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13883Thu, 08 Jun 2017 23:18:46 +0000
Private hack Hello guys. It is no secret that the "popular" hacks (wont mention any names but you can imagine) is all about making money.

Botting, hacking, abusing this is a temporary thing, it will never be permanent as long as you are using the popular products, you will get banned! In every game the case is the same, but the big secret is that in ALOT of games top players are using private hacks/cheats, exploits etc.


I'm looking for people with knowledge about private cheats as I'm interested in cheating on a professional level in few different games that im experienced in. And obviously as these providers know there is a great price.

PM if you know anything please.


13875Tue, 30 May 2017 22:31:37 +0000
Demonbuddy Key Im in search for a demonbuddy key because germans cant buy those would pay back with paypal i look for the one month for 13 euros

13829Fri, 14 Apr 2017 13:18:02 +0000
Dungeons 2 For Free

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13868Fri, 12 May 2017 03:38:02 +0000
Robotz in disguise crack? (07scape) Does anyone know of a cracked version of RiD's Genenis software?

13848Mon, 01 May 2017 13:32:13 +0000
CDstore in HB paid It is possible to use the CDstore in paid HB ??

13805Wed, 15 Mar 2017 01:13:05 +0000
Not working anymore? Hey all I took a long break from WoW and I've decided to give HB a try but it seems like it isn't working anymore, is it? 

I've downloaded the CD Patcher and I've downloaded HB. I ran CD Patcher and pasted my login key there but I get a message that I can't run HB on my location (I'm from Germany).

Any suggestions?

13803Sun, 12 Mar 2017 21:42:41 +0000 - Vanilla (1.12) Private Server

Your 1.12 Private Server


Hello everybody !

I was working yesterday on setup a little World of Warcraft server. And the good thing is... that is running ! :D 

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So what ?

You can register an account on the website. Download the game and let's play with us !


You can report issues/bugs here. You can also create a ticket ingame. We can also provide support on the CodeDeception's Discord, on the #wow_server channel.

How to be ready for the D-Day ?

You can already download a client here :

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Magnet links

And set your like this :

set realmlist


Come with us ! 

13764Mon, 30 Jan 2017 20:36:21 +0000
HB key for a token Dear all,

I have a honorbuddy key that is still valid for another 28 days, but i would like to trade it for wow token. If there is anyone willing, hit me up :*

13785Sun, 19 Feb 2017 11:48:04 +0000 - Open Plex Server

Your TV Shows Plex Media Server



Hello everybody and welcome here. As few of yours knows, i'm working on a Plex server that could be accessible to everyone.

After many hours spended to looking for good settings, the server looks ready to be officially "released".





TV Shows only.

720p/1080p only (exept for old episodes).

HDTV / WEB-DL only.

Everything is re-encoded to MP4/AAC with 2000kbps max bitrate to be streamable on every internet connection.

The new episodes are available on average three hours after their release.

English, French, German, Italian, Spanish subtitles downloaded automatically.

Request page available here :

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Cylae's Plex page :

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TV Shows currently available : 49.

Number of episodes : 839.

Updated the 9th January 2017.


How to apply and how it works ?


To apply you have to be a Member.

First, to apply, you have to create an account on website. Then you can give me your Plex username so I can invite you.

It's open to everyone.

If you're experiencing issues you can ask for help on the

Please login or register to see this link.

channel on the CodeDeception Discord server.

Of course, rent a server isn't free. If you enjoy the service you can help me by giving something here : 

Please login or register to see this link.


Keep in mind that I will not be able to keep the service online if you don't help me.


I really hope you will enjoy this and don't forget to give me feedback ! :party:



Have a nice day ! 

13717Mon, 26 Dec 2016 01:35:18 +0000
Gladiator suite or gohandsfree? Aside from the safety aspect and all that, wich on is better?
Anyone played both CR's?

13160Wed, 15 Jun 2016 20:06:07 +0000
So, is CD dead? Greetings everyone. Whoever is left of you.

So after I quit botting (technically second time). The thought of coming back started haunting me and I had to do some research on what's going on these days. To be honest. I'm really confused right now. It looks like CD is not supporting HB, I think?

So are they planning for a come back? Or already dead and I should move on? Or maybe even working and I'm just a confused fool.

Please don't jump at my throat for my question. I can't believe I'm saying this but If my question somehow "angers or offends" you. Just move along and don't respond.

Thanks =) (I miss suspense btw!)

13736Sat, 07 Jan 2017 19:38:54 +0000
Soapbox or xen hey i want to  buy soapbox or xen..which is better? anyone have experience with ?

13762Thu, 26 Jan 2017 18:02:29 +0000
Any Quest/Grind bots beside Hb working? Heya codedeception, ive got a quick question to make:


Do you know any somewhat properly working bots that can grind or quest a charackter from 10-100?

I've all classes except warlock and shaman to 100 or 110 right now and im just to burned out to just level or dungeon spam even one more toon .. i just really can't.

But well... its also not 100€ worth for boosting them ._.


hope you can help me and thanks in advance :)

13732Tue, 03 Jan 2017 16:06:15 +0000
How safe is to use HB nowadays? Hello Everybody,

I am back after long offline and want to start playing WOW-Legion. The question that I got is "How safe nowadays to use HB after Blizzard mass ban?". Can I use it for leveling and gathering some resources? Thank you beforehand!

13503Sun, 11 Sep 2016 05:54:11 +0000
72h Ban 72H ban today... was grinding not even bg.. and it's the final warning.. Am I damnd forever not to run HB anymore or there is some hope ?

81Fri, 22 Feb 2013 10:24:07 +0000
CodeDeception Discord Channel I've created an -unofficial- CodeDeception channel on Discord, you can join it with this link : 

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12761Thu, 07 Apr 2016 03:49:17 +0000
Wrobot Mesh prosim o zdileni odkazu na mesh verze 4.8.5 + new 

13714Fri, 23 Dec 2016 14:37:36 +0000
HUGE Christmas GiveAway - BuddyProducts - #Closed -closed/ Christmas is soon here and what is a better way to celebrate than to give away some BuddyBot keys? A total of 25 Keys will be given away. 

5x HonorBuddy Keys - 1x Session - Lifetime

15x Honorbuddy Keys- 1x Session - 1-10 years

5x DemonBuddy Keys - 1x Session - 1-10 years


Users EUlP00r.png & AD2D9FZ.png or higher are able to have 2 entries and therefore the ability to win 2 Keys!

You need to be a yjfTzrd.png or higher to enter the GiveAway, (5 Posts and +2 reputation)

Further Info:

To enter the giveaway just post in the thread, your post # will be your entry!

If your post # is drawn you will win one of the keys above and your post entry will be removed from further draws.

A new post containing all the winners & what they have won will be posted sometime on the 25th.

The keys given away can't be moved to your own buddy account, you will have access to the key only. 

As long as the thread is still open the giveaway is as well!

The 25 winners will be drawn on the 25th of December!





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13685Fri, 02 Dec 2016 16:57:45 +0000
Linux Total War - Warhammer - Who got it running? Hello,

my Setup:

Ubuntu 16.04

Intel Core 7
SSD m.2

After installing all missing libraries I could finally start the game.

I tried several graphic drivers (from 367.27 till 34x.something). Some are not even working with Ubuntu 16.04, because you get an invisible mouse bug - Sometimes I could not start the game at all.

I can start the game and see the campaign menu, but if I try to start a battle it crash halfway while in the loading screen. There was no real information why this happen, I even looked into the dump file. I googled and tried stuff for more about 4 hours and can not play this game.

If someone has an idea or could play this game under Linux, please share your experience.


Edit: Looks like 1080 is not support right now -.-



13703Fri, 16 Dec 2016 19:08:17 +0000
Safest option for rotation bot. Hi there.


What would be the safest option for rotation botting?

I want to create a cheap boosting service, and a rotation bot would help a lot. First I wanted to buy a grinder bot, but the recent ban waves are scary and I don't want to waste money. First I wanted to buy soapbox rotation, but they got hit recently. Can you guys give me your opinion, and experience on these rotation bots?


Please, and thank you.


13669Sat, 26 Nov 2016 02:44:02 +0000
VIPS benefits if i become a VIP member bot for d3 will work normally? thanks in advance

13670Sat, 26 Nov 2016 08:01:21 +0000
i cant start hearthbuddy

where problem?

13665Thu, 24 Nov 2016 14:49:48 +0000
Cryptolock, can I remove it? A friend of mine opened a mail from the postal office, clicked a link. He's computer got infected with Cryptolock, and all of the other computers on the network too. 


Do anyone know anything about Cryptolock, and possibly if it's removable?

13646Fri, 18 Nov 2016 08:46:57 +0000
honorbuddz invalid key Hey guys,

everytime i want to start my Honorbuddy with CD Patcher it says i've got an invalid key.. can anyone help me pls ?

13628Thu, 10 Nov 2016 12:41:38 +0000