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So are there any way to be safe?

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Been thinking a bit about the HB issue or to be more correct the bans.


Is there any possible way for them to see what i have running under processes? , if i were to hook my computer up to another computer and just use it to my comp to tunnel internet, would it then still be possible for them to see what you have running?


A relative got banned 6 months yesterday and funny is, only me and him has been playing we only been running group instances ( i ran 4 and he 1 ) , he never played alone or even been online without me. We never meet any other players ingame this is hes first wow experice so to speak and reason why i made 4 new toons to bring him up quick without him haveing to look for random pugs etc.

I know it has been said before, but to 90% before i was quite sure ppl got caught simply cause they overbot like 12 hours aday for 2weeks etc, well you get my point they step far away from what a normal person would do. Now im not so sure and im starting to lean torwards they actually can detect it somehow. ( question remains ofc HOW! )


Know from past vpn etc dont work, just waste of time. But it is internet everything is possible.


So you have any ideas / tips / tricks pls share maybe is something i have not thought about or something, due to i feel botting is ALWAYS risky keep that clear but atm im starting to wonder if im way of out my league


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Just google warden and look up how it works. 

Basicly every single anti cheat works this way and no there is no 100% protection because part of it is in your pc built in the wow client the other part is server sided. You can only react to changes and you can not foresee them. Once a detection method is found it can be patched around but as soon as they change the server sided stuff or you update your wow client (many updates dont even show up in the launcher) they can detect the workaround. If they are sloppy or just not cautious enough it will set off the tripwire immediately after the client is updated with the new code or the wardens server side part is updated. If they do it right or use any other kind of vulnerability of the bot they can stay hidden long enough to do a cumulative ban called a banwave. 

As you can see on the buddy forum after each tripwire event they say if you logged in couple hours before the event cour account might be flagged and this part seems to be true in my experience. When i botted longer sessions (from server restart to server restart so basicly 24/7) i never got banned after a tripwire event. I had an account which i used to do arenas on so log in couple hours then couple hours break etc... those accounts always got banned after a tripwire event. 

VPN-s and VM-s wont help hiding the bot (because of how warden works) and the account holder is responsible for any action that happened on that account and changing IP or location every time you fire up your stuff... no one will buy it trust me. Sadly thats true even if you got legit hacked. 

So my advice is:
Have a main account that has zero, i repeat ZERO connection to your bot account(s) no gold trade no item trade not even on post. If you want to buy boosts for gold pay it with your bot accounts. Never ever have a bot running at the same time you are on your main account (if you want to keep it safe at least). DO NOT farm instances those are suicide profiles and will get your bot accounts banned after couple days. DO NOT use any pickpocket profiles those are on blizzards watchlist for a long time. What you can do is gathering. Ores, herbs, leather anything that does not involve instances and take the time to create your own profiles. You can sell anything on ah just watch out how mutch stuff u are selling compared to all of it. Monopolizing in also against the TOS. Do long botting sessions couple days at once at least and if you can then avoid botting on patch day and the day after. (All of the tripwire events except one happened the day after patchday). DO NOT overdo it. If you want to sell gold then you will get banned anyway in time for gold selling thats for sure. If you just want to bulk up gold a but for yourself a million or a little over it is more than enough. After you reach your goal just forget your bot accounts. Put the gold to a guild bank invite one of your characters on your main account and also a bunch of random people at any level just dont give them access to guild bank. After your bot accounts got banned or when your bot accounts are long frozen you are safe to whitdraw the gold.

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