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[Question] What Cheat do you need ?

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as i have a past in the gamehacking scene it would be interesting what kind of cheat you guys would like to have for certain games ?

I already did a wallhack (chams) with some ESP for Counterstrike Source & Global Offensive .. Some stuff for COD4 .


I am thinking about relaunching a single hack / cheat for one game and maintain it for the customers only. Means it wont get detected that fast.


So what do you think ?

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wonderful trigger bot on CS GO

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one hack before called LAZAIM trigerbot that was awse but the stop update the hack 

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Maplestory Eu Bot/hacks/wz's

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Simple aimbot that would be undetected by faceit.

Faceit is a 3rd party server-sided anticheat (no program is running on your PC), so it's quite easy to bypass. But they use a modified version of SMAC anti-cheat to detect aimbots. SMAC monitors players on the server and looks for any suspicious camera angles and the speed of aiming. ESP is pretty much useless on faceit and triggerbot will get you banned pretty quickly hence why I just want a simple "humanized" aimbot

Take a look here how they detect aimbots: 

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I'd probably pay for it if you restrict it to a low userbase.

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Cheat for heroes and generals would be nice 

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19 hours ago, 1337PIKE said:

Simple aimbot that would be undetected by faceit.

Faceit is a 3rd party server-sided anticheat (no program is running on your PC), so it's quite easy to bypass. But they use a modified version of SMAC anti-cheat to detect aimbots. SMAC monitors players on the server and looks for any suspicious camera angles and the speed of aiming. ESP is pretty much useless on faceit and triggerbot will get you banned pretty quickly hence why I just want a simple "humanized" aimbot

Take a look here how they detect aimbots: 

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I'd probably pay for it if you restrict it to a low userbase.

Hmm well i already included some "Aim Helper" in my CSGO hack . The hack itself is D3D Only , im working on a manual mapper injector so this thing should be undetected . Also there is no update for the hack required as the hack uses model recognitions only. ill take a look 

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What is required to see other topics here like exploits and etc?

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