World of Warcraft Latest Topics of Warcraft Latest TopicsenWrobot 2.4.3 Hellou Wrobot cracked repack 


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readme Wrobot cracked update 

3 fight wow god

13673Sun, 27 Nov 2016 13:56:09 +0000
Wrobot 3.3.5a Hellou Wrobot cracked repack 


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readme Wrobot cracked update 

3 fight wow god

13672Sun, 27 Nov 2016 13:54:17 +0000
[Cracked] WRobot - For WoD, All in One, leveling, gathering, archaeo... with free rotation bot WRobot - Bot for Wow
Ready for WoD





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Easy to use with free features:

Looking to optimize your time? Have too busy of a schedule to play but don't want to abandon WoW? Then WRobot is for you. Featuring an intuitive user interface for even the most novice user, WRobot is the ideal software to help you achieve your goals and objectives in the game. A trial version (limited at 15 minutes) is available, after that you can simply relaunch WRobot and use it again for another 15 minutes. The products WRotation and Party are 100% free (no time limit).

WRobot has all the features that any modern bot needs to have. It's advanced artificial intelligence closely mimics a humans behavior. The objective of WRobot is to not upset the balance of the game, but to help you play your way even with a busy schedule. With WRobot you can gather mining and herbing nodes, do quests, battlegrounds, pet battles, fishing, archaeology, and many other features that allow you to progress in all aspects of the game. It is also optimized to use the least amount of memory and CPU, so it can run on nearly any computer.

And more:
WRobot has a friendly and active community on it's forums. WRobot is quickly updated after a WoW patch (for the WoD pre-patch, WRobot was updated before the WoW realm was online). Generally it is updated within 1 or 2 hours after a patch is implemented. WRobot also features a full API (in .net) to make your own products with full access to the information that is contained in WoWs memory. A lot of time and effort has been put into keeping the bot safe to use in order to avoid being detected and banned. (Warning, All botting contains some risk).


WRobot features

What you can do with WRobot

Quester and Grinder bot: Level your characters. Grind, skin and loot mobs.
Gatherer: Gather minerals, timber, herbs, and loot chests.
Battlegrounder: Earn honor points using this bot in PVP battlegrounds including a queueing system.
Automaton:Botting without a profile. WRobot finds a path for you and will gather, earn you experience, and even pet battle.
Schedule: Even when you are away this bot can be scheduled to use it's products. You can schedule multiple products and durations. It even features a relogger and can automatically stop.
Archaeologist: An advanced Archaeology bot is included.
Pets battles:Quickly grind and level your pets.
Fisher:Advanced fishing is including that includes school or pool fishing.
Party: Assist the group leader to fight mobs or heal.
Auction bot: You tell the Auction Bot what you want to sell or buy in a set price range..
WRotation: An advanced and easily configurable rotation bot. (100% free product).
Profiles and Fight classes editor: An innovative way to create quest profiles and fight classes. Featuring a GUI interface (no need to modify any code). Intuitive maps and 3D radar display live your recorded paths.
And... Other small features to assist you in WoW. Including 3D and 2D radar, tracker, remote access, automatic smelting, prospecting, milling and automatic mailing of items when bags are full, ...


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1. Download my WRBot pack

2. Run Updater.exe and get the latest version of WRbot installed

3. Copy cracked authManager.dll to the Bin directory

4. Run WRBot and enter any license key

5. Say no to any updates

6. Enjoy! smile.png


Please read the WRBot forums for instructions and profiles.

11621Wed, 02 Dec 2015 08:09:58 +0000
Wrobot 4.3.4

Hellou Wrobot cracked repack 


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readme Wrobot cracked update 

3 fight wow god

13674Sun, 27 Nov 2016 13:57:46 +0000
Info about Buddystore/Requests Code to the deception USARS!


Buddystore, new stuff from buddyteam, streams stuff to HB client, much smart, such idea, very appreciate. 


Buddy Store is a new streaming system implemented on official client which allows users to purchase plugins/routines/profiles and then stream them directly to their HB client after activating it on their buddyauth page. 


On you will find a list of content available, we rely on you guys to let us know what you want and if/when something updated, we don't have time to keep track. 









If there is something missing from CDPatcher please post using the template below;


Name of Buddstore Product:

Buddystore Version and release date:

CDstore version(if applicable):

Link to buddystore item:



1-100 Questing Profile Pack

Version: 1.0.4106 (3/27/2015 3:24:15 AM)

CDStore: 1.0.4100

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Here are also a few rules

1) Do NOT request something that has already been requested

2) Do NOT request an update to a product if it has NOT been pushed to buddystore(Like if a dev posts that his update is "pending" on buddsytore, you dont post a request for it here until it IS on buddystore)

3) Do not request a product that is in "Beta" on buddystore

5676Sat, 30 Aug 2014 22:03:26 +0000
[CRACK] PwnBoxer [LATEST] *******************************************************************************

                              General Information
Type.................: Application
Platform.............: Windows
Protection...........: Registration Code
Release Type.........: CRACK 

                               Post Information
Posted by............: SANDAASU
Cracked by...........: SANDAASU
Download Link........:

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                                    How To Use
------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and unrar
2.start PwnBoxer_cracked_sandaasu.exe for the cracked program.
3.or start PwnBoxer_cracked_sandaasu_noMotd.exe for the cracked program with removed message of the day window .



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                                    Other notes

+ UC Forum
+ Stackoverflow
+ Serverfault
+ Splamy
+ Zoom / SOH
+ learn_more
+ Merphz
+ Ocrion
+ Suspense
+ all other dudes i forgot to write down

11421Fri, 13 Nov 2015 21:28:56 +0000
[Pub Release] ReBot - A bot for World of Warcraft the newest update of CDPatcher released as of this post, CDpatcher now supports ReBot. 


You would access rebot the same way you access any of the buddybots, run cdpatcher, then download ReBot from their website here;


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Run rebot, rebot will start and initialize, a little login window will appear somewhere on your screen, possibly behind rebot, enter your CD auth key from the auth page which is located here;


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And the paid contents of the bot will unlock.




Have fun  :)

9779Thu, 21 May 2015 14:45:51 +0000
[BYPASS] TuanHA Routines - Legion Hey guys, I have been playing around with these for a while, but never got to share them.

I am sure that alot of people already did what i did but they did not share it for some reason.


I am simply sharing them untill HB fix their crappy Singular routines.

First of all you need to modify your host file which is located in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc

You need your host file to look like this:




Once that is done download the routine you wish to use, extract it and place the folder in your Honorbuddy routines Folder

Example : D:\Honorbuddy\Routines


Virustotal scan is returning 1 detection out of 54 antivirus software.

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I am 1000% sure that the files are safe and harmless just

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is puting out a false alarm.

The issue probably occurs from the way TuanHA communicates the username/password between the client and his database.


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-  TuanHA Demon Hunter

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-  TuanHA Druid

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-  TuanHA Hunter

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-   TuanHA Monk

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-   TuanHA Paladin

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- TuanHA Rogue

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-  TuanHA Shaman

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- TuanHA Warrior
STAFF NOTE : Files are packed and encrypted , so complete analysis could not be done. Download at your own risk .
13558Mon, 10 Oct 2016 07:55:45 +0000
[Release] Caelus Teleport Hack Crack (WoW 6.1.0 19678) very basic crack I have made. Let's say it was made while sittin on tha toilet. The hack has no protection at all, just some stupid http get stuff. Crack source is included.


1. Make sure that port 80 is not in use by skype or any other software (check skype options)
2. Open C:\Windows\System32\etc\hosts and add
3. Save file
4. Open F_uckCaelus.exe
5. Open Caelus\CaelusLoader.exe
6. Enter any username / password
7. Enjoy.

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To get updates simply download the original dll from here:

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rename file to Caelus.dll and overwrite the existing file in your crack folder.
Hack is poorly written, blame the creator for any bugs.
8656Thu, 26 Feb 2015 07:04:25 +0000
[Release] Honorbuddy Build *Latest* for HB Download = 

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Get your login key here = 

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Welcome to the CDPatcher download!

In this post you will find the required information in order to run HB on your system.


Before going on how to download and run HB I ask you nicely to go and read our forum rules so no misunderstandings will occur later on when you're using the forum.

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There will be a few requirements on your end in order to get it all working.
In order to connect to our servers you firstly need to download the application called CDPatcher, you can find the download link on the auth page,  and then simply clicking on the Download button. If the page loads and looks like strange numbers and characters please right click and press "Save Page As". If the file you downloaded ends with .Man just rename it to .rar and you can open it.




The CDpatcher does NOT work on Windows XP, so you need a system with Windows Vista or higher.

Once you've downloaded the CD patcher you can now get the latest version of HB from

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download the ZIP, NOT the installer.

If you are from Germany or China you have to use

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and select Web Proxy and then enter alternative use

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Now you can go and grab your personal authentication key from the auth page

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You simply hover the input box and your key will appear, now copy this key. Note that this key will always work and if it does not work for you it's something on your end causing it to not work.




Now that you have the CD patcher and HonorBuddy downloaded you can now go a head and start the CD patcher first and select a server. If you're a VIP user you can select the Use VIP Auth or if you're a normal member you can select the Use Public Auth.




Now you can go a head and start HB, if your HB does not start or crashes it might be due to your computer missing some important applications that HB needs to run, you can download the installer for these programs

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Now you simply enter the key that you got from the auth page and you should now be able to login.




If you are getting something like "You are not authorized to connect to this server" or "Invalid product key" it might be due to you're having a loopback adapter enabled on your system or that you may have old HB IPs in the Windows Hosts file. The Windows Hosts file can be located at C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts

Open the hosts file with your favorite text editor and see if there's something in there that looks like - just delete all those lines and keep the hosts file empty (unless you're using it for something else).

If you're still not able to connect make sure that you do not have two CM patcher's running or one "original HB" running in the background not doing anything.


Please download this tool:

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...and run this with Windows administrative privileges:
Right-click on the icon
→ "Run as administrator"


Kind regards

6Wed, 20 Feb 2013 12:31:57 +0000
[Cracked] VanillaBotter for 1.12.1 WARNING ! This spoiler contains the original threads post. 

The version inside is not working anymore.

Please be patient . Im waiting for updated official binaries .



Hello, i want to show my first crack release here.

I cracked the VanillaBotter Sofware.


Steps to crack :


1. Download VanillaBotter  here : 

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2. Download my patch for VanillaBotter  here :

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3. Overwrite and replace the original Vanilla Botter.exe with the patched .exe !

4. Start the .exe and type and name and any password , you can login anyways!



UPDATE ! = The second link (the patch) now contains a cracked .exe that does NOT require a valid account , just type anything to login!





10770Sun, 06 Sep 2015 00:27:55 +0000
New Warden Module the new Warden Module that triggered tripwire and seems to have buddyteam scared


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5227Mon, 28 Jul 2014 02:13:59 +0000
Tukui Client (2460) !

Since alot of people are asking for this, here we go !




- Replace the original exe with this one.

- Login with any username.

- Profit !


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9072Fri, 27 Mar 2015 20:13:04 +0000
[How to] Buddystore with CDPatcher have been the case for the past few weeks, most buddystore products are streamed to the HB client upon logging in, this is indicated in the HB log by "Please wait while initializing buddystore products". Initially this took a while for you CD users because we were automatically streaming all products to every single user, without the ability to pick. 


This has now been resolved, you will notice that when you log in to HB now, you have no products or profiles available. This is because you must pick which you want yourself, you do this by visiting the

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where you got your key, and click the "

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" tab. In here, you can checkmark the products you would like to enable for your user, once done, login to HB and these products will be streamed to you.


Please note that the same products are available to VIPs as to normal users, no one gets special stuff at this moment. 


Please note, the products which are listed on the CDStore page are those that are available. If something is missing from CDStore but is available at the original store, or if something on CDStore is outdated, please request it in the Buddystore request thread, found

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. Do NOT use this thread for requests, but use it for general questions and concerns about the store.


As a last note, BGFarmer will not appear on the store at this moment. We have explained that users that have bought BGFarmer legitimately will be able to use it, this is still the plan but requires a little more work  to the current store system, we are working on this but please note it is not ready as of now.


Now go enable stuff!

5843Tue, 09 Sep 2014 18:02:22 +0000
[Release] TukUI Client


Download Link: 

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Virus Scan (heh): 

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Description: The Tukui Client is built to help you manage your addons that you've downloaded from the Tukui website. It also includes an auto-download feature for premium codedeception members! 


Instructions: Unrar. Replace old exe with new exe. Login with any user/pass.




4939Fri, 27 Jun 2014 11:56:34 +0000
[Release] Soapbox Rotations



Soapbox Rotations

<Last update: 15.11.2015>





Soapbox Rotations are profiles that will cast your rotation automatically for you to maximize your DPS output. Not only have we done the work to implement the perfect rotation, but we have applied logic that will allow for the rotation to function flawlessly, being able to execute complex priority systems at the most optimal time based upon energy, mana, chi, and health of your character. Now you can focus on leading your raid, or staying out of fire while performing in the top 5% of players.
Why Soapbox Rotations?
Using a custom event engine, the Soapbox Manager Utility takes all available information about your current surroundings and character state to make the most optimal decisions, multiple times per second. Soapbox Rotations has taken an advanced method to create a utility that will enable you to allow it to automatically execute the class profile you have purchased. The rotations themselves are not just “rotations”. They function in and out of combat, and in various changing environments within encounters to constantly adapt to changing situations to sustain critical decision making past that of the mind itself. It is also very simple to set up and run, with a download and a log in you will be up and running in no time! So sit back and relax, we’ll take it from here.




Name: Soapbox RotationsVersion: - not available -Vendor's website: 

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  • Start SRManHiJackGui.exe
  • Click 'Start Monitoring'
  • Login with your Nulled.IO credentials into the SoapboxRotations-Manager
  • Start Wow under -->64bit<-- mode
  • Attach Soapbox once you're ingame
  • Enjoy

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Read the instructions!
8158Wed, 21 Jan 2015 09:58:28 +0000
[Release] WRobot

Hey guys I decided to crack WRobot yesterday so here you go.



Launch WRobot Auth.exe and then launch Wrobot.exe and use any key.



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WoW Version



Bot Version



Virustotal analysis

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2225Sun, 04 Aug 2013 10:42:16 +0000
[Release] AnthraxBot v5656.33459 - Updated June 30 2015 is free for the summer, and this crack is therefore defunct for the time being!


enjoy it while it lasts!

6435Tue, 21 Oct 2014 19:10:13 +0000
[Release] WarCrawler is the Warcrawler Bot for World of Warcraft?


Warcrawler is a program which automates the whole gameplay in World of Warcraft. You can go to school or work while your bot is doing the annoying things. It can do leveling, fishing, archaeology, gathering and so many more tasks.


Version 0034g

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This is an experimental release, it might not work properly please report back!

4853Thu, 19 Jun 2014 13:25:41 +0000
[Release] TheNoobBot (6.1.2) (Currently non-functional) is the perfect WoW Bot for quick leveling & farming in official World of Warcraft realms. The project was born back in 2011 and has been available to the public since 17 February 2012 as a beta. 6 months later moved into stable release. It has been continually updated ever since.


Link to the official site

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Windows 8 support

This application support all Windows versions from WinXP to Win8.
Easy Setup
TheNoobBot products will suggest their optimized usage settings. See

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Unlimited Sessions

This release is Free and have unlimited sessions and no time limit!
All-in-one WoW Bot
Quester, Grinder, Gatherer, Battlegrounder, Archaeologist, Damage Dealer, Healer, etc.



WoW version:


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4606Fri, 23 May 2014 09:04:13 +0000
[Release] Erus - Mmolazy


Finally got some free time, here is a cracked version of Erus don't know if anyone still uses this bot, but still I figured I'd post it.



Launch Erus.exe and enter any key



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WoW Version



Virustotal analysis

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5392Fri, 15 Aug 2014 11:00:35 +0000
WarCrawler Premium v0034g Universal Patcher [0x22]
This patch may work for future releases of WarCrawler as well
1) Place WarPatcher.exe in the same dir as WarCrawler.exe
2) Run it.
3) Click "Patch"
4) Open WarCawler.exe
5) Enter any license information

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PS: Disable AV because patcher might make AV suspicious as it injects into WarCrawler.exe to patch it. In other words, false positives.
Have a good day.

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5224Sun, 27 Jul 2014 19:41:09 +0000
[Release] ReBot - WoD (latest version) people, after seeing some demand for a cracked version of ReBot I decided to give it a go. Took me round about 15 minutes, on which I spent 10 minutes on fixing TLS related stuff.

{ #=qLa5??? typeof(void) 0x444 }< brtrue.s 96 //Invert the List.Contains()> brfalse.s

{ #=qS??? typeof(bool) 0x5 } 0 ldc.i4.0 //Push 0 on the stack1 ret

{ #=qTg??? typeof(void) 0x248 }0 ret
  • Stopping the bot is not possible because of the patch. Simply restart the bot, excuse me.
  • The bot will throw exceptions unless World of Warcraft is open and a character is ingame, ignore them.

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  • Mirror = 

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7253Fri, 05 Dec 2014 14:34:56 +0000
[Release] WRobot (6.0.3)

More info:

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Change Log:

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We support all Windows versions from Win XP to Win 10.


Required programs on your computer for running WRobot:
- Download and Install:

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, Redistributable

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(X86) and

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(4.0 X86).

8433Sat, 07 Feb 2015 13:39:53 +0000
[Release] TukUI Client,


initially made this for myself - then saw a topic on CD with an outdated version and someone asking for an updated so I decided to release the newest version.




Version: TC2460 (latest version as of 05.01.2015)


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Have fun!

7940Thu, 08 Jan 2015 08:02:30 +0000