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Hearthbuddy auth bug?

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Hi! After new path wiht hearthbuddy i cant run it cause i have error my key isnt work

2015-08-01 00:23:07,359 [12] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - The data required to run the bot was not successfully obtained. Please make sure your key is still valid at the Buddy Auth Portal: 

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For any further assistence, please contact support:

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i have the same problem. but dont forget to put your log here^^

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2015-08-01 00:23:07,359 [12] ERROR CustomLogger (null) - The data required to run the bot was not successfully obtained. Please make sure your key is still valid at the Buddy Auth Portal: 

Please login or register to see this link.

For any further assistence, please contact support:

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This is log

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