How-To Guides Latest Questions Guides Latest Questionsen<![CDATA[[Guide] - How to use CDAuth, CDPatcher, CDStore & Buddy products]]> FAQ:

  • §0 Do I need VIP status to use CodeDeception?

No. Anything offered here that's not member contributed to the community (so any of the official releases) are completely free, VIP is merely a way to support what we do here, and in return for supporting us we give you the VIP status with a nice green name.


  • §1 How to become VIP?


  • §2 What is CodeDeception?

CD provides a service to use some buddy products for free. That means you do not have to spent any money at all. 
CD cracks buddy products, like Honorbuddy (all things in the Honorbuddy Store, too), Hearthbuddy, etc.


  • §3 Which products are currently working?

You can check here: 

Please login or register to see this link.

It could take some time to crack a new version for the buddy products. So please be patient, because the developers are doing this all for free and have other things to do in their life as well.
But usually they crack things pretty fast.


  • §4 How to use Honorbuddy, Hearthbuddy and other buddy products?

1. Download them from here:  #  Note: If you are from Germany, use a proxy to download the non-german version of honorbuddy.

2. Make sure you have all dependencies that the buddy product needs like .NET Framework 4 and Visual C++

3. Download CDAuth from here: 

Please login or register to see this link.

4. Start CDPatcher as Admin (It will rename itself with random strings for safety measures) .

5. Use VIP Auth. Do not close CDPatcher. - 

Please login or register to see this link.

6. Start the buddy product, if it asks for your authentication key, enter your key from here: 

Please login or register to see this link.

addition stuff for Honorbuddy:

7. For plugins, profiles, routines and botbases in the Honorbuddy Store go to

Please login or register to see this link.

and enable the products which you want. 
You have to restart Honorbuddy to get the new products.


If you have any request for the buddy store, go here: 

Please login or register to see this link.


  • §5 Something does not work.

Use the help and support section: 

Please login or register to see this link.

Please provide a .log, describe exactly your problem and what you already have tried to solve it by yourself.

13313Wed, 13 Jul 2016 20:44:18 +0000