours a day), but if hb gets again detected (and it will be some day for sure) you get banned whatever you did. So go for max profit or boost your main with alternate accounts to keep your main.


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Garrisons, Shipyards, Bones, 1-2 firelands runs a day, all alternating between logger.  Easily sub your accounts for free with this. Make sure you are not a retard and going hrs and hrs at a time. Few hrs on, few hrs off. No-one can sit there and grind/quest/gather for 6+ hrs straight... Just not realistic. In the last few days i've made 100k gold, and leveled 2 chars to 100, and almost got flying on an older char...

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Is  garrisons worth it - Do you have experience with that? You have so much to invest time/money. What is the max you can get back? I saw a thread about it on the offical forum, but the most said it's not worth it.



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No bot account no Wow, just walking around with Pokemon Go it's already the biggest MMO of all time ;)

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Currently running 5 bots.

Still leveling them, they're around 86-87 right now.


Going to level 91-92, then they'll turn into suicide farming machines until the banhammer hits 'em.

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thanks for the tips n tricks etc planning on having a couple of accounts funding main and sub nothing intense or anything been running satchel farms mostly  and cata raids once a week income is a bit stale so far 

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11 hours ago, qp said:

Currently running 5 bots.

Still leveling them, they're around 86-87 right now.


Going to level 91-92, then they'll turn into suicide farming machines until the banhammer hits 'em.

this, got 10 accs, 4 100s on them, farming for 12h 5, then on the other 5, clear Cata raids, garni stuff and thats all, just a bit gold until addon starts

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nothing atm, 2 suspensions last 2 months. 1st from using HB, second from GoHF


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Running 5 bots as well, just leveled to 100, interested to know which profile/botbase I should use for gold farming.

Made 2K gold in 1 hour in total (I know that's bad).

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14 hours ago, Soup said:

Running 5 bots as well, just leveled to 100, interested to know which profile/botbase I should use for gold farming.

Made 2K gold in 1 hour in total (I know that's bad).

what am currently doing is have each lvl 100 clear cata raids once a week for a nice chunk at a safe rate then satchel farming  but if ya wanna go suicide mode could shove all ya accounts clearing firelands trash i think 

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