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Issue with HearthBuddy and CDPatcher

5 posts in this topic



Program: Hearthbuddy

Version: 0.3.1004.177


Since the last patch, I've been having an issue with CDPatcher. I believe a lot of people share this issue, as they keep asking for a new version of CDPatcher, while always being answered with "it's already updated", when in fact, it's acting up for these people, just like it is for me.


I get the error "There was an error authenticating your key with the server. Please try again or use a different key. Invalid product key!". This happens with the most recent Hearthbuddy, and also the previous version.


CDPatcher is up to date. I tried using the one I had before, same error. I tried updating it when it asked, same error. I tried downloading it again, updating, same error. All of this after the staff here said it was fixed for the latest version. I also tried using an older Hearthbuddy, no luck.


2015-07-13 02:16:45,342 [1] INFO  CustomLogger (null) - [botManager] MsBetweenTicks = 15
2015-07-13 02:16:45,368 [1] INFO  CustomLogger (null) - [botManager] MsBetweenTicks = 3
2015-07-13 02:16:47,829 [1] INFO  CustomLogger (null) - Hearthbuddy [0.3.1004.177] is up to date!
2015-07-13 02:16:48,250 [1] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) -
Invalid product key!
2015-07-13 02:17:33,412 [1] INFO  CustomLogger (null) - Hearthbuddy [0.3.1004.177] is up to date!
2015-07-13 02:17:33,914 [1] DEBUG CustomLogger (null) -
Invalid product key!

Combat Routine: Not applicable

Botbase: Not applicable

Plugins ENABLED: Autostop

Location: Portugal

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It was working before last update. As you can see, I tried everything, even redownloading everything, and nothing worked. Let me know if you have any idea of what might cause this. Thanks.

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Always post full logs, post them to

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I did, that's the full log I get when starting Hearthbuddy with CDPatcher on.


There's nothing before, nothing after. That's the full log. I have more if you'd like, all like that one.


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I managed to get it working. I didn't think this would be the cause, given the error I was getting, but I ran BuddyWizard and it fixed it. I was missing some requirements to run Hearthbuddy, and after installing them, it now works. (I had recently reinstalled Windows, which is why it stopped working and worked before, but I didn't think it would be missing anything, since the error was because of the key).


Problem is now solved

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